Would you fly out to another state or country for pussy?

Would you fly out to another state or country for pussy?

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Only for Asian pussy

It's actually Asian pussy that awaits me, but I don't know, she's like a 7/10 at best

I already have, yes. I'm European and I've flown to the US for pussy.
American girls are much easier than European girls.

Was it worth it? Originality

im poor, so no

ive driven a few hours into another state for pussy but idk if id be wiling to do more than that for some random lay. maybe if i was richer

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It was worth it as an experience, sure. The girl was pretty hot. But financially, I wouldn't do it again. A US trip is really expensive. If i had to do it again, i'd fly to South East Asia instead..

Would you be getting pussy any other way faggot?

State, yes. Country probably not

State? No. Country? Yes.

But a chick did used to drive 200 miles to get me, to take me 200 miles back to hers for long weekends of sex at her dad's 2.5million quid mansion.
In hindsight I should have got with her properly because she's a millionairre when her dad dies, unless he already has and she already is.

I have a penpal in Cambodia, have flown out to visit her. Talk about a sex trip though, she was ok with me banging her mom and others as well. Was drowning in pussy during my visit.

>she was ok with me banging her mom and others as well

wtf? please go into detail user

would call you out on larping but it being Cambodia makes it somewhat more believable

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I knew a guy in a chatroom who drove like 600 miles to be with an underage girl. And when he arrived, she broke up with him.

Unironically just spit my drink out laughing. I don't know why I found this so funny. Poor guy

I've actually detailed it before here, some might remember.

She lived with her mother and when I was there she asked if I had any interested in also doing stuff with her mom. I wasn't sure to what extent she meant by that but said sure, turned out to be full on sex. Mostly it was me and my penpal and her mom on the side, but over the course of my stay I also got to go with my penpal's friend, her mom's friend, and a delivery girl I became friends with. For frame of reference I visited and was living with them for five months.

>For pussy
>For actual gf that i care about and that cares about me

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Of course. Sex tourism is one of my life goals.

no because I'd be afraid I wouldn't be able to get a boner when I got there

Did you dump loads in them raw?

Maybe state, not country

I'm afraid I'd cum in seconds

Yep, whenever I could. They were either on BC or didn't care, and never stopped me. To my knowledge no kids resulted from any of it.

I convinced my parents to let my Russian gf who I'd never met before come with me on a family trip to the Dominican Republic. It was too much fun

I'm pretty sure there was a fembot who'd fuck me if I could have flown out to her but I didn't have the money