Fucking Christ what is wrong with people? The replies in this are horrible and they call is the monsters

Fucking Christ what is wrong with people? The replies in this are horrible and they call is the monsters

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That's it. I'm fucking sleeping. Lucky Allah made me live in Turkey. Western people are degenerate. Look at all these replies. I hope Turkey will never get modernized.

its shit, but those women are right. if they wanna get their unborn child butchered at the clinic, they will.

Western women specifically. Enabled by weak western men

Please nuke us Iran. Please end the west.

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based and ottopilled

why bother? at this rate it will collapse on itself.

top zoozle, get fucked normalfags

I don't concern myself with the world of normalfags.

I dont want to live any more, I dont want this to exist any more. Fuck this, fuck women. I'm going gay, who wants to pair bond and have a loving robot pair bonding but gay?

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look at these side effects, the severe ones


you can literally bleed out and have a slow death


i bet people think you just get the baby succed out of you with a vaccum or something

>going gay
shit dont work that way faggot

>hole in uterous

I'd rather try than even be attracted to w*men

wow those side effects are nasty

just take the pill?


You guys are just edgy and contrarian as hell combined with hating women. Nothing is wrong with abortion infact is a necessity. The world (america) would be a lot worse if abortion was illegal thats just a fact if you cant realize that youre simple minded. Imagine all those unwanted and foster kids growing up? You think theyll be productive citizens or criminals and losers

reminder most abortions are by poors/blacks that dont want their kids so pro-life literally means pro crime and pro unwanted children

>be "robot", apparently
>still getting your knickers in a twist over what breeders do
>getting upset about muh unborn fetuses

fuck off back to r/incels or Jow Forums

yo i dont even care about all that. i just think the abortion surgery is disgusting. just take the abortion pill

Your more likely to die from complications from pregnancy than you are from an abortion

haha yeah, glad we live in the west where children are always loved and cherished and never neglected.
Here's your (You) faggot.

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You're more likely

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Dunno why they didn't talk that through at home or such
It is a pity that woman has complete control over pregnancy tho.
Man wants baby, woman doesn't = Woman gets her way
Man doesn't want baby, woman does = Woman gets her way

It's kinda understandable as it's ger body and that shit is huge gray area. Still husband should also have a space to say if he wants to keep the baby or not.
Also, use condom and communicate.

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Father is not affected by abortion, he's sperging about a fetus, it's pathetic behavior

either way. shitsux

Women do NOT deserve to have control over their bodies because they are inherently irrational creatures whose desires if left unchecked will destroy the civilization that men built.

You havent even offered a solution. What do you think of abortion proven to lower crime rate? Do you even care about tangible ideas or do you just think with feelings as a result of your lack of female companionship

thats not how it works either. lets just all agree that shitsux

Lmfao breeder cucks

When did this board get riddled with normalfaggots anyway? Not all life is precious. Sorry moralfags, sorry christcucks, but it's true

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>abortion proven to lower crime rate
what a load of shit that is.

Honestly, I just think whether pro life or pro choice, these replies are just fucked up. Really shows how these people are

People say women are the more sensitive sex and then they act like this. There's about 40 replies to this comment of women posting gifs going "yasssss queen" about not feeling anything

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All pro-lifers should be aborted instead of fetuses.

They just think doing/saying the exact opposite of the liberal character theyve created in their heads makes them intelligent

Broken young men with no purpose are easily controlled its just conservatives got to them first

ya. they probably think hes a bitch for crying like that. it only reaffirms her choice to abort.


>You havent even offered a solution.
Deport all niggers. I guarantee you it will lower the crime rate if thats what your after my r*ddit american friend.

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What's stopping that guy from finding a woman who actually wants a kid, and creating one with her?

Most whores dont want a kid


In the first world, hating women/being a nazi/being a Bible thumping hardcore christcuck is the most contrarian thing one can be, so they want to be just that, to troll those fucking normies epic style :- DD

nothing i suppose.


I really hate the state of men

-t.incel with no social life who doesn't speak to women other than the gas station clerk and his mom

source :his ass

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i knew it. i called it

dam theres no other way. they wanna be scared of you, or they dont respect you

It won't happen, no matter what the bernie fags say we're far too rich, fat, and lazy for any kind of collapse.

He legitimately sounds like he has a mental disability and his faggot family coddles him and encourages his pathetic behavior.

Why's he crying over this single mom roastie anyway? Because he's an enabling white knight retard trying to save dumb cunts and then begs and sobs for sympathy and validation like a roastie when his retarded behavior blows up in his face. The whole thing is sickening.

hes crying cus hes really sad.
it wont, as long as we keep democrats out

this, if he really cares about human life so much why not donate his paychecks to starving african children instead?

cus he wanted his own child.

>a bunch of guys who are never going to have sex are mad because guys who just want to keep a woman who's not interested in a relationship stuck with them for the next two decades say they would take care of a baby

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and maybe the fat cats will be the last to collapse. but poorfags grow in number every day and things are getting a little desperate. lets see what happens

i dont even understand this post

Men cry when their kid dies

women cry when a homo character on game of thrones dies

men fear death because they will never have a family/ see them again, or see their friends again

women fear death because they will never take cock again never post a low bit sassy twitter gif or post her ass on Instagram again

Unironically have coitus incel

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awful post. women just dont want to raise the child of someone "unworthy". that woman decided that he wasnt worthy to be a father long before she ever walked into that clinic.


>hates blacks
>but hates abortion when that's is what keeps their population from rising above 13%
What did dumb frogposter mean by this?

>Wtf I love Muslims now
This comment was not original

abortion isnt free tho. look up the side effects

Holy fuck im generally supportive of abortion but what the fuck are those comments
Everyone immediately acts like hes faking or he raped her. People went to rape and fake before the idea that it was 2 adults having consensual sex
What the FUCK guys, i thoufht clownworld was just a meme.

I don't hate anyone fren. Least of all my dusky amazonian goddesses :^)

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ive explained it - his crying only hardens them. they think "hes crying like a child, hes unworthy". shitsux

>"m-m-m-m-m-muh b-b-b-body"
>"m-m-m-m-muh c-c-c-c-choice"
>but it was his sperm
>"uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaannnnnddddd??????????????"

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Not like I'm ever going to get a girl pregnant or have sex in general. I could give less shits than an African niglet biting dry ostrich bones

another entitled man baby, if she doesn't want it then he should accept that, its her body after all, not like he can carry it in his body after all.
The world is over populated anyways.

Fetuses don't have emotions. They're basically like insects until the brain develops enough. I feel bad for the dude though, and seeing all these bitches make fun of him actually gets me incredibly mad. I can actually feel my heart heat up in anger

>but it was his sperm
Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you just genuinely retarded?

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sperm replenishes in lets say.. a week for a fully potent load.

women have to nurture the child for almost a year with no breaks, as it swells from growing inside of her, supported by his/her mother's lifeforce. then when the child is ready to be born, he/she painfully rips out from her womb, from her vaginal canal tearing his/her mother's tissue causing extreme pain and permanent changes to the mother's body.

i was explaining why he was upset. donating to african children is not comparable to raising your son and/or daughter.

entitled? yea.

maybe they shouldn't have fucked him

Maybe he shouldn't have cummed inside a woman who'd make his baby into a meat smoothie for laughs?

Seriously, men crave the abuse of stacies.

i suppose. wait at least a year before sleeping with him?

no. what we -crave- is her company. "abuse" is because Stacey gets bored

A woman would do this. I believe it.

Do not impregnate a woman unless you are sure she loves you.

you do know abortion before 120 days is allowed in islam and the turkish government spread this rumor that its haram because they wanted to increase their population?

Some scholars argue 40 or 80 days but abortion has never been completely haram in Islam. its argubly makruh and is haram after 120 days but abortion being sinful is a christian thing that turks borrowed from


self-hating feminism apologist

loaded meaningless buzz words

cognitive dissonance connoisseur

>Do not impregnate a woman unless you are sure she loves you.
You mean do not impregnate a woman unless you are sure you are a stable provider so she tricks you into thinking she loves you

what bothers me more is the comments than the actual video. why are these women so incredibly hostile towards men? They're just awful and cruel. They are not nurturing or kind at all, how incredibly unattractive.

The thing is, if some woman is so soulless and cold hearted that she is willing to abort her baby, honestly I would rather she does it. Its probably better that baby isnt born than it grows up with a shitty mother like that.

more buzzterms

>nurturing or kind
kek user maybe a house on the prairie too ? dont get me wrong theres still nice girls but its no longer an ideal. and chad is very happy about that

Twitter echo chamber lad. This is what 80% of females are like. I cant wait until the population drop in 1st world countries is drastic because men buy sex dolls to replace women

Imagine if it wasn't even his kid.

>conservatives are pro-life
>liberals basically want us to not exist
wow can someone in this thread solve the mystery of how conservatives got these lost souls first? truly they must be using some kind of advantageous brainwashing mechanism.

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Oh I see the feminist "have sex" fags have derailed my thread. I meant to look at the comments you fucking dumbasses. Its full of vapid women that hate the guy and betas siding with them. This isnt about pro life or choice, its about these horrible comments

Christ I hate women so goddamn much. Theyre sociopaths
>its her body, she chooses what she carries in it
>if she doesnt want too then thats her choice

That aside the guy is a retard for not tarping up. If people arent willing to accept the consequences of their decisions then they shouldnt be out there fucking people.

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Not gona lie, Im only picking a side of pro-life because it goes against the left. I actually dont care about abortion, I made my ex gf get one so as much as a degenerate sociopath as the left. THAT ASIDE. I dont think women should have any rights or choice. Our society needs to continue and women need to accept their role.

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Less than 6% of women even use twitter. Every girl I ever met says that abortion is terrible, even though some people should have the right. Heroin addiction is terrible but many people think opioids should be legal

Everyone in this thread who doesn't support abortion is delusional. What if that father is a rapist? The kid would just grow up to be a robot. Do you really want to force women to give birth to worthless trash?

>Less than 6% of women even use twitter
Yes of the entire human population on average.Majority of western degenerate sluts in the US and Europe use it and they all think the same way.


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No, its less than 6%. If you know any girls who actively use twitter you are the retard. Good luck

feels so good so see that incel begging. her body her choice. if she wants to kill your baby she will

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i unironically support abortion because people are fucking terrible and we don't need any more of them, especially from the idiots who need to get an abortion in the first place

No matter how hard you try you cannot force this stupid fucking wojak

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>Everyone who posts this wojak is the same person
Take your meds

Not a great idea to have this opinion on r9k. Most people here are black muslims

Based. Women who get abortions aren't fit to be mothers anyway

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