Was he, in an utmost original way, based?

Was he, in an utmost original way, based?

Attached: unabomber-ted-kaczynski-feature-1012208660.jpg (1200x869, 116K)

>blowing up people

yo is that mr. krabs

reminder that ted kaczynski wanted to transition to female but when his doctor questioned him about it he became upset and left

How about no

>genius level IQ
>get caught because you're too smart in your writings

so he was basically a nu-robot/discord tranny?

Yes. Plus Jow Forums + /lit/ + Jow Forums, in an originalllly essential nutshell.

He was Offline Jow Forums and that's why people find him based.

but /lit/ doesn't actually read irl and Jow Forumsacks are too scared to act on what they are saying, also Jow Forums is a bunch of literal trannies

Incredibly based and uber-redpilled.

Attached: kaczynski_redpills.png (1200x1620, 152K)

No, he was a retarded tradfag.

not sure if its the word you are looking for, he was pretty smart after all

>blowing up people who are referenced in footnotes for technical papers because their work was important to advance the industrial society you are rejecting
You have to at least admire this level of autism.

Attached: [bonkai77] Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - 08 - Fake Food [1080p][x265].mkv_snapsho (1920x1080, 123K)

>kikes and faggots

He blew them up because he correctly identified them as jewish marxist influencers in academia. You can write him in prison any time you want, he will always reply.

>jewish marxist influencers in academia
This has literally nothing to do with his manifesto you racially inferior Jow Forumsnigger.

elongate please, asking for a friend of course

Just go read his manifesto, it's easily accessible even for brainlets.

mildly redpilled but very unbased desu fampai

>You can write him in prison any time you want, he will always reply.
I think he meant that part desu senpai

You can't eat your cake and have it too.

>I think he meant that part desu senpai
If he can't find out how to write to Kaczynski, he really has not good reason to correspond with the man. He's too much of a brainlet.
Just a bit of googling and he would find out.
Reminder that all the letters are read before they get to him, so don't write stupid shit.