Imagine living through your entire life from infant to adulthood and by the time you're dead the only thing that you've...

imagine living through your entire life from infant to adulthood and by the time you're dead the only thing that you've left behind for the world is this fucking photograph

Attached: 3XJWN6EREII6TFLKRDBJDK24HA[1].jpg (1484x1006, 132K)

What happened? What has happened here? Context

Some idiot in dallas decided to shoot up a courthouse, killed no one, and got domed by a security guard.

Would've been worse for him if he survived.

everyone seems to be having fun flaming his corpse though. I'm sure more people would have had more fun if he survived that 360 noscope by a rent-a-cop, haha

Why the fuck didn't he pull the mask over his nose? Jesus Christ

The universe conspired to make the goofiest picture of a "shooter" imaginable, seriously he's begging to be turned into a virgin/chad pic, assuming it hasn't already happened.

The glasses.

Original post seal of approval.

Like honestly though, every aspect of this photo seems to be perfectly lined up to convey "I'm really nervous and I have no idea what I'm doing," The way his feet are positioned, his posture, the terrified look on his face, the way he's holding the gun and the extra mag, it's all there. This is like something you'd find on Shutterstock under the title of "nervous terrorist" or something.

stop spreading disinfo it was a center mass sternum shot and the pic of his body is available

air blows up into the glasses when the mask is behind them

>air blows up into the glasses when the mask is behind them
and causes fog**

When I go postal Im gonna make sure to livestream it so it looks like a vidja. Based aussies with the based bantz as always.

Attached: wontdoanythin.png (1219x676, 926K)

Yeah, I was browsing more threads, and figured that one out.

He definitely didn't know what he was doing. He shot into the front doors of the building from the outside then proceeded to get shot 3 times by some security, from what I've been reading.

This is why you shoot up gun free places like schools, malls, clubs, and daycares, kids.

Attached: tumblr_pt4xcmNXTh1wdjzdp_540.jpg (500x512, 86K)

being watched by others is scientifically proved to enhance performance greatly.

when I saw his pic I immediately thought of a "the virgin X vs chad Y" meme with him and this guy

Attached: Header_2241912_16.9-1024x575.jpg (1024x575, 106K)

could you post a picture of his corpse i really want to laugh at him

Chad Tarrant vs Virgin Clyde

I guess i better add text to this post

Attached: not oc.png (720x520, 529K)

I bet he was rock hard for the whole thing.

Attached: 1553537200678.png (800x640, 326K)

Reminder this is what all Jow Forums posters look like IRL

This whole thing has false flag written all over it.

do all Jow Forumsfags look like quarter jewish mutts resembling the notorious tranny bum driller shmuel hyde?

>untied shoelaces
>rick moranis glasses
>holding firearm by the barrel
>once attack starts it lasts on 5 minutes before shooter is dead + nobody else injured

Hey man, nice shot.