If Jow Forums is about OC according to invaders then why the fuck do we have the same thread every goddamn day?
Checkmate. Its time the mods and jannitors did their jobs.
If Jow Forums is about OC according to invaders then why the fuck do we have the same thread every goddamn day?
Checkmate. Its time the mods and jannitors did their jobs.
Actually, it's exactly the airless oppression your image expresses that has reduced this place to its current state. Early in the board's history, before it became a refuge for outcasts, it was actually funny and interesting because regular posters had lives and did shit outside their rooms.
>complain about the same threads every day
>spams this same thread that has zero substance whatsoever to the point to where there are 5 of them up at once
ok, retard
Remember to sage, newfags.
it's actually about gay and trap porn.
nobody except ONE PERSON complained about r9k's original purpose being warped
>it's exactly the airless oppression your image expresses that has reduced this place to its current state.
Dont tell me what my board is about you new fag degenerate.
>Early in the board's history, before it became a refuge for outcasts
Stop making up bullshit. Youve been here since lunch time, youre not fooling anyone
>it wasnt always a place for outcasts
Needs to be done.I know kikes like you love to spread your morale shattering propaganda 'you cant change it goyim'
No its not.
See pic related.
You got evidence to back up that bullshit?
kys faggot
>my board
easy autist
only my 14 years of posting around these parts, pardner.
So your logic is that spam is bad, you're against spam so you're spamming? I know this site is full of retards but this is reaching genuine absurdity.
>You've ever had CONSENSUAL sex
Good thing people are getting more considerate nowadays and appreciating people like me, who might not be virgin, but at least didn't get it through the bluepilled way.
I've been here since 1974 and I declare you a lying faggot.
i recognized you by your hands when you posted on /b/ before your flight took off for thailand.
what up?
>Board hasnt existed that long
That may be really impressive on such other boards as /a/ and /mu/ but Ive been here on this board religiously since it began.
>Dont tell me what my board is about you new fag degenerate.
Seems like you're the newfag here, newfag.
>Stop making up bullshit. Youve been here since lunch time, youre not fooling anyone
I mean, you can just look in the archives around maybe 2014 if I remember correctly. Or you know, look at memes from around that time. There's a notable absence of incel horeshit, which is exactly what you'd like us to swallow. You must return to reddit. I'm sorry Jow Forumsincels got banned but that's no reason to stay here.
*draddle spinning intensifies*
oh you are mistaken. now you did assume i was only talkin about r9k, naw yall. we all started on b
my dude 2014 is late. This was the hookup board in its earlier days before /soc/
Time for half measure sis over. You want to beat fire, you need to burn shit more.Deal with it. Simple fact these threads get deleted yet the r9gay one doesnt. Coincidence?
>Im a massive whore
>Seems like you're the newfag here, newfag.
Quality conjecture there newguy.
Wow yeah you are totally a veteran of r9k and are clearly qualified to talk about its history from your many many years here *starts crying* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
OP confirmed tin foil hat closet tranny, calling you a retard for spamming has literally nothing to do with jews.
>He unironically admitted that.
Closet tranny OP on suicide watch.
>Tranny shilling gets called out
I was giving 2014 as a time before this kind of bullshit. I've been using Jow Forums since 2004, but it would be impossible to explain the glories of that era to newfag redditors like you.
Its too late mate, we're not as sea so no amount of damage control will save you.
New fag.
>self hating tranny detected
>ill post memes!
>((((())))) calls user a "newfag"
I've been having this same argument for more than 15 years now, so let's cut the crap and get to the heart of the matter - no matter how you try and fight it, board culture changes. Jow Forums has no topic, so whoever posts the most good threads and good memes will, in the end, rule. I'm no more happy than you are to see the torch pass from virgins to trannies, but it's happening and soon you'll be a stranger on your own board, and they'll be accusing you of being a newfag for objecting to it.
>You want to beat fire, you need to burn shit more
You're going to shit up this already festering shithole? Wow, great idea. It's not like making an actual good thread to combat the spam isn't a possibility or anything. I guess the report button doesn't exist either, I've gotten a good deal rulebreaking posts removed just taking the 15 seconds out of my day to send a report. But alas, the deteriorated minds of this board would rather become what they claim to fight against, in their own bubble of absurdity. I suppose in all fairness, the people that gave a shit ahve already found new boards and even new chans.
>wall of text
Dumb jew
tfw i have some of the lewd vocaroos saved from the glory days of b on an old labtop
>already festering shithole?
If thats your attitude then why do you post here? Its a great board when theres no females, trannies, faggots and normies. You are the problem.
>If thats your attitude then why do you post here
Do I need a reason to? This board is objectively a shithole, fuck half the posts on this board including this one complain about the sorry state of the board. If everyone would just report and filter the faggotry polluting it instead of trying to play digital crusader and adding even more feces to the page as if they're doing anything then the board would be loads better than it is, but there are so many demographic fighting for superiority that it is just a big shitshow of AAAAAAAAAAAAA GIMME SAFESPACE. It doesn't help that people on this site deliberately feed blatant shitposts, the posters of this site have collectively dug their own grave because this is a problem sitewide.
>Do I need a reason to?
Yes. You dont post on /tv/ if you want to talk about music.
/tv/ isn't an offtopic board, and tell that to the guys who post CP on there. And in the end, you can post anywhere you want for when you want reason or no reason. No one here are post police. Any other weak blathering you have left in you?
But /tv/ like every other board on this website has owns unique axiom and culture. The simple fact is that yes /tv/ is a filma television discussion board but if you dont enjoy the same boring bat shit movies that most of /tv/ like then you re not welcome. Take Jow Forums, 100% of the threads have to do with over coming severe social anxiety by way of compensating with muscle. If you actually ask about fitness you get shunned. Every board has its own culturte built from the unique and uniting experiences of its users. Normies, trannies, faggots and females most of all do not git on on Jow Forums but due to the fact the board is controversial you are attracted to it like flies to shit. Also the fact most of you are jewish agents trying to subvert it because you know alot of threats to the ((system)) are radicalized here.
How do the people here jump from anime forums to Jewish conspiracies?