How much money do you neets and wagies have saved up? Trying to see how many of us actually have a future
How much money do you neets and wagies have saved up? Trying to see how many of us actually have a future
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Like 5 grand for me
You a wagie or neet?
3 grand, waging for 2 months so far.
Mid six figures (as a NEET, of course)
35k, no job
11g in the past two years of waging it up here
Holy fuck im in love who is this girl
around 80 grands, I've been working for 2 years.
OP where did you get that image
Zero. How do I save up money if I have no job? I can't get neetbux here cuz I live in shit country.
How can a NEET get 5 grand
its almost like she doesn't have a noise, fucking disgusting
She's beautiful user i dont know what you are talking about
its almost like she doesn't have a nose and the nostrils are just there on her face
is that a problem for you user
i think it's just beacuse of the pale skin
no that was intial thought when i first saw the picture, i can notice her noise after i zoomed in
i found the source
5 grand right now, though 1000 of that went to rent recently.
You just described every Asian ever
I got 10k in the bank
I have like 10 while being neet
literally 3k in total been wageslave for 5 years hahahahahahahaha just kill me
>10k savings
>no debt
>been in college for 5 years
Pretty good if I say so myself.
>Wagie for years
>Blow through all my savings because of medical bills this year
i have quite allot money and i get neetbux on top off that
I have about 55k maple dollars in savings/investments but no job currently
Have 27k in stocks and about another 12.5k in savings. I live on a kibbutz and have very little expenses, make about 51k USD equivalent.
Most of what I make goes in to stock options, I get paid bi-weekly and usually take 2/3 of my pay and divide that between stocks or my savings.
I think around 3k, either a little over or under. I've probably spent about $400 on frivolous shit the last few weeks and I havent bothered checking my bank account in a while
around -3000
27yrs old
21k Canadian in the bank
I don't really know what to do with my money aside from not spending too much