Hey, anybody wanna talk? Tell me what's on your mind
Hey, anybody wanna talk? Tell me what's on your mind
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to have sex with a girl, that's what
Find a girl and have sex it really isn't that hard user, if you don't want a slut or whatever then go find a nice girl become her friend make her super happy become her boyfriend and then have sex
I might actually get hired in the profession that I studied for.
Feels good man
I want to fix my sleeping schedule, but I just can't force myself to sleep unless I'm ABSOLUTELY tired. I always end up falling asleep at around 10 am and then wake up at around 4 pm. I'm wondering if it's a good idea to keep myself awake until it's 10 or 11 pm and sleep then, in hopes of fixing my sleeping patterns.
I'm happy for you, do you think you'll be okay with that job for a long time?
Yes I'm hoping to stay there forever honestly my job prospects are pretty shitty
That's what I would do, whenever my sleeping schedule is messed up I just stay up for a day or so and i can usually reset it
Want to commit a genocide
what kind of job is it? do you think it'll be hard or stressful?
make a new species and genocide them
Hello. Are those Maka and Crona in your pic? Very nice pic btw
How are you doing OP?
>Tell me what's on your mind
I'm a bit worried about a couple of things. First, exams start next week and I'll have to study extra hard because I've been feeling down the whole semester and ended up procrastinating a lot. Second, how do I know if I'm hallucinating? A couple of days ago, I felt like there were small bugs walking and itching all over me, but I'm not sure if they were there as it was dark and before that, I remember my brother saying something he didn't actually say. Is my brain just tricking me or should I get worried?
>Hello. Are those Maka and Crona in your pic? Very nice pic btw
Yes they are, and thanks have another one.
>How are you doing OP?
Not too great but it's okay because I'll get better eventually I think
>exams start next week and I'll have to study extra hard because I've been feeling down the whole semester and ended up procrastinating a lot.
That's okay, I procrastinate all the time. You're smart right? you'll do just fine, I believe in you
>Second, how do I know if I'm hallucinating? A couple of days ago, I felt like there were small bugs walking and itching all over me, but I'm not sure if they were there as it was dark and before that, I remember my brother saying something he didn't actually say. Is my brain just tricking me or should I get worried?
I wouldn't worry yet, I hear things that people don't actually say sometimes too. as for the bugs it could just be from worrying and stressing out too much maybe
i want a fren so bad, but i know ill start crushing on them and ill ruin it in the end. how do you cope with crushes?
>how do you cope with crushes
Sorry but I can't help with that, I've only had one crush and it ended horribly. You should try to make some more friends though, being alone is the worst
trust me i know, but i still have the issue of getting feelings easy. on top of that i cant ever really find anyone who likes playing the same vidya i do. only care about vidya because thats my only hobby
What vidya would that be?
feeling kinda down, missing my gf a lot. i get to see her in like a week though so thats good. i just ate chocolate
We didn't get enough Maka and Crona bonding in Soul Eater. The author's other manga is going to animated this season, do you plan to watch it?
>Not too great but it's okay because I'll get better eventually I think
Is there something going on for you or just having a bad day?
>You're smart right? you'll do just fine, I believe in you
I wish I was confident enough to say I am, but after all the past failed exams, I frankly doubt I am. But thank you for your encouragement
>I hear things that people don't actually say sometimes too. as for the bugs it could just be from worrying and stressing
I see, I guess there's still hope it was just a single episode
Trinkets, odds and ends, that sort of thing....
i usually just play normiewatch and pokemon. ill play blockgame sometimes tho
That's okay, keep trying and I know you'll find someone. maybe this user could be your friend?
Can you call her? that might help cheer you up
>We didn't get enough Maka and Crona bonding in Soul Eater. The author's other manga is going to animated this season, do you plan to watch it?
Agreed, I thought they were very sweet and honestly I'd watch something about just the two of them. I'm not sure yet, I haven't watched anime in a while now but maybe I should start again.
>Is there something going on for you or just having a bad day?
my closest friend is gone and I miss them very much, that's all
>I wish I was confident enough to say I am, but after all the past failed exams, I frankly doubt I am. But thank you for your encouragement
Bad grades and failed exams don't always mean you aren't smart yknow? maybe you were stressed or just not paying enough attention, or maybe you just don't have great memory, I'm not really smart but I can remember things when I try really hard so I usually got good grades
>I see, I guess there's still hope it was just a single episode
If it gets a lot worse you might need help but if it only happens every once in a while you should be okay.
oof 1 away from trips
>honestly I'd watch something about just the two of them
That would be nice, but only if made by someone else than the author. Soul Eater Not was kind of SoL-ish and it wasn't really good
>I haven't watched anime in a while now but maybe I should start again
What kind of did you use to watch?
>my closest friend is gone and I miss them very much
As insincere as it may sound, I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a close friend must be harsh. I hope you'll manage to get over this sad moment as soon as you can
>That would be nice, but only if made by someone else than the author. Soul Eater Not was kind of SoL-ish and it wasn't really good
I never watched Soul eater not, my friend told me it wasn't any good so I just didn't bother. I think it would be better from another author though
>What kind of did you use to watch?
I mostly just watched things my friends picked for me, lots of slice of life I think. I didn't always finish them though
>As insincere as it may sound, I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a close friend must be harsh. I hope you'll manage to get over this sad moment as soon as you can
That doesn't sound insincere, thank you for caring.
>I didn't always finish them though
Because you got tired of them or just because they weren't your kind of series
>That doesn't sound insincere, thank you for caring
Glad to see it didn't come off as insincere, I'm always scared of sounding cold writing this kind of thing.
I guess I should go back to study now. Thank you for talking with me. It's been a while since the last time I had a chat with someone and I felt like I really needed it
I spent last night watching some faggot from here stream, and now I kinda want to do the same, but I'm not sure I could take the bullying I'd get
Your exams seem to come in late, hope the existential nightmares aren't ringing too far in. How has your sleep been? What is the other manga called by the way (the one that is NOT Soul Eater)? Found the art-style really interesting and heard how butchered the anime gets later on.
Hello Crona-poster, you're so amazingly pure, really quite envious. Are you doing well so far? Thinking of how to get the maximum things done - read a book on long work-hours culture that stated the tendency of European countries to adopt strong approaches to "work intensity" over shorter shifts thereby ensuring that more work could be done in less time through fewer distractions, greater discipline and the like. Also read a book 'Alchemy of Happiness' by Sufi mystic Al-Ghazzani and the manner by which he compares one's administration over their own life to that of a government over a country really resonated - could never put it into words before. In that case will try to run my country as effectively as possible today! *hug*.
>Because you got tired of them or just because they weren't your kind of series
not because I got tired of them really, I just got tired of watching stuff alone I guess. it was always more fun to play games alone rather than watch anime alone. with friends it was nice though
>Glad to see it didn't come off as insincere, I'm always scared of sounding cold writing this kind of thing.
I have that same fear, I didn't feel like you sounded cold at all.
>I guess I should go back to study now.
Good luck friend.
>Thank you for talking with me. It's been a while since the last time I had a chat with someone and I felt like I really needed it
Thank you too, I also needed this. Sorry I started replying slow I've been up all night and I'm starting to fall asleep now, but I really did have fun.
You should try it, even if you get bullied just ignore them maybe? idk, it sounds like it could be a lot of fun if you can get over the mean people
*Al-Gazzali, sorry.
>Hello Crona-poster, you're so amazingly pure, really quite envious.
Hi hi hi, have we talked before? I feel like I know you or something. you posted in one of my threads before right? I was asleep already I think. also you seem pretty pure too, nothing to be envious about haha
>Are you doing well so far?
Not really but it's getting better I think, these threads are helping me a lot. >Thinking of how to get the maximum things done
What do you need to do today? have you tried making a schedule for yourself and sticking to it?
>read a book on long work-hours culture that stated the tendency of European countries to adopt strong approaches to "work intensity" over shorter shifts thereby ensuring that more work could be done in less time through fewer distractions, greater discipline and the like.
that sounds kinda depressing, rushing through work just messes with my head I think.
>Also read a book 'Alchemy of Happiness' by Sufi mystic Al-Ghazzani and the manner by which he compares one's administration over their own life to that of a government over a country really resonated - could never put it into words before. In that case will try to run my country as effectively as possible today! *hug*.
One of my friends felt that way about life, he said everyone is their own ruler/god and we all need to take care of our own worlds. It was always interesting to me and it seems like a very positive way to look at yourself. *hug*
Hello friend. Have you been doing well lately? I wanted to ask you about that wool trade stuff, but let's leave it aside for now.
>Your exams seem to come in late
Yeah, I have exams three times a year and engineering exams start always later than any other field
>hope the existential nightmares aren't ringing too far in
They are actually, but I guess this is not the right time to give in to existential dread
>How has your sleep been?
Have slept a bit less than usual, mostly because of mosquitoes. They seem to enjoy flying near my ears a lot. Are you still pulling your extreme sleep schedule as always?
>What is the other manga called
Fire Force or Enen no Shouboutai, if you prefer the original title
Can't really say much about the Soul Eater anime, but the ending wasn't really that great in the manga either. Still, Soul Eater was my first manga and I still think it's one of the best battle shounen made in recent times
I love that my boss doesn't give a shit about schedule and flexible work hours is actually a thing, but I'm procrastinating way too much
I want to have buttsex with a cute girl
tell your boss, maybe they can help motivate you.
find a cute girl
clannad picture user you have good taste
I'm trying to find one but it's hard
it's not that hard, just put in some effort
That's some atrocious advice.
I didn't say my advice was good, I'm neet
Post in your threads sometimes, they are rather wholesome. I've a huge spreadsheet to fill out and do, since I've made it I've been filling things out more and more other time (finding more efficient ways to complete activities on there and study more effectively. Its more 'work hard AND smart' then rushing really, I'm taking the summer to find better ways of time management and reading lots on the subject. Thank-you for the hug, I get really cuddly and clingy when its been sunny for too long.
Didn't think you'd get exams in late June, that does sound scary, want to teach me anything or write out any definitions/ formulas? It'd help us both I think. Mosquitoes don't sound so good, saw a thread on Jow Forums I think from some Finn complaining about them and it turns out they're all over Finland in the summer, who'd have thought?
I'm trying to get more sleep but end up getting little anyway - experimenting a little with different patterns and filtering out time sinks in my daily life so that I can technically 'save' time whilst getting improved sleep - last week slaughtered me on a physical basis, aha~
Is Fire Force much good? Looked at the pv and it didn't look like anything special though I do wish them good luck in making it.
Yeah, exams in June and July are pretty much hell
>want to teach me anything or write out any definitions/ formulas?
The thread is probably going to be archived before I can write something meaningful, but next time I'll teach you a couple of probability notions that can be useful for some real life calculations
>some Finn complaining about them and it turns out they're all over Finland in the summer, who'd have thought?
Really? I thought Finland would be too cold for mosquitoes, but I guess there must be a lot of humidity with all those lakes
>experimenting a little with different patterns and filtering out time sinks in my daily life so that I can technically 'save' time whilst getting improved sleep
Good luck with that. It will probably be difficult for you to find a satisfying balance, since you're always striving to do more and more
>last week slaughtered me on a physical basis
Lots of work? You did well and deserve a hug *hug*
>Is Fire Force much good?
Don't know, haven't read it. Actually, I forgot it even existed until I saw it in next season's schedule
Thank you. You seem to have pretty good taste as well. I love Chii's design
I wanna stop masturbating and go aoutside more. I try to do both but after like a wekk I always fall back into my old habbits
Exactly how bad is it to eat cup ramen each day? Like, will I actually die or irreparably fuck myself up if I only eat one per day? Everything I see online about this question only talks about the bricks. The cup ones have small amounts of vegetables and shrimp.
Sorry, I fell asleep for awhile I dunno if you're still here. Thank you btw.
>Post in your threads sometimes, they are rather wholesome.
Sorry, I fell asleep for awhile I dunno if you're still here. Thank you btw.
>I've a huge spreadsheet to fill out and do, since I've made it I've been filling things out more and more other time (finding more efficient ways to complete activities on there and study more effectively. Its more 'work hard AND smart' then rushing really,
You seem to work a lot and I feel you're pretty good at motivating yourself, it's hard to put in effort sometimes so I'm proud of you honestly.
>I'm taking the summer to find better ways of time management and reading lots on the subject.
That's good, just be careful not to spend too much time trying to learn how to manage time hah.
>Thank-you for the hug, I get really cuddly and clingy when its been sunny for too long.
No problem, I get real cuddly too, I just wish it could've been a real hug.
Target them back silly
I don't think the vegetables change much considering they're like dried, I'd apply the same stuff you read about the bricks to the cups honestly.
That sounds really kind of you, I'll make sure to bully you about them if you forget, ehe!~ Now that you mention it, does make sense for the lakes to be an issue in the regard. Had lots of traveling to do (went on a special training course and also visited family), went ice-skating as well, it all wore on my legs considerably. Are you watching anything at the moment? Really need to catch up on GTO and some of the current series.
There's something scarily DeviantArt about that image. It sounds cute that you have little naps like that, if I were your sibling I'd totally take pictures of you asleep and send them to you to make you get flustered! I'll try (nice pun as well!), been doing lots of cleaning and home decorating since I'm renewing my tenancy agreement - if all falls through I'll get myself a comfy tv and some cute oak furniture (over time, my income isn't THAT big). Do you get frustrated when you haven't been hugged for a while?
>Target them back silly
Wouldnt even know who to start with. Theyre everywhere.
>what's on your mind
my crush that rejected me a year ago
I've been stuck in complete social isolation for a long long time but I recently bumped into someone in a video game. We used to be friends way back in highschool as it turns out. He suggested that if I stream then I could meet people to actually talk too instead of strictly anonymous interactions.
I kinda want to. I have no one else. But being so far away from the general public has made me socially retarded. People don't say it since I try to be as polite as possible but that's just because I don't have any other way to express myself. Makes me anxious to actually turn on the stream even knowing no one will stop by. I am just not use to expressing myself
>I'll make sure to bully you about them if you forget, ehe
A-are you a bully? ;_;
I'll try to write down those notions and see if I have enough time before the thread is archived, but take them with a grain of salt as I've never explained math in english and I'm not the best person to explain math desu
>Had lots of traveling to do (went on a special training course and also visited family), went ice-skating as well, it all wore on my legs considerably
Intense week, but I guess you had lots of fun as well. I don't doubt that your legs felt sore. One day at the local comics convention was enough to destroy my feet, all that traveling must have been really tiring
>Are you watching anything at the moment?
I'm watching Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu and 3rd season of Yuru Yuri. I see why fans of the first two season don't like it as much. Too much focus on the SoL, Yuru Yuri should first of all be a comedy
Nice, are you watching the adaptation or reading it?
I always bully cute people with unstoppable hugs, I've got a notion that what you'll write will be quite exciting. I feel like I've aged 50 years over the course of last week, I don't want to move but alas have to progress in some aspect. How are your comic conventions? Ours are always overpriced and rather sad (I hear Birmingham does a good one though most I know pop over to Amsterdam for a real thing).
Aaaah I'm watching Bocchi too, going to watch some more tonight, I just want to see if it has that strip where she says the world is a tough place and weeps in bed or something. Nako is unexpectedly cute! What is 3rd season Yuru Yuri like? Never watched past the second season, is it more CGDCT? I'm watching the adaptation, to be honest I've never read a manga before.
Going to play some Lisa, found how I can set new alarm track and got one of the tracks from the game to wake me up: youtube.com
I just took some medicine (for my cold) and now I'm comfy in bed again so I should be able to respond more now, sorry if this is off topic but have you posted this picture before?
>There's something scarily DeviantArt about that image. agreed, I don't like that one very much but it was the first image I saw.
>It sounds cute that you have little naps like that, if I were your sibling I'd totally take pictures of you asleep and send them to you to make you get flustered!
I have to take a lot of naps or else I can't sleep well for some reason, like I'll sleep for a few hours during the day and then at night I can sleep for a long time. my siblings weren't great so I think I would've liked to have you as one instead, I'd definitely get flustered since I don't like pictures of myself very much.
>I'll try (nice pun as well!),
thank youuuuu
>been doing lots of cleaning and home decorating since I'm renewing my tenancy agreement - if all falls through I'll get myself a comfy tv and some cute oak furniture (over time, my income isn't THAT big).
that sounds nice, I hope I can get my own place and make it super comfy soon. I'd like to invite people over or something so I don't stay in my room all day.
>Do you get frustrated when you haven't been hugged for a while
maybe not frustrated but I do get sad sometimes, I haven't had a real hug in a long long time. do you get frustrated?
Just keep looking and you'll find them user, call them out and they might reveal themselves.
Sorry friend, rejection hurts a lot I know. try to take your mind off it
maybe ask him to stream with you? you could just talk and play games maybe while you wait for people to come chat, even if you only make a few friends I think it could help a lot
sorry, this was the picture I was talking about
I will never ask a girl out because i know I'll get rejected and I don't have the mental strength to handle it.
I might be ok the first few times but on attempt 3 there will be a good chance that I flat out start crying in front of her upon my rejection.
I'm self-aware enough to realize that I objectively dont deserve to have someone love me. So I've gotten used to the idea of living alone my entire life.
if you're afraid of rejection just try to get some friends (or just 1 friend) who is female and get close to her, you don't have to ask her out it might just come naturally yknow?
Oh yes, I posted that picture before - don't know why but that one always makes me feel melancholic. That sounds like an interesting situation in terms of sleep, how much sleep do you probably get a day then? Did your siblings have issues? Mine did in the past though my brothers are both pretty successful and my sister... well she's doing her best and I love her! Do you think real-life contact and intimacy would make you more alone? Personally I can't stand big occasions for that reason - there's temporary pleasure then the isolation hits you like a brick and you realize how alien it is really, for what others do on a daily basis is not only intangible to us though seems like behaviour that'd come from another universe. S-sorry for the tangent. Hope you are doing well and know that we care for you in the least~
Can you not warm up to them, gradually go out and eventually it become somewhat commonplace so that you barely have to ask them? I can't imagine people seriously confess.
>I always bully cute people with unstoppable hugs
I-I don't mind then, hehe
>I've got a notion that what you'll write will be quite exciting
As exciting as math can be I guess. Unfortunately, the thread seems to be moving down pretty quickly, but I'll try to finish it as soon as I can. Just for the sake of shortness, do you know about factorials and binomial coefficients? If yes, I could shorten the whole thing 3 lines
>I don't want to move but alas have to progress in some aspect
Come on, don't be lazy, it's good to move a lot once in a while I'm telling this to myself as well
>How are your comic conventions?
I've been to this comic convention for the first time this year, so I can't really make a comparison of any kind. The thing I enjoyed more was looking through used manga. Ended up buying some GitS volumes, but really wanted to buy Chobits. There were some neat things to do, but I was with people I didn't really know so we didn't do a lot of things. The price was probably adequate in the end tho
>Aaaah I'm watching Bocchi too
Only one ep missing ;_;
>Nako is unexpectedly cute
She really is, but I prefer the zannen
>is it more CGDCT?
Yes, but the thing the irritates me the most is that Ayano seems a completely different character because of it. Also, less Kyouko screen time
>Going to play some Lisa
Had started it a while ago and never got back to it, but it looks fun. That track is pretty nice. Any suggestion for listening to Modest Mouse? I remember liking one song from them in that one Rock Band game on PSP, but never really listened to them
>Oh yes, I posted that picture before - don't know why but that one always makes me feel melancholic.
I think you were in one of my threads sometime last year, you said something about wanting to be my sister and wanting to watch all the Pokemon movies together under a big blanket.
>That sounds like an interesting situation in terms of sleep, how much sleep do you probably get a day then?
around 12 hours I think, if nothing wakes me up I'll sleep even more.
>Did your siblings have issues? Mine did in the past though my brothers are both pretty successful and my sister... well she's doing her best and I love her!
we fought a lot when I was younger but things got better once we became adults, well I was still a teenager I guess but they were both in their 20s.
>Do you think real-life contact and intimacy would make you more alone? Personally I can't stand big occasions for that reason - there's temporary pleasure then the isolation hits you like a brick and you realize how alien it is really, for what others do on a daily basis is not only intangible to us though seems like behaviour that'd come from another universe.
it's hard being around people and it does make me uncomfortable sometimes if that's what you mean, but I still want at least one person to be there for me yknow? sure when they leave it'll be hard but while they're with me I think I'll be happy.
>S-sorry for the tangent. Hope you are doing well and know that we care for you in the least~
don't apologize, it's nice seeing what you have to say, it makes me feel comfy when I talk to you.
We probably will stream together. If anything just having him around will help my mental state. Maybe I can make a few people laugh. Slightly exhaling through their nose will be good enough too.
what are you going to be working as?
>I want to fix my sleeping schedule
Pointless and very difficult of you're a neet
you seem nice, you might not get viewers immediately but I think anyone who decides to watch will like you. you guys should make a plan for your streams before you start
'Course I know my binomials and factorials? I'm guessing we're going to see some pretty lengthy formulae? What's Chobits? I think some art student mentioned that its lewd or something. Aru seems quite popular, then she is probably the most original of the cast. Recommend listening to either 'This is a long drive' (you have to start listening around 2:20 A.M. though, sorry if that's specific) or 'Building Nothing Out of Something'. Granted it will put you in a depressive mood if you aren't in one already. Got any new music to listen to by the way? Revisited the Beta Band because I forgot all about them and seem to be getting hooked on them.
That was definitely me, reliving an old childhood memory. 12 hours sounds insane, do you not get dizzy or anything? I take it the past tense in regards to your brothers means that something tragic happened. Are there people close to you in real life?
I don't get dizzy, when I'm awake for awhile I get sad and then it's hard to sleep. the naps help me not think about stuff I guess, and I think my body has gotten used to them because I get very sleepy at certain times of day, I don't sleep 12 hours straight it's more like 1 or two hours early in the morning, a few hours in the afternoon and around 9 hours at night. my brothers are okay, Im not around them very often anymore but they're fine. I don't have any friends irl if that's what you mean, I live with family but I spend most of my time in my bedroom so I don't see them much.
>'Course I know my binomials and factorials?
Nice, it's already pretty lengthy as it is. I'll probably have to post it in a pastebin, I'm already at 1500 chars and I'm not done yet. The formulas aren't really that lengthy, but you might want to write them down on paper to understand them better. Latex syntax would be great in this case
>What's Chobits?
A pretty standard (and fairly lewd) romcom, by the authors of Cardcaptor Sakura. What's great about that is the art and, in particular, Chii the qt in the pic in I've already seen the anime adaptation and the manga was quite cheap there and I'm really regretting not buying it
>Granted it will put you in a depressive mood if you aren't in one already
I've been listening to Red House Painters lately, it can't be much sadder, right?
I'll check those songs out
>Got any new music to listen to by the way?
Hmm, let's see... not really new, but I've been wanting to suggest you Sweet Trip for a while, now that I think of it. You may have heard of them on /mu/. They only have two albums, one being great dream pop and the other one being a surprisingly great mix of shoegaze and glitch. Other than that, only various songs in compilations and soundclouds. Check out both the albums
Red House Painters? Really wanted to listen to them during my time on /mu/ though only managed to listen frequently to a couple Low albums. Sweet Trip is great, tried that other mix they made as part of that Halycon series ages back and that was surprisingly high-quality. The foreign character instantly reminds me of Dekomori whenever I see her. Chii looks cute by the way, would hug! Really should try to engage more with /mu/, feel like my knowledge has decayed significantly now that I've been off it.
I question how long my liver's got left given how much I abuse it with alcohol. It takes serious effort to get actually drunk everyday. I always feel tired. I do things out of habit or inertia, not because I actually want to or feel the need to do so. I got a relatively comfy life I can't really complain about but when you start to see the patterns everywhere it all crumbles and nothing remains.
I long for someone to hug me and tell me it's going to be ok, but I know full well it won't. It all feels like a slow race where I'm trying to beat time itself with my own pathetic attempts at self-improvement and self-harm at the same time. Time always wins, why bother in the first place?
you shouldn't drink so much, even though it feels useless you should keep trying yknow? I found someone after a long time and she helps a lot
I guess I'll end up suggesting you Red House Painters then, since you already know Sweet Trip. I've only listened to Down Colorful Hill and I must say that 24 is a pretty strong punch in the stomach if you ever feel like you're getting old. Also, it's been three days that I have Japanese to English stuck in my head
>The foreign character instantly reminds me of Dekomori whenever I see her
Sotoka is a very cute ninja
>Chii looks cute by the way, would hug!
To be fair, I watched the whole thing only because of her. Everything else about the show is standard, but she's great
>Really should try to engage more with /mu/
I would wait until summer is over tho. The discussion isn't really that great lately and summer only makes it worse. Sharethreads are still a safe spot of discovery tho
I keep going, don't get me wrong. I'd say I've made some decent health-related progress in the past few years. In other aspects, I just keep going, I doubt anyone could tell the heaps of doubt that cross my mind day after day.
Oddly, when I improve on one area, I regress in another. My need and tolerance are probably at the worst they've ever been.
And as far as finding a special someone... I've only really had one serious relationship before. It mostly gave me anxiety because I couldn't see it getting anywhere long-term.
maybe you don't need a romantic relationship then, I'm the same way I think. I just have a close friend who helps a lot and gives me attention and care I guess, we'll never date though we already talked about that
Finally done, as I said in a pastebin as it would take 3 posts to post the whole thing. I had to skip some preliminary things that would be necessary for theoretical matters, such as probability spaces, but I wanted to be as practical as possible
If there's anything not clear, feel free to ask
Now, I'm starting to feel sleepy. If I don't answer, it's because of that. In that case, take this as a "Good night, friend"
I hate alcohol. It caused me tons of unnecessary suffering.
I switched to coffee after sobering up, it's still technically a drug but a lot less people end up hospitalized over caffeine overdose than alcohol abuse. The people who OD'd usually drank energy drinks / shots or took too many caffeine pills.
The caffeine high is one of the few things I look forward to during the day - it wakes me up, makes me feel good about myself and it's socially acceptable.
Plus apparently it's good for you if you don't go full degenerate on it.
I need to go now, thank you to everyone who talked to me and I hope you all have a good day/night. and I'm very glad I talked to you again hug user, I'm sorry i did dumb things and went away for awhile, I hope you accomplished all of your goals last year.
Will listen to Red House Painters tonight then,quite excited to see how it goes. Will watch Chobits after Bocchi and GTO. Always found sharethreads to be better when archived, otherwise they're a little too unpredictable, usually I surf through charts on Rym to find stuff these days.Miss the days of Topsters chart-posting.
Hey, I've seen that pastebin content before - I recall when I downloaded loads of MIT PDFs or something on statistics in civil engineering and it was tonnes of formulas around Bernoulli. From what I recall its covered slightly in S2 of A-level maths (though unfortunately we didn't get that subject and I'd dropped out beforehand anyway). Can't wait to read and see what its fully about! Hope your sleep goes well, *pet* *pet* sleep tight friend!
Goodnight Crona-poster, hope your night goes well and is infinitely blissful! Make sure to do your best tomorrow!
i've always had a problem with falling in love with any reasonably attractive woman that shows interest in me, which is definitely something i need advice on fixing. i'm currently in a very stable relationship however, this could be it...