Is enlisting in the military a good way to get away from your oneitis(s) and your shitty family and smalltown bullshit...

Is enlisting in the military a good way to get away from your oneitis(s) and your shitty family and smalltown bullshit life?

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Yes but its hard work and people might actually expect something from you instead of a pity party that us robots are prone too.

No. While you're gone for 4 years (or more if Trump forces through with this shit in Iran), she's going to use Tinder and drive to the next county over for some dick.

Im saying to just get the fuck away from the whores you want that don't want you as well as fake friends bums drug addicts fucked up family members etc. Get away from the ones you "love" and just fuck army groupies at military base towns

I sure as hell hope so
T. Enlisting in a few months

Yeah, it's great. Imagine getting paid 70k/yr to be a norkboo.
That's my life.

>Is dying in a war a good way to leave your old life behind?


>every military job is going to mean you die in a war
I literally sit in a office listening to norks all day in Maryland.

Fort meade?


There's plenty of whores in the military. Most probable chance is that you're going to meet another oneitis who gets plowed by a bunch of Marines or EOD guys.

I work an office job.

I served in the IDF, time on base was shitty busy work and time in the field was miserable :(

Death marches in the Negev are fucking the worst, their is nothing fun about being in the military and the pay is shit.

Yup. Fucking sucks but it's better than being in Korea since they don't like norkboos like me.

Damn dude thats probably where I'll end up for MEPs if they let me in with my misdemeanor burglary charge

A good way is to grow the fuck up and just get over it. What are you 6?

Having a oneitis is retarded, if someone doesn't like you just get over it. It's literally not that hard, if it is then you need to stop obsessing over them like some kind of virgin. The more time you focus into hobbies and being a well rounded human being the more girls will want you/like you.

Meps is like two days. My tech school was about two years.

i have a brother and three cousins who are ex-military. the one who doesn't regret it was an airforce guy who they trained to do IT and met his big titted Korean wife while stationed. so he did pretty well.

the others were all army/marine grunts and despised it. two are now addicted to pills. one tried to kill himself. my takeaway is stay the fuck away from the military unless you know you're going to test well enough to not be doing military shit.

The real conclusion here is to join the Air Force as long as you are not a complete retard. Try to get a job in something actually useful like cyber or IT, maintenance isn't bad either if you like cars, or basically anything that isn't security forces and you will be golden as long as you are mentally and emotionally stable. It is a good way to get away from home and the things that cause you problems there but it takes a level of social competence and stability to make it. Even if you are pretty retarded, basic should make you confident enough to get over it.
-t new retarded lt who has a lot of enlisted friends

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You're going to have a great time, Satan. Don't worry about it.

Some duty stations are small town bullshit.

i'm training to enlist in special forces so i can get the fuck away from my family and go die without killing myself

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go fridge mechanic in marines you will literally have no work and can do whatever you want all day.

Yes, yes and yes.

Some days are difficult work but other days are easier, my dating pool has opened up since enlisting and i lived in Japan for a little while, that was pretty cool.

From the sounds of it, you aren't mentally stable enough to go through with it. I hope they reject you, for the sake of yourself and your trainers. You'll wash out after a few weeks then get re-assigned as a cook or something.

Too many of you dumbfucks want to join but say weird shit like this completlely oblivious to the kind of mentality SF takes.

Special Forces are the best of the best. They are mentally sound and are in peak physical condition. And if you are posting on this board, chances are you aren't fucking that.

Sure but why not just shoot yourself?

The actually the reason I enlisted, to get away from my toxic family and start a new life. Its great if you're doing a job that you enjoy and you're willing to put up with copious amounts of bullshit. Just be resilient, do your job, and everything will work out for you.

t. 5 years in the Air Force.

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not sure what it is but you sound determined on your goal and willing to do it. I will put it simple you have a gut feeling, if it tells you to do this go for it, not doing so youll regret it for the rest of your life, even if you start off for the wrong reasons you may find something beyond those reasons that'll keep you going along the road, remember life is a process not a journey. Wish you sucess user, always stay positive and keep your ENTHUSIASM high

Join royal engineers in two months.
I'm pretty hopeful for the future.

>chair force
you aint fooling a Jow Forumsomrade thats for sure

Nope. Joining the military IS a good way to find a oneitis. After bmt youll think any 2/10 is a 10 and orbit her. I did and still do

>t. Airforce fag

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>Just be resilient, do your job and everything will work out for you

Tough when your leadership is majority women lol

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