Holy fuck I am doing anything to get out of this work horse bull shit system

holy fuck I am doing anything to get out of this work horse bull shit system

every single job application asks if you were fired before. being depressed and fucking up your life in any way fucks you forever. if you were depressed and got fired from a job doesn't matter if you fix it later you were fired its there forever

fucked up your grades as a 5 year old because you wanted to run around as a kid instead of read books. follows you forever. depressed in high school and you get shit grades. follows you forever.

being depressed and making stupid mistakes follows you for the rest of your life. if you dont start studying and getting good grades starting at 4 years old and do it non stop until you are 18 without missing a beat then go to college work jobs internships and all that shit all getting good grades and not being fired or ever messing up you are fucked its all there forever. get arrested you're fucked. depression drives you towards being a drug addict. follows you forever if caught. you are fucked if you are ever depressed one time in your life.

I am going to be self sufficient if it kills me. that or just get disability or something. I scam so I do alright for now but I really gotta get some shit that gets me rich

Attached: Wojak.png (645x773, 9K)

You whine like a 13 yo girl I didn't bother reading my advice for a sissy like you is to go on Grindr and get TOPPED

have fun begging for jobs and being poor faggot

Join the gig economy
Start your own business
Study and start fresh and lie about your history
Claim neetbux

You have options, mein neger

yeah im doing an online business or im killing myself. but I wanted to be a rapper but I was born in a small town and raped in every way possible and never got any chance in life and everything seems gay as FUCK compared to being a rapper

So get out ableton/fl studio/whatever make some beatzzz?
If you live in a small town that's actually better for you, less competition. Then you can rap shit like 'I'm carrying (SMALLTOWN) on my back' and take that following with you when you inevitably move to a bigger place and give your mixtape to Dr. Dre so he can make you a star. if you got 'raped in every way possible' you got a few stories to tell on your first EP
do not quit your day job to do this, if you are not already a rapper you probably shit at rapping holmes

The "system" is correct to do all of these things.

Not one of the things you listed is reliably a "one-time thing". Everyone who does any of them is actually pretty damn likely to do them again at any given moment.

Laziness is a life-long trait. Some people overcome it, with a lot of effort, but they can slip back at any time.

Anyone who "got depressed" to the point where they had to be fired is at risk of pulling a Brian Wilson all over again at literally any moment. Anyone who "used to be" a drug addict could fall back into it tomorrow. People who stole "once" or assaulted someone "once" tend to be the type of people who do it again.

And in all of these cases, you're much, MUCH more likely to do each of these things than someone who has never done them before.

If you do any of these things, anyone who takes a chance on you and invests in you or gives you any kind of responsibility is setting themselves up to get royally fucked. You're not completely unemployable, but you should expect that people will try to minimize the downside they face if you fuck up again. Usually the only way to do that is to put you in the kind of position that doesn't pay a whole lot.

I produced for 4 years never had luck with anything and my town has more cows than people literally and I dont even talk to people because theres literally no one outside

shut up fucking faggot nerd kill yourself

post a beat

What the fuck is an online business? I keep seeing the word tossed around, what are you gonna do, sell t-shirts or something? Would that still be an online business when a physical place that you have to manage exists? Any example of an online business would work at answering this question for me, what the hell are people talking about when they say that word, YouTube clones?

Why not just lie when you are interveiwing, whats the worst that could happen

Flipping/Dropshipping on Amazon/Ebay
Web Design/Development
Lead Generation
eBook sales

et fucking cetera

>"I'm a lazy, depressed drug addict ex-con who runs scams and wants to be a rapper. WHY WON'T ANYONE HIRE ME AND GIVE ME LOTS O MONEY?"

You should do a great gatsby thing and live a giant lie that suits you better

grades mean jack shit. it is more important to learn to suck dick. i was top of my class everytime and graduated as mechanical engineer as summa cum laude (gave the speech and everything), and have been unemployed for 7 years, though i stopped tying to get a job like 5 years ago

>grades mean jack shit. it is more important to learn to suck dick. i was top of my class everytime and graduated as mechanical engineer as summa cum laude (gave the speech and everything), and have been unemployed for 7 years, though i stopped tying to get a job like 5 years ago

Learn to code

oh. god no. I dont need a job. thats you guys. im just saying you're all fucked.

>Learn to code
Took me about a year to get a job coding after 5 yrs work experience.

I know another guy who cant find a coding job at all

It's an oversaturated market. People should learn to code, it's a useful skill, just like people should learn to cook

But knowing how to cook your own burger doesn't guarantee you a job as a chef

>People should learn to code, it's a useful skill, just like people should learn to cook

god damn it you guys are such virgins thats literally like something written in the big bang theory while all the normies laugh

What is the issue? I am not a virgin I had sex with multiple women. they weren't sexy but they were female

Just learn javascript. It can come in handy if you use a web browser. Or you can be an idiot and not learn anything useful

You must be a brainlet who tried to learn coding and was just too fucking stupid. Even though the basics are very easy