Okay, real talk...

Okay, real talk. This board is a never-ending roller coaster stuck on the path from being moderately shit to overwhelmingly shit, and frankly, I blame all the autistic frogposters for turning the place into a cancerous circlejerk, memeflagging namefags, and JIDFposters.

Because of you three groups, good posters like the Tunisian Ghibli poster are possibly gone for good. I don't mind a little shitposting here and there, but with your irrational childish behaviors and your lack of moderation, you're the only ones who are ruining the board for the current posters and future posters.

I'd tell you to sort your shit or fuck off, but who am I kidding, this entire site is a haven for menchildren and I know that you'll just double down on your cancerous behavior after you read this post.

I only wanted to share my mind on this subject, and now that I'm done doing so, I no longer give a damn.

Attached: El Homo.png (576x432, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No One cares about your copy pasta

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i see you changed some of this

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I like the modernization, Iraqi-kun.

Oh shit, I just realized I copied the wrong one. I have several variations of the pasta stored in "Real Talk.txt".

Attached: El Homo_Drunk and Pointing.jpg (273x185, 8K)

Top Kek

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Okay, real talk. This board is a never-ending roller coaster stuck on the path from doing it without compensation to doing for free, and frankly, I blame all the autistic Jow Forumser bois for turning the place into an actual board, rule 3 breakers, offtopic posters, and salty brits who police the IRC like watchdogs.

Because of you four groups, Jow Forums threads don't make up the entire catalog. I don't mind a little shitposting here and there, but with your irrational childish behaviors and your lack of moderation, you're the only ones who are ruining the board for the current posters and future posters.

I'd just delete this board, but who am I kidding, this entire site is a haven for menchildren and I know that you'll just double down on your cancerous behavior after you read this post.

I only wanted to do it for free, and now that I'm done doing so, I'm deleting Jow Forums forever.


many do , fuck off edgelord
i want that plz respond



holy shit based digits
checked and subscribed
but that's nowhere near complete sill missing out on some versions ;(

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Okay, real munch. This spaghetti is on a never-ending slurp stuck on the path from being absolutely el dente to poorly cooked and raw pasta, and frankly, I blame all the autistic Gensokyo chefs for turning this spaghetti into a crunchy, disgusting mess, and this salty tomato sauce which assaults my taste buds like shit.

Because of these three issues, good spaghetti like the Carbonara spaghetti are possibly gone for good. I don't mind a little sloppy spaghet here and there, but with the chefs poor preparation and their lack of experience, they're the ones who are ruining spaghetti for the humans and youkai.

I'd tell you to sort your cooking or fuck off, but who am I kidding, this entire dish is a meal for dogs and I know that you'll just double down on your bad spaghetti after you read this post.

I only wanted to share my mind on this spaghetti, and now that I'm done doing so, I no longer give a slurp.

Attached: angrymunch.png (1140x1008, 276K)

I can't remember to save them all, just this thread I've added two new versions.


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are you adding the ABIB version digits friend?

oKAy, reAL taLk. tHIS BoaRd Is a nEVEr-ENdiNg ROLLEr CoasteR sTUCk on tHe PAtH froM BEinG ModeRaTely ShIt to oVerWheLmINgLY Shit, aNd FrANKLy, i BLaME alL The AUTisTic fROGpoSTerS FOR TurnINg tHE plACE INto a cANCeROuS CIrcLejErk, mEMEFLAgGIng nAMefaGs, anD JiDFPoSTerS. bECAUse Of yOu tHrEE gRoUps, goOD POStERS LikE THE tUNiSIan GHiBLi pOsTEr Are poSsiBly GoNe FoR Good. i dOn't MInD a lITTLe sHITpoStInG hErE AND tHere, But WitH YOUR iRRATIoNAL chILDiSh beHAvioRS aNd YouR LACK Of MOdeRatION, yOu're ThE oNly oNes who aRe ruINiNg tHE bOaRd FoR The CuRrEnt posTers AND FUtURE POStERS. I'd TEll yoU To sOrT YoUr sHiT or fUCK oFF, BuT whO Am I kIDDinG, THIS EnTIrE Site iS a hAVen FOR mENCHILDReN And I KNOw That yOU'll jUst DOubLe DOwn oN YOur CaNCERous BehaVIoR aftEr YOu rEAD ThIs PoST. I OnLy WAnteD To sHarE MY minD ON tHIS SUBJeCT, And NOW THat i'm DOnE DOiNG sO, i NO lONGer giVe a DamN.

Attached: El Homo.png (576x432, 175K)

why would you do this

okAY, rEaL TAlK. thiS boArD IS A nEVeR-Ending RoLLeR coasTER stuCK oN ThE Path FroM beinG mOderAtELY SHIt to OVerwhElMingLY sHiT, aND FRanKLy, I BLaME aLl THE AUTiSTIc pOSTerS FOR tuRNInG THE PlacE inTo a cANceroUS CIRClejErk.

BeCause oF yOU iMMAtuRE fUCks, good POStERs ArE POSsIBlY GOnE foR goOD. I Don'T mInd A lIttle ShItpoSTiNG HERe ANd ThEre, bUt WITh yOUR irratioNaL CHIlDISH beHAVIoRs ANd yOUr lack oF ModerATiOn, you'rE THe oNLy ones WHO ArE rUInIng THE bOARd FoR thE CuRRenT POSters AND FUTUre PoSTers.

I'D tEll you To SoRT YOuR SHIt OR fuCk Off, buT WhO Am i KIddiNG, ThiS eNtIre SIte IS A HaVen fOR mENChiLdRen aNd I kNoW thAT You'll JUsT DoUBLe DOWn ON Your CAnCEROUS BEHavior afTEr You ReaD tHIs pOST.

I oNlY WAnTEd TO share My mind ON thiS SuBJeCT, aND NoW That i'M dONe dOiNg SO, I No loNGER givE a DaMn.

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did you just switch that to a jpg so you could post it again?

Attached: El Homo.jpg (9999x7503, 914K)

This is a random board, there is no such thing as shit posting.

you ruined this thread

welcome to Jow Forums friend! Enjoying your first visit?

Attached: El Homo.jpg (888x666, 44K)

put me in the screencap

Finally it got updated
Doing the lord's work son
Objectively wrong

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I remember when this pasta was still relevant good times

I bet you have epicanthal folds.

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Fuck I messed up the level count

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Oh hey nice

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I mean I don't but sure. That's a very specific insult.


>quick-play trap card
Fucking retard.

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It isn't mine though, I took it from here :- archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/166062421/#166067235

> he doesn't know

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More like you don't know King of Faggots. Learn how to Yugioh before posting related to the game. Normie-tier scum.

> acting like you know what you're talking about
> getting mad about it

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>taking children's card game shitposting on a Canadian poutine imageboard seriously
>not understand the implication that the Yu-Gi-Oh anime just bullshits its way around everything

I know what I'm talking about, I used to be a professional Yugioh card player alongside that shitstain Patrick Hoban who used to bring his mom to tournaments.


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I take Yugioh very seriously. I was a respectable player at several YCS events. Me and Eric Stuart shared a moment on stage one time.

I actually just fucked up I was making multiple cards in a row
But just chill your panties man it's late and I'm drunk cut me some slack

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Please fix it by making it a counter trap.

>serious business

I've been playing since I started in High School back in 2002.

doesn't change the fact that it is a children's card game like pokemon

Please, what children are playing Yugioh now days? Most don't even understand the concept of a tabletop game.

I had friends who played yugioh in middle school in 2008

I don't know user that nice guy routine is coming in a bit late

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>middle school
So young.

Do it and I'll save the image and leave the thread.

im not that young you sexual deviant

Well if you were born after 1989 you're young to me.

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I'm 18 and I was in middle school 2011-2014, going into college next semester. Time really flies.


Time sure does fly, I was 18 in 2004.

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I fucking hate you. You've turned me against Belgians.

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