Post what boards you brows and judge others

post what boards you brows and judge others.

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums

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>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
I go to other boards but those are the ones I spend the most time at.

You're funny but have generic interests, if you have any freinds you're the "funny" one
Jow Forums

Jow Forums



Jow Forums
Jow Forums

You're a failed normie with decent amount of potential.

bitter hipster who talks shit on the internet to feel better about himself.

Jow Forums
Jow Forums

i dont really go on here much so i stay on the basic boards mostly

looksmaxing incel
>Jow Forums
confirms that you are an incel
weeb and faggot who makes AMVs
>Jow Forums
run of the mill faggot
>Jow Forums and Jow Forums in the same list
damned robot

everything but the hipster part

>Jow Forums

It's gonna be ok user.
weird anime kid in highschool

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums

Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Jow Forums

trying to get his life together but just cant seem to get it right

>int(too call nonamericans fags)

Jow Forums

I don't like any of them at this point but keep lurking every day

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how do you even get to trash?

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whats with all the /mu and /fa/ faggots?

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nah, been lifting even before going to Jow Forums
not planning to get my life together, going to quit my job and become a neet again after i complete a year of working in there, so i can receive 4 months of neetbux. been a wagie for 9 months, rly sucks.

I browsed /b/ for many years. Then I started using /s4s/ and /diy/ for a couple years. Now I exclusively use Jow Forums

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Other than r9k
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
Those ones are the ones I go on the most often, I still randomly go on a few other boards sometimes.
What's the appeal of /x/? Only been there a few times and from what I've heard it's not as fun as it used to be (but I guess you could say that about most boards now). Seems like a lot of LARP

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Jow Forums
/a/ when there's a show I watch airing
Jow Forums
/ic/ when I want someone to critique my shit drawing

dont slide back user. keep powering on.

oh and /qa/

the appeal of is to learn more about the unknown

Besides Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Jow Forums

Like thiiiis


mostly Jow Forums and /o/.

Jow Forums

you're all tasteless fucking degenerates

>Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /v/, /s/, Jow Forums, /diy/, Jow Forums, /b/

>/vg/: /lolg/, /fng/, /owg/, /ssbg/, /mcg/

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I like making fun of dumb trend following qt bois

Those two go hand in hand

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And occasionally OUT

>Jow Forums
have been visiting r9k way less these days, too many fags spamming the catalog

Nobody goes to /co/?

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>fit once in a while

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Im not really into boards about just one certain topic, I like boards that are a bit more broad

why would anyone want to screech about capeshit and boring western cartoons. at least anime has cute girls in it.

Im too old to be watching cartoons for the plot.

>Jow Forums

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>Jow Forums

Where are my fellow /sp/ chads at?

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where my chaddish alpha males from /po/ at

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums

nobody, other than me, goes to videogame generals! gosh!

probably post porn
npc who tells normiefags to get out
i'm ok with /a/
don't know, never been there
same level as /s/, so we're good.

r9k so mutual feelings
x is cringe, creepypasta level of cringe
don't care about b that much.
hentai is good
don't see the purpose of out.


I'm a heemster, best shitposting I seen on Jow Forums to be honesto.

I very rarely go on a, though.


>Jow Forums

>Jow Forums

>Jow Forums

Jow Forums

originally lriginull

Jow Forums, sometimes Jow Forums
i'm simple man

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
Hur duhr lonely nazi

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definite chad lmao

Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Jow Forums

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Probably in their mid twenties. Used to be a pretty happy kid, but things gradually changed and now he's an adult and doesn't like anything anymore.

Weeb. Jerks off too much. Probably into some weird stuff. A bit of a nerd.
Ultranerd and furry. Jerks off wayyy too much. Skilled at niche interests. Mid to late twenties?

Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Jow Forums once in a blue moon, even though this is the board i started on. it seemed bad for my brain

Early twenties but overall accurate enough.

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums

Nice. Please try to identify me based on my boards.

I should probably add that I mostly just go on r9k and k, and that the rest of them are pretty infrequent.

>Jow Forums

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums

>likely watches the occasional anime, probably 90s stuff
>gets off more than they probably should
>gets off to 3dpd at that
>goes to the range once a week
>late teens to early twenties, 25 at max.
>likely white
I'm pretty horrible at guessing people.

>tfw one person replied to mine even though i posted it like 2 hours ago

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Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Jow Forums
in that order of frequency

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums

>no one
>sincerely not a single person

Used to frequent /v/ and /a/. I grew up and monitoring so many boards is just exhausting after a while. The only board I actively participate in and check out is Jow Forums. /vg/ is an exception of course. I add threads of games I'm currently playing to my thread watcher.

pretty trash taste all around no wonder this board has gone to shit woth you losers around

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>/tv/ but i dont watch movie
>Jow Forums but i dont do any sport
>/lit/ but i dont read

r/Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Jow Forums

based. I hope this becomes the next site wide meme as they say.

>Jow Forums
Gimme that /comfy/ FIFA 11 soundtrack, famalam.

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Funny meeting you here

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Cmere. Let daddy snip your faggot dick off.

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let me pop my tiddy skittles and put on a dress first, tee hee.

/v/ even though I hate it
Same thing with /a/ and /co/
Sometimes I visit /mlp/
this site sucks, why do i spend so much time here

70% of time browsing goes to this shit hole. The last 29% goes to /x/ /wsg/ gif/

Last 1% goes to /a/ and /vg/. I usually just go to those boards for specific things and I"m usually disappointed.

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I can relate to this post so fucking much.
I want off the ride

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Jow Forums
I used to browse Jow Forums a lot but this is my first time here in a few months. I still fit right in with you losers though.

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dose it ever get better? are we all really gonna make it?

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Im enlisting in the army in a few months. I know it isn't making it but i guess its better than being neet.

t. keeps having their subreddits banhammered

Jow Forums

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Jow Forums
/x/ but only to lurk schizos

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>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums

All boards are equal, but some are more equal than others.

Jow Forums
Jow Forums

In that order

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Jow Forums
Jow Forums

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums

Rate me frens and femmies

Jow Forums
Jow Forums

t. failed normie volcel

Boards I browse casually
>Jow Forums
Boards I visit only when looking for something specific, or to discuss certain ongoing events
during world cup and super bowl
Occasionally when a show I like airs a new episode.
If I'm super bored I look for rekt threads to laugh at

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
and sometimes /a/

i have a math/cs degree but never touch Jow Forums or /sci/

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
And sometimes
>Jow Forums

>Jow Forums
just fuck my shit up

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>Jow Forums

Jow Forums
Jow Forums (mostly full and half for giggles and shitposts)

That's it. I'm a simple user.