Tranny Hate General #008 - /thg/ - gas them all edition

It's time for an all new, all different thg thread. With new reading material to boot! Forums-trap-discord-trans-panic/

Please do your very best to contribute to the thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

low t as fuck

>tfw you look as bad as that guy
>at least you're not trans

She has a cute boiclit any sauce? I'd lock it in chastity though

You could be and at least you would be getting TOPPED uwu!!

tell me lads, on a scale from 1-10, how badly do you want to jump (((Her))) bones?

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Article is onions as fuck and pretending the brainwashing isn't happening, can't read the whole thing.
Other than the big nose and disgusting flabby basedboy body he's not that ugly, don't despair too much.

Imagine being so susceptible you get brainwashed into being a trap

-110 origogo

ha ha ha..yeah..imagine someone doing that.

The difference is uncanny.
What's your take on this robots?

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post boypussi or go

You are lower than tranny haters

You have been muted for 2 seconds because this comment was v e r y original

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Oft, how embarrassing...

I can't even tell which way this thing is trying to transition

so you wouldn't fuck him? i would

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And the thread is immediately invaded by cancerous comments instead of a nice discussion about this..

what can we do OP?

We must post more embarrassing images of these freaks! Go to any social media you can, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, even Jow Forums itself, and dig up as much cringe you can! Let do this together frens!

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Damn I wish I had a fuck machine

Hopefully the sun kills this vampire

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hey boys hows it going, zoomer tranny here

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Don't ruin my thread. Nigger.

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Time flies when you got dick in your ass

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no thanks, i like fucking up transphobic threads.

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Hey boys how is it going? Proper grammar generation Z transgender person is present.

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Heh, clown world :^)

Well meme'd my fellow redditors

Literally just looks like a dude with long hair.
This nigga's been takin sugar pills, look at that jaw. He actually looks like a heavy metal chad in the top right pic.

I am not afraid you cunt.
You will never make it in society, you will eventually rot and no one will love you because of your mentality.
Everyone has to come to terms with it eventually, you are not a woman.

you too nigga.

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How come trannies always post anime girls along with their posts? I mean, they DO know they look NOTHING like a cute little fragile anime girl, right? They aren't that delusional, I'd hope.

Stay mad, stay soi, tranny

This image speaks for itself

Oreganoli ravioli

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posting pictures of hons doesn't help your point, user
nah im pretty cute desu, im /cuteboy/ tier at the very least

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>spews reddit memes
>calls other people soi

What did the redditor mean by this?

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Damn, this guy has a perfect chad jawline, bod, and very robust features. Why would you throw it all away if you were a guy with perfect genes predisposed you to be a Chad?

>meme originated on Jow Forums

What did the newfag mean by this?

Is early transitioning just a meme? Pic related is 34 and 1 year on hrt

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If you are referring to the infchan board, that's not saying much considering what most of those fuckers look like

Yes keep playing into those delusions and soon you will realize what went wrong

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Doesn't matter, if it's used on reddit then it's a reddit meme. This actually used to be common knowledge until redditors like you started flooding this place

>Pic related is 34 and 1 year on hrt
Yes and he doesn't look good

For 34 he looks alright

>t. LARPing redditor

here have another one.

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Gilette tier advertisement

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>Frogposter calling someone else a redditor
IQ estimates for you are dropping with each reply

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I would say go back to lgbt but I would rather you just left the internet

kys redditor you are trying too hard
so do us a favor and kys

Funny how this thread is about hating trans people, but a good part of it is two retards calling each other a redditor

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keep seething retard, and thanks for the bump.

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But he doesn't look alright as a woman. He looks like a man pretending to be a woman. That can't be attractive to anyone

>gets outed as a r*ddit user
Imagine being this much of a booty-blasted basedboy

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Holy fuck, your autistic meltdown has been glorious

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would you smash robots? Honest replies only.

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Why hasn't the Jow Forums tranny meetup happened yet? I wanna see how cute they are like their animes

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this is the best general on Jow Forums. Keep going OP

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>tranny realizes that the most feminine a man can get is twink status

no fucking way, he looks like a deformed puppet with no attractive features that a woman should at least have like feminine face structure

kys stop trying so hard and end it already

Nice reddit meme there laddie, top kek I say!

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>For 34 he looks alright
He literally just looks like a 34 year old man but this time with longer hair and makeup.

ye OP

>this is considered a good transition
Trannies are the saddest most delusional people in the world. Sad!

>redditors use a meme that makes fun of basedboy redditors
Yikes, no wonder basedjak puts you into an autistic frenzy. Put on your chastity cage and calm down.

This picture is actually creepy. It's like a fucking file they keep on us. Like something that the main character would find in the villain's HQ database.

If I was a tranny, I'd kill myself
Just like the other 40%

Why are you still trying?

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Imagine the smell.
>I wanna see how cute they are like their animes
Yeah, I want their stupid fucking overconfidence to be crushed when they post pictures and everyone confirms that they are in fact just gross men in wigs.

what's it called when you hate trannies but fuck them irl?

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that term is transphobic

Left to right you have a fucking Nose, Ron Weasley's lost inbred brother, and 5 o'clock shadow.

>he hasn't realized s o y j a k is automatically changed to basedjak
Did you literally come here TODAY? Just fucking stop, you're not fooling anyone

Can everyone stop talking about how much they hate redditors and start talking about how much they hate trannies?

cognitive dissonance. That's what it's called.
Daily Reminder that LGBT fucks defend this kind of behavior.

she looks pretty cute to me, idk what your deal is

>Yeah, I want their stupid fucking overconfidence to be crushed when they post pictures and everyone confirms that they are in fact just gross men in wigs.
Man, circlejerking and mindless rejection of reality on your tranny community Discord must be a hell of a drug. Imagine the MASSIVE validation this dude got from his fellow freaks.

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If only trans people realized how Men are biologically top heavy and therefore look visually unappealing to most people.

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Thank you user. please keep up the tranny hate. It's much needed on this board.

I can see it now
>Posts picture of alien face
>"OwO such a qt Nya!!! UwU hugs n kisses nuzzle ~"
Accompanied by some sort of anime picture, so pic related will substitute for that.

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Sadism. Originally organelle orgasm.

Please fuck me in the ass while calling me a sick faggot.

Imagine the big stinky asian woman's turd she's gonna take later on. Wouldn't want to eat that big ol' thing hahaha

I bet it'd come out lookin like an uncut sushi wrap haha! Ewww that would totally ruin sushi for me if I had to cut up her firm thick log like sushi and eating it with chopsticks while she watched!

>eating dinner
>decide to browse r9k a bit
>every day i see these threads and lose my appetite

fuckin hell

I apologize for that user, but this must be done.
Speaking of what did you have for dinner?

Based thread. Keep up the pressure user.

Attached: new one agin.jpg (1037x657, 173K)

Just some pasta and salad, mostly cucumber.

>even his "sexy" pose and the angle of the pic can't hide his narrow hips and linebacker shoulders

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Why are you posting that pic if it doesn't mention trannies/traps at all?

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anvil jaw chad
probably still has his cock to fuck chicks

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Trans """lesbians""" are definitely the type I can't stand the most. I think it's the most delusional they can get.

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Who writes this shit in your image? Do they just google translate it or something?

>thread went from tranny hate to reddit hate
Hope this bump helps, kind of like this thread