Is anyone here fucking poor? like fucking seriously god damn poor

is anyone here fucking poor? like fucking seriously god damn poor

I live in the middle of nowhere like literally the lowest property value in the entire fucking earth. my windows are made of wood like fucking wooden window sill garbage chipping lead paint and shit everywhere. part of the roof fucking fell in the other room just fucking plaster falling to the ground

my house leaks whenever it rains fucking entire brown fucking looking ceiling everywhere. my window has a bunch of fucking cracks in it. holy fucking shit dude how does it get this bad. downstairs is covered up rags and shit no proper flooring or anything

holy fucking shit dude not counting homeless and prisoners i have to be the poorest person in america. theres no fucking way unless theres people living in broken down trailers and shit theres just no fucking way

how is it this bad holy fucking shit man

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>this poster and the nigger whining about being on probation in his small town

swear to god, both of you are the most annoying shits on this board

meh typical shit, I live in a shitty, run down, area in the heart of seattle but atleast its a white slum

Used to be now I'm in the top 5% of income in my town and I only make $49,000.


fuck off dude my life is like a fucking show on the discovery channel

you were this poor? press x

>fucking show on the discovery channel
i'd say truman's show rather

send pics of the home i need proof
orginally originullllllllll

My dude I used to live in West Virginia. We didn't even have running water let alone electricity.


I cant its too sad. I gotta vacuum up the lead paint all over

jesus Christ no running water?

also that reminds me ive seen people here who dont even have drinking water for some reason I think its because some animal crawls and dies in their well or some shit

if you earn minimum wag in america you are top 5% in the world. if you are homeless in america you are still 15% top. so if you are "poor" in america you still have it a lot better than people in the third world
t. poor in a third world shithole

yep. 39 urs old never accomplished anything cant hold jobs. live in a rented room deep in the ghetto. two negro roomates. one mexican. 450 a month. roaches everywhere. drug dealers across the street. coons galore.

i cant afford shit so i usually lay on my bed in my free time and browse the webs. i mean like going out into the world is pretty pointless if you cant afford to do anything. just a cock tease

I'm homeless, so I'd say I'm pretty fucking poor.

Never forget: Steven Pinker rapes children.

how bad is it? I mean at least you're in a city rural poor is a whole NOTHER hell I have a few g's in the bank tho

post proof? ive talked to people from all over the world on kik and shit and people dont really seem THAT poor maybe like Kenya and rural Africa and shit

I might take being homeless over this if I could pick where to live depending on how long. maybe a car would be better idk. what happened?

We had to get bottled water or get some from the stream. Shit sucked imagine not taking a hot shower until you're about 14.
But fuck that shit it just gave me the drive to fuck off and make something of myself so I can enjoy whatever I want.

>what happened?
Too mentally ill and autstic to work without trying to kill myself over stress and anxiety. trying to get on the welfare train asap.

is it a big city or what? i live in a small town and theres so many programs to help people out here my friend got kicked out by his mom and they gave him a shitty run down hotel room and hes disabled as fuck (scizo) and they gave him disability bux and he got a bachelor apartment for 250 a month from the state

yea when i first started this horrible life i had a water pump in the backyard. at least you made it to the big city never happened for me

Atleast you got internet faggot unlike me.
This message was posted by writing in clay bricks and giving it to my nigger that takes it to the town center. At the town center they write the words from the clay to paper.
The paper is sent with a horse rider to the nearest fax machine 6miles from my hut.
He faxes the text to a faggot tranny who types it in on a Commodore 64 and posts it here on Jow Forums.
Newfag you got to step up your game.

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btw weebs are gay

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It's the same person dummy. The guy has like 6 different thread variations that he keeps spamming. It's all the same guy.

Don't bother asking for proof, of anything. He never has and never will post any proof.

yes mate. that's the burden of being brasilian, if you're born outside the major cities you are going to be poor or something next to that. I remember I'm my teenage years I just couldn't take anyone to my house because it was so fucked. it. was fucked up the situation I was in, pretty close to yours actually, since I'm still living with my parents it's the same thing. shit's fucked.

yeah that sounds horrible. rural brazil. at least you're living the dream

I would fucking KILL literally to be near the ocean and warm. but its brazil probably not a good idea to run off to the city with nothing. isn't being homeless there a near death sentence?

>at least you made it to the big city
I worked for con Edison for like a year and so in New York City and said fuck that and got a job in a rual-coop. Fuck that shit cities suck ass man. I'm 23 and I own my own house, cars and even a boat. I couldn't of don't this if I stayed in new york.

what the fuck is this con Edison? I want to move to NYC. I live in new York state but on probation for being black I need help moving to NYC

Consolidated Edison. It's the electric utility that serves NYC. Don't think you can get in since they don't even hire people who get more than 2 red light tickets.

god ruined my life and being on probation for being black

living the dream huh? nah. imagine your worst nightmare and it's pretty next to that, or florida.
being homeless here? yeah it's a death sentence. if you can choose to be homeless in any country I would strongly advice not to do it in this one

i spose city poor is at least more stimulating of course. just a shit ton of degenerates. country poor i imagine is staring at a wall for your waking hours