/c9k/ general #10

It's regular r9k except we all post like we're in the Wild West. Welcome to Cowbots 9000.

Notable last post:
>All that exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.
>Damn portuguese, these europeans and their gold loving addiction
>tfw no bar wennch gf
>Listen here pardner one of those negro folk is my best cowhand, and he rides horse real goodlike, im gonna have to ask you to take your leave or we'll be dumpin ya in cactus field

Archive: mega.nz/#F!TK4HnKhL!IvIY9u5wUROgBAW7i1GclA

Maps: imgur.com/a/UpJIVgG

Notable vids: youtube.com/watch?v=MADvxFXWvwE

Some tunes: soundcloud.com/mrneverest/fistful-of-frags-west-wind

happy trails pardner

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Other urls found in this thread:


Howdy friends, how many cattle ya'll drivin tonight?

You ARE cowboys aren't you?

Thanks for puttin the map in pardner, worked mighty hard on it.

Mods are asleep, post Indians

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I'm watching Lady Stacy's Chickens for the night, so no wiley foxes come get em'.
>Hope I deflower her brothers

I might be interested in taking care of your fox problem, if you'd be so inclined as to let me. I was thinking a tendie per head of fox. Fair trade?

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now that their sounds like a hell of a trade pardner

W-whew pardners I got here soon as I could
Heh, lemme catch my breath for a minute...
Okay so as I was sayin', I was just over there in that neighbor town, Lincoln/b/erg, and I tell you what, they got somethin' of an uprisin' goin' on over there!! Yes sir seems like some young men took up arms 'cuz people were postin' porn-o-graphic all over the town! Ya couldn't hardly go 30 steps without runnin' into some. Not that I'm complainin' too much o'course.

But anyway, they call themselves, these militia guys, the "Yella Army". Word is the feds on their way in to deal with it theirselves

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Howdy neighbors I'm new to these parts. Mind pointing me towards the local saloon?

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Well lincoln/b/erg is quite a ways down the westward trail, us here in prospector ridge and fairtrails dont care much about them
Howdy partner, from town square, yer wantin' to head between the 2 buildings directly westward, when the path splits, take a left, and scorpion saloon'll be on yer right.
Im fixin to work on a map of the two cities here to make it easier since i already did one of the whole area y'see.

Much appreciated. I'm gonna have to look into procuring me one of them map doohickeys once I get into town but I can't read all too well on account of my glaucoma.

Count me in. If there's one thing I hate about this trail life, it's the lack of tendies. Leads to consumption, you know.
I side with the sheriff, myself. Tell me, partner, what's so bad about these porno-keen fellers?

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Here you go pardner, and fer everyone else too.
Finished mappin' prospectors ridge, gonna start getting Fairtrails, and after i might wander eastward and map some places thataway too, never know when we might need to get some help from another city, and trade's important too, else johnson wouldnt have his store

Enuff ramblin though, heres the map fer prospectors ridge yall

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See now ya say that but if'n it finds it's way over here it might disrupt our little settlement. Their spat I mean. And I dunno about you but I'm not fixin' fight nobody so long as I can avoid it
Well nothin' I reckon. Far as I can tell them Yellers or however they call themselves was just upset 'cuz they feel like all that porn was takin' up valuable space and nobody else could post anything on the notice board 'fore it got buried under more porn. But I understand the law in that town and I tell you what pardner, it ain't exactly all encompassin'. You know how we got the ol' man who makes sure we never put anything on the notice board that been put up there before? Well they got nothin' of the sort, nothin' I say. And I tell you what's more, far as I can tell you can post 'bout damn near anything without anybody throwin' a fit over there. I simply couldn't tell ya why they're all of the sudden upset about it.

Here pardners, i finished up the map of Fairtrails, hopefully now that we have all the parts around here mapped no one'll get confused about what's where.

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>Well nothin' I reckon. Far as I can tell them Yellers or however they call themselves was just upset 'cuz they feel like all that porn was takin' up valuable space and nobody else could post anything on the notice board 'fore it got buried under more porn. But I understand the law in that town and I tell you what pardner, it ain't exactly all encompassin'. You know how we got the ol' man who makes sure we never put anything on the notice board that been put up there before? Well they got nothin' of the sort, nothin' I say. And I tell you what's more, far as I can tell you can post 'bout damn near anything without anybody throwin' a fit over there. I simply couldn't tell ya why they're all of the sudden upset about it.
I like the way you tell it like it is. Whose business of ours is it getting into the business of folks in Lincoln/b/erg? If I remember rightly, you yourself used to come through there pretty regular. I know I did, myself. Perhaps I'm mistaking you for someone else, but I don't think so.
I don't know where I'll lay my hat tomorrow, but do you reckon you will be around these parts?

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Thanks based map-user
I hope I find this thread earlier tomorrow

No problem pardner, im gonna start mappin more of the area, cleetus is here to help yessirree

Mornin' sons.. Ain't nothing but the scent of hooch on me from the belt up this evenin'. Hoping you all old boys are living in line with the Lord today.

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Pinches Huerros. No tienen documentos, no quierren aprender sobre nuestra cultura, y esperan que let damos su propio tierra!

Now I don't speak yer Mexican sir, but I am takin a liken to yet boots. Botas, senior. Best be takin' em off, nice an despacito like. I got here a pocket a lead for ya, senior. El plomo, sir.

You know pardner, right over yonder is Jackson farm, yknow what that means?
Town hall is just down the road. Ill get the sherrif faster than you can shoe a horse.

Any y'all got word of a dentist in town? Mare got a bad tooth, same for my nigger.

It's OP checking in on ye fellers from Stacy's ranch, Bitch said she wasn't fixin' to pay me. Well back to work, see y'all in the morn.

See ya Opie, make sure to put the new maps i made in, gotta make sure people know their way around.
Ill probably take a gander around and add stuff i find on my trails so ill bring new maps to you once their done, the trader and me have a good deal goin on fer paper.

Got an unexpected break. Thank ya fer the maps sir. In the next thread I'll make darn sure to post em, I'm also a bit of a Jow Forums feller. So I'm going to incorporate this into something mighty special for y'all anons.

Has the small settlement of Robot's Ridge been added to the map yet?

Well pardner ill be heading eastward tomorrow to map thataway. Ill be gettin robot bridge and badstone. Ill stop in badstone before headin through vulture valley and mappin thataway

En que demonios andas tu pardner?

late night bumperoo fellers

>tfw hookers only sleep with cowboys over six feet
what the fuck this game is rigged, pardner

The only female i care about anymore is my ma, too busy explorin to care about other women

Well partners, i got a question, im thinking a mappin eastward towards badstone and robot bridge, but what after that? Should i head northern past vulture gulch or westward towards the wildest west?

Gee, all this a'prospectin' gets a soul mighty lonely. I hope one of them show gals from the big city shows up ad the ol' Scawpeean.

Watcha lookin' at cracka'? We was FREE men now!

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well pardner I reckon further west would be the most adventurous, but I warns ya to be careful in yer travels. God knows life's cheap out in these lands.
>tfw no show gal gf

Well partners. Just took too many sips of whiskey and here I am. Watching the camp fire die down to the last kindling. Partners....Tell me your story.

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Howdy pardners. I was real worried last night when me and a pal o' mine rode our carriage round town, afraid it'd get flooded from the floodin' goin on round where I live. Real glad we didn't I tell ya'.

> vocaroo.com/i/s1Ju5VlxMqCY
I just got back from looking after Ms. Stacy's chickens

Yadeehaww Stranger. Havin thoughts of givin my neck a taste o the ol' lasso. have been sitting alone in my ranch for 3 days drinking moonshine waiting for the indians to get a new arrival of smoke herbs


Official /c9k/ Battle simulator is out

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Did'ja get er good n deflowered brother? Awl shit, ha, excuse me pardner, just'a young man with a booming old man's spirit, reminiscing on the good ole days. Any a them fox fuggers come in wrestle with them hens while you were on watch?

Not much to tell here, I'm a bit of a wanderer round these parts, roughly ten years a touring in and out of towns, heh, not much good it's done though. Figure I'll settle down somewhere for a while, find something to get my head straight. Any a that whiskey left in that bottle there for a travelin soul?

>she said I was a mighty good pal
feels bad pardner