How do you know if you are attractive?
Are most people attractive if they aren't skinny but aren't fat, because I find most girls who are at a good weight attractive.
How do you know if you are attractive?
Are most people attractive if they aren't skinny but aren't fat, because I find most girls who are at a good weight attractive.
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this is honestly a good question, how the fuck can we tell?
Do women pay lots of attention to you? Then you're attractive. If they don't, you're not.
There is one cute girl at work that does but she has a boyfriend. Does that have any affect on your rule
i have a lot of Girl Friends, but no girlfriend
if most women treat you badly, you're ugly. if most women barely even acknowledge your existence, you're average looking. if most women treat you well and seem to enjoy speaking to you, you're probably attractive.
Does the age of the women matter? Will women my age be more coy, while older women will be more openly nice since they know I would never hit on them anyway? A lot of middle aged women at work are really nice to me.
Symmetry is the defining trait of human beauty
Bump pls respond
Also cute girl talks to me for no reason buy she has boyfriend
Let your education begin and watch all of these (or at least one of them):
This will make you never ask this question again. Here is the looks black-pill: If you are not physically attractive to most women in general, then you are by definition not physically attractive, no matter how you feel about yourself, or whatever your parents or friends tries to encourage you with. Do smokingly hot women hit on you on a regular basis? If not, you are below a 9 by definition.
Also, being attractive is 95% your facial aesthetics. Whether you are currently skinny or chubby is largely irrelevant.
>Also, being attractive is 95% your facial aesthetics. Whether you are currently skinny or chubby is largely irrelevant.
Haven't watched the videos yet but thank you for posting them.
Now I'm to the above quote, wouldn't losing weight define your jawline and make your facial aesthetics better?
You are welcome ^^
>wouldn't losing weight define your jawline and make your facial aesthetics better?
Of course, but if you are a 4/10 and get ripped to the max you might climb to a 5/10. Improving your looks is therefore possible to a small degree, but your face sets the hard limits that can not ever be overcome, not in this lifetime.
That is why the black pill is so brutal. The face can not really be changed, and yet it is far and away the thing that matters most in determining your attractiveness.
so what does confidence have to do with this?
Nothing. It is all about the face. If you have a gorgeous face, you do not need confidence at all. And if you have an ugly face, no amount of confidence will help you.
Confidence matters only if you are like a 5-6/10 and you try to play a numbers game in approaching many girls, and hoping that like one in ~30-300 will hook up with you.
Unfortunately I'm usually rated at about 6.5/10, my ex thought I was like a 4 though. I used to pretty self confidence to the point of cockiness until we broke up, something about that just ruined me
Attraction isn't a fucking science, user. I'm interested in girls with eyes that are a little too far apart, which is fucked, but whatever, that's just what I like.
That's 100% not true, you're basing this off of pseudoscience and you probably are, yourself, a weirdo sperg.
I don't understand why you guys buy this bullshit. All you gotta do is get big and you set.
That being said, I have a somewhat attractive face anyways.
You only have to be yourself my bros
the more people who make eye contact with you in public, the more attractive you are. they want your attention and they want to look in your eyes.
its that basic. if nobody is looking at your face as you walk by then they have already seen it and don't want to make eye contact.
caveat to that: if you are VERY attractive, many times they will AVOID eye contact with you because they are embarrassed you could tell they are attracted. which they obviously are.
so the bottom line is: look in the fucking mirror. are you shit or not?
Look at the graph in pic related, or watch this video:
Women rate men very different than how men rate women, or even how men rate other men. This is why being an objective 6.5 is not enough, because in the eyes of women you are like a 4 at the very best.
Women are generally unattracted to the vast majority of men. That is a brutally hard fact about reality that we all need to come to terms with. 80% of all men are seen as unattractive to women in general. If you are a 6.5/10 objectively, then you are a 4/10 to women.
they are attracted to most men, but will rate them lower because men usually don't care much about how they look. the only important thing men need is confidence. that's what attracts women. women use makeup, men don't.
This guy is 100% right.
You're literally using pseudoscience. I have no idea where this whole "The face is everything" idea came from, especially when dudes who are jacked but look like Freddy Kruger are slaying pussy night after night.
i think you're missing the point of what i'm saying or i didn't give enough detail. i've got a lot of female friends from where i'd ask girls out and get rejected but we'd stay friends because we genuinely did get along. out of those and some people on r/rateme, most said i'm basically above average but not like a 9/10 or anything. i've gotten a range of ratings but when averaged out it comes out to about a 6.5/7, and these are mostly from women.
>All you gotta do is get big and you set.
Totally dude, just lift bro and you will drown in pussy!
it would be interesting if you're this obsessed with men but don't know that most guys who have ugly faces still get women. you didn't even post an ugly face yet, just comparing average dudes to twink models.
>most guys who have ugly faces still get women
I know, and that is thoroughly accounted for in this video . Women eventually settle down, and thus must settle with someone they judge to be beneath them in terms of attractiveness. It is just a fact of statistics that there are not enough looksmatches to women's self-perception to go around. This is why women initiate most divorces. The vast majority of women feel that they settled from day one with their interaction with that man.
Also, most ugly men get together with equally ugly women. There are many exceptions, of course, but that is the average.
>you didn't even post an ugly face yet, just comparing average dudes to twink models.
The ugly faces are in many of the videos. Other than that I do not know what your point is.
most divorces happen in the 50s and 60s. you still haven't posted an ugly face.
Come on OP. If you have to ask then you know you're not.
What a waste of a thread
>they are attracted to most men
Demonstrably false, the science does not at all agree with that statement.
>the only important thing men need is confidence.
Gigacope, dude. Just gigacope. You can not be a 3/10 and
>just be confident bro
and expect to get together with an 8/10 woman. The world does not work that way.
That there are extremely rare exceptions to this rule (usually when money are involved) does not negate this fact. Confidence is a good virtue to have in general, but it will not significantly help you in the dating world anywhere near as much as better looks would.
>You're literally using pseudoscience. I have no idea where this whole "The face is everything" idea came from
Totally just pseudoscience:
science does agree. 75% - 80% of men end up being fathers.
confidence is literally the most important thing. raises your chances from 0% to anything above 0%. at no confidence you are basically hoping for a woman who has a penis to come sweep you off your feet.
>predictor of attraction
women rate lower but fuck more. men are far more selective when it comes to appearance.
>75% - 80% of men end up being fathers.
But getting to betabux your way into fatherhood is not at all the same as women being attracted to you. That is my whole point. Not whether men get into relationships or have sex eventually, but what percentage of men are actually sexually attractive to most women.
>confidence is literally the most important thing. raises your chances from 0% to anything above 0%.
10/10 looks raises your chances to 99% with all females. If you are a 3/10 in looks with 10/10 confidence you might have a chance with 15% of females, instead of 5% of females that 5/10 confidence might yield you.
But it will be the bottom % of females either way in terms of looks. And just look at that sentence. You value women for their looks. Why, then, is it such an unthinkable proposition that women do not do the exact same thing? Are we not the same biological species?
>at no confidence you are basically hoping for a woman who has a penis to come sweep you off your feet.
Just see pic related. Women approach good-looking guys all the time. When you are sufficiently good-looking, you do not ever need to approach women.
>women rate lower but fuck more.
They fuck gorgeous guys all the time.
>men are far more selective when it comes to appearance.
No, it is the exact opposite. A guy will easily sleep with a 5/10 woman, because hey, it is always a hole. But women are not that excited about a 5/10 man. Do you have any actual data to suggest otherwise?
>not at all
you're just retarded. women are often making more money. people match up fairly equally.
no it raises it to 0% until you have confidence. also, women rate different men differently. most 3/10 looks guys have sex with girls they think are 6/10 or 8/10, and the girls might rate those particular guys higher or not worry about looks at all.
the twink models you found so far probably only fuck socialites.
>always a hole
you're gay and missing the point. guys value appearance more in attraction. it's why the beauty industry is massive on the female market and generally pathetic in most of the world for males. go fuck a mans hole and shut up you obsessed weirdo.
I usually see ugly confident men have many more options than the awkward good looking men. You would have a better example of an average man who is awkward against the ugly confident one. Good looking guys turn off most girls because they seem intimidating, likely stuck-up, or a constant threat for jealousy
incel detected.
>women are often making more money. people match up fairly equally.
But I am not denying that. Again, you fail to understand my point. See the video presented here . and please do not reply again until you understand the point he is making.
Women settle because statistics forces them to. There are not enough Chads to go around once they hit the wall. That is when they settle with a betabux provider. They are not sexually attracted to them in the same way they are to the Chads.
This is the point you need to understand. It is not about whether women eventually settle, because I agree that they do, and average men do get in relationships all the time.
But these are not the men that women truly want, nor are even comparably attracted to.
Women are sexually attracted to Chads and Chads only. That they eventually settle for Betas is not a counter-argument to this.
>no it raises it to 0% until you have confidence.
Dude, you are blue-pilled beyond the abyss. See this video:
He is using a fake picture of a male model, and pretends to extremely unconfident. Women still swoon over him and do not even really care about his confidence level.
Stop gigacoping and face reality, please.
>most 3/10 looks guys have sex with girls they think are 6/10 or 8/10, and the girls might rate those particular guys higher or not worry about looks at all.
Are you trolling me, or are you honestly this blue pilled?
>I usually see ugly confident men have many more options than the awkward good looking men.
Maybe that is true for 6-7/10 men. But not 9-10/10 men.
>Good looking guys turn off most girls because they seem intimidating, likely stuck-up, or a constant threat for jealousy
This is not even remotely true. Go on a dating site and use pictures of a male model. The results will be truly eye-opening. Women will throw themselves at you and spam your inbox non-stop.
>theyre not attracted to the people they love because I said so!
You wouldnt understand because your gay though.
>online dating
LOL. For a science rules retard you really dont know shit. Significant majority doesnt use that trash
>everyone agrees on rating
Explain billy bob thornton as sexiest man alive, virgin gay guy
>ugly girls
they don't want me. not even the ugliest ones. like 0.5/10
>step dad
not dumb enough for that
it's over, isn't it?
read Houellebecq - Whatever
What's wrong with being a stepdad? I've many friends with step dads, and they were never expected to bear the obligations of the real father. They could just play and help the kid whenever they saw fit, and felt like doing it themselves.
I'm loterally one minite through the first link and the truth is obvious.
Women act like robots searching for specific traits.
Sad thing is, they seem totally soulless doing so.
imagine raising a cucks child
oh my to the level we have fallen
They do, but I'm still a khv
Women are almost always nice to me, and even when they're being unpleasant (I see about 100 customers a day at my job, some are tired/ irritable) I can usually get them to come around with a smile