Is this perhaps the most prophetic and most important video of the 21st century?

Is this perhaps the most prophetic and most important video of the 21st century?

Attached: egg.png (561x665, 573K)

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Reject the black pill and dedicate yourself to the glorius Omnissiah! The flesh is weak brothers!

Attached: tech man.jpg (348x145, 10K)

Not really to be honest . Originally

I'd rather take the BLACKED pill. I'd rather be a sissy fuccboi slut for BBC. I want to feel those huge powerful African pythons penetrate my sissy submissive bussy and ejaculate with such power and volume that I shart his manly semen for weeks after.

white boys are naturally submissive and subservient to actual men. black men. African men. once you accept that and dedicate your life to servicing their EVERY need you will finally find happiness, and escape from misery.

Attached: Black Feeding.jpg (1000x894, 204K)

Holy fuck this propagandapost is on another level. Who's paying for this shit?

Which discord do you belong to you worthless fucking loser?

lol, what? he was just regurgitating stuff other people had been saying for years before him.
dont know why people care about that failed norman's vids in the first place.

>omg somebody has a different opinion??? waaah propaganda! help im being attacked by an internet gang!

completely pathetic. congratulations on demonstrating why whites are such fragile, easily triggered fuccbois, though. you've just proven that you need a strong, powerful black man running your life.

Attached: white utopia.jpg (1226x791, 425K)

He looks like such a dweeb when he smokes.

His whole premise falls apart when you realize that, as long as you aren't the bottom of the barrel, you, as a man, can always marry a genetically inferior female. Sure you are going to look at the thots and salivate for the rest of your life. But you will fuck your wife every night, you will have kids so your legacy doesn't die, and you can have your house and fence and dog.

You, as a male, can to CHOOSE to marry down. Your dick tells you not to but you can over ride it with your brain if you choose to.

And it's not as grim as all that, you don't have to marry way down, just a little bit. You don't have to go down more than one or two tiers. If you are a 6 marry a 5.

Now hes fucked because hes a 1. But most of us aren't 1's.

>you will fuck your wife every night
stopped reading

>Imagine giving this much of a fuck about female validation

Blackpill? This shit is surface level bluepilled if anything. Complaining about women is women tier shit. watch the century of the self or bitter lake for a real blackpill

But if you marry down, than the woman has married up, which is hypergamy, which is proving eggy right. Your turn.

/shrug I'll tell you my story. This is the gods honest truth. I'm about at 6 maybe 7 and my wife is a 4 or 5. Or, you know, we were when we were kids. We have been married for ~10 years.

She was raised in a very seriously christian family and never rebelled against her parents in any way. I still can't get her to stand up to her mom and dad. It's annoying in a way but a symptom of something that's good for me so I deal with it.

I fuck her when ever I feel like it. She ends up into it probably 80% of the time. If shes not I turn her over and finish from behind. No cooperation necessary that way. The idea that "she wont have sex with me" is so silly. She doesn't have sex with me. I have sex with her and I've never asked permission in my life.

Shes put on some weight but so have I. Though that weight went right to her tits and thighs. Didn't know I could like thicc thighs so much but turns out tastes adapt and yea I love those thicc thighs now. I wouldn't let her lose weight now that I'm accustomed to it.

We have the house and kids and the dog and everything is great.

It can be done but you gotta pick um right boys. Don't think of a woman like some magical thing thats going to save you. Think of her as someone to look after your kids and your house and that you can love like a favored pet.

Never got the eggie appeal, what do robots see in him?

>Ya just gotta pickem' sport
You're right dad!

>I fuck her when ever I feel like it. She ends up into it probably 80% of the time. If shes not I turn her over and finish from behind. No cooperation necessary that way. The idea that "she wont have sex with me" is so silly. She doesn't have sex with me. I have sex with her and I've never asked permission in my life.

oh yeah this aint creepy at all

reading this post makes me feel like i am suffocating

is this all we're here for, to become this slug with my dog and wife, fuck

Someone actually goes to this much effort to spread their mental illness on an anonymous imageboard. It's a clown world out there.

On the plus side, if your wife dies and anyone ever kills your dog, you can become John Wick

Attached: John-Wick-2(119).jpg (1920x800, 135K)

Take the white pill nigger. Genetics ARE an advantage but it's not the only thing that matters. No matter your disadvantage, if you fight hard enough, if you change enough in your life, you can achieve your dreams. It aint easy, but life isn't for those who want things easy.

I love those adam curtis docs. something about them is so visceral

No, it probably isn't

You call this shit an opinion? This reads pathetic no matter which race made it.

Peoplr have to be realistic but by being to blackpilled they can ruin remaining little chance they have.

>tfw you look just like this guy

Attached: Blind.jpg (225x225, 17K)

if only he didn't lie about being a inferior genetically, incel virgin.
Instead he never gave up, he was sexually and socially active all along. He was never a robot.

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all you need is a firm handshake son
also quake wuz a good gaem *crack* siiiip

who actually types this shit out lmao

these guys

>this guy
That's eggman you absolute newfaggot

he's not a virgin either, he has had multiple gfs which kinda takes away from this message which he became most famous for

I recorded this video right before the 9/11 Bengahzi attack. This is the "anti-Muslim" video. When they were having that scandal about "who edited the talking points," that was really about who was inserting the typos into my posts. In this video I record in real time typos being inserted into my posts. You can see that I post totally cogent text, and then a few seconds later, the test changes to be so riddled with typos that it becomes basically incomprehensible.