Female dissapointment thread

>Like a girl
>we get along
>Shes hot too
>Not intimidated by her, shes doesnt appear to be a thot
>Agrees with my nationalist ideals

>Find out she was a nude model for a lads magazine.
>Stop talking to her
>Disgusted and broken hearted
>She txts and calls constantly
>Her friends keep asking me why Im ghosting her
>Become more and more doomer and detached in class
>She misses a day of school
>Rumours that she had a small break down over me or some gay shit
>People start shaming me for judging her
>Become more and more detached
>She txts me calling me a pig and an asshole and that theres nothing wrong with being a nude model. She needed money, couldnt afford food etc etc
>She doesnt realise Im not angry, she just broke me heart.

Why is it so goddamn hard for girls to just not bhe sluts and cut corners in life? I dont care if you had huge boobs and a thicc ass theres no excuse for whoring yourself out for an easy ride. Get in there and flip burgers and wait tables like everyone else.

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>She txts me calling me a pig and an asshole and that theres nothing wrong with being a nude model.

Why roasties can't acknowledge their mistakes, why they are so defensive? This makes them even more obnoxious.

theyve been told from a young age sex sells, so if theyre sexy, sell it, its still entirely her fault and you had that right, but its the same thing as the toxic masculinity shill. thing is at this point you gotta dig in since shes now over you and pissed off, you wont be able to get her back even if you got desperate and apologized

No shit. You think Im ever going to give her the time of day again?

just saying some people get desperate with time and try to go back

Lmao you fucking beta faggot

you missed out on sex what a bruh moment

Not OP but I think sex doesn't really matter, you can literally just jack off. What is important is character, and you can't expect someone to stay in a relationship when you do something like what the girl in this story did.

Im not interested in fucking some used up piece of meat that millions of people have seen naked.

That's literally men's fault, though. Women judge men for more than the face despite the memes but men almost only judge women for looks. Women wouldn't pose nude for magazines if men didn't want it.

>Why is it so goddamn hard for girls to just not bhe sluts and cut corners in life?

Being a sex worker literally IS cutting corners in life. It wasn't like she was having sex with other men. You could had been THAT guy that gets to fuck the girl other guys masturbate to.

every guy wants to fuck the hot chicks in nude magazines you stupid cunt

>Women wouldn't pose nude for magazines if men didn't want it.

Just because theres a need for something doesnt mean you do it. Women do nude modelling because women choose to be nude models. Just as female actresses choose to do gratuitous nude scenes. Just as drug dealers choose to sell drugs.

Offloading blame is pathetic.

Dont speak for us humans you jew cunt.

White knights and aluts will never hold women responsible for their actions. Just the way it is.

based OP dont listen to the cucks ITT. find yourself a nice tradgirl

good for you man
she is probably taking a good dicking from the guys that shoot those 'nude model' videos
you avoided used goods

Thanks bros. Currently at the gym lifting the depression away

>Why is it so goddamn hard for girls to just not bhe sluts and cut corners in life? I dont care if you had huge boobs and a thicc ass theres no excuse for whoring yourself out for an easy ride. Get in there and flip burgers and wait tables like everyone else.
I hope you told her and those that were shaming you this.
You did nothing wrong. She needed a reality check.
It also feels like she acted like she was entitled to be in a relationship with you.
Fucking disgusting.

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you are a based user, never change your views only for a female, keep being the way you are, hope you feel better

Thankyou brother. Fuck degeneates and fuck sluts. FTR she called me and we talked. As you can omagine her opinions didnt change. I said its over and I dont want to associated with women who have no humility and self respect and hung up. Im sure ill be ostracised but i dont care.

BTW she said shes also gona start stripping again due this whole ordeal. She said that once again men have failed her so she has no choce or some garbage. I didnt know she was a stripped aswell. Fuck me

>start stripping again
Mate, you didn't dodge a bullet, you dodged a frigging missile!
Be glad user.
Even if you're sad now, imagine if you would have discovered that after having children.
Come on, smile for a bit, go do some nice hike with friends, ok?

>class of 30, we have to do a project in pairs of 2
>whole class pairs up except me and crush
>ask her if she wants to do project together (well, we didn't have much of a choice)
>she rejects
>she somehow negotiates with the teacher
>I ended up being the only person doing the presentation solo, and her group was the only 3-person group
Honestly fucking kill me, this is why hs sucked

>retarded failed normalfag who landed a girl hot enough to be in a magazine
>dump her because of retardation
>whine about how not being a wagecuck and doing godawful soulstealing mcjob shit is the devil and everyone should do it

Omega level yikes. Good to see retardation being punished, though. Keep on wagecucking too, it's the honorable thing to do :)

You did good user. Never compromise on your values.

Read the sign.

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>le epic doomer
kill yourself, you mentally impaired mongoloid

>I dont care if you had huge boobs and a thicc ass
>except when it made me fall in love with you because I'm an effeminate, weak incel
what a dumb, hypocritical little shit

Lmao this is pathetic desu.
>you meet a qt girl you feel comfortable with
>comfortable enough to spill your spergy nationalistic ideals with you
>see yourself having a connection
>ghost her because she did nude modeling
How to stay a virgin 101

>Get in there and flip burgers and wait tables like everyone else.

No. I deserve better. Call me a slut, I dont care.

Whore apologists who probably cam for money.

I'm not insecure about myself, so I would have no problem fucking some hot former nude model.

>its the rape victim's fault for not being able to defend herself
your logic works great

Retard, I'm literally gonna have your soul forfeited for this

protip you will never, ever be in a relationship because SURPRISE SURPRISE THEY'RE ALL LIKE THAT

NEXT person who shows that he's a retard gets the sickle

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>Come on, smile for a bit, go do some nice hike with friends, ok?

How did you get along with a girl who is popular enough in school for people to notice missing? And how do people know you?

Fuck I remember that happening to me as well.
Luckily I never cared too much about my classmates.

The same thing happened many times to me. Sometimes I remember people laughing at me as I cried.

I feel it OP. All you can do is run away these days. It's not even like you can salvage these women, they're so broken it isn't even worth trying. Do they even think before they do this shit? How do you build a relationship with someone like this? Doesn't it even cross their mind that maybe they'll have kids someday and their husband doesn't want nudes of their wife all over the place for others/the kids to see?

"hurr I was starving I couldn't affo-" yeah no shit everyone has it rough, but you can just go get a normal job.

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Youre doing gods work user. Bless you originally.

>>we get along

normie detector is already off the charts!

There is no problem with you breaking with her.
It was your choice, you don't have to justify your act. You could just have maybe confronted her about it before ghosting.

>not wanting to work for jew overlords makes you jewish
Brain damage?

Fuck jews and normiecunts. Get the fuck out of this board. Also cam-whoring worshippers should fuck themselves and hang their necks for good.

>Fuck jews and normiecunts. Get the fuck out of this board. Also cam-whoring worshippers should fuck themselves and hang their necks for good.