Did our favourite failed tranny Aiste kill itself? Didn't see any stupid threads

Did our favourite failed tranny Aiste kill itself? Didn't see any stupid threads.

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He is sleeping. He will wake soon but too bad ill be at work.

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he fucking sleeps at 4 am, just wait a few hours

Why the fuck does the cunt just complain on this site, all he gets is punishment. What support he does get is thrown under the rug.

Fuck that faggot.

hes extremely mentally ill and doesnt have no one to talk to, this is the only place he can vent and be honest probably, thats what is like for most people minus the extremely mentally ill part

Who cares? It's free speech. He is free to say whatever he wants. Leave him alone.

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Whats wrong with the faggot then? If you don't mind me asking, o'highness...

I see plenty of stupid threads

he has a bunch of mental illnesses, and is a faggot, basically

Well why the fuck did I ask; a tranny is automatically mentally ill! Just wondering why the cunt always complains yet seeks no resolution.

I don't even know who you are. Introduce yourself to the class, faggot.

am i Jow Forums's favorite successful tranny?

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im kappu the qt zoomer tranner

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Zoomer huh? So you're on of my folk, how'd you end up so fucked?

>always complains yet seeks no resolution
thats what this board is all about, he has schizophrenia and mommy problems, so more than the average tranny but hes yet to ruin him self with tranny pills so theres still redemption for him, i feel bad for him but not like i can do anything to help

a lot of mental illness and emotional torment

at least im cute now lol

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Schizophrenia and mommy problems. Well I could atleast relate to the schizophrenia shit, I've got it and so does my sister and one of her friends. I deal with this shit and it's fucking gay. Aiste doesn't have mommy problems, or if she does, then it also daddy problems.

I just hate the fact he doesn't want to resolve anything. Fuckin pisses me off.

>atleast I'm cute now
You were always cute fucktard, although you lacked the charm to make any progress in middle school and with no charm + no chad looks you fucking flunked high school socially and are now a feeble, weak minded sook baby that's decided to go for hedonism then permanent resolve.

Atleast you looked for a form of resolution though, so I gotta give you that.

>You were always cute
thanks, user... >w>
it's true i was an autistic retard in school, but im not weak minded. at least, not too weak minded.

at least i fuck my gf's sissycunt daily though

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You took an easy way out user, it'll last a good couple years if you've set it up well. However, be warned, don't look at the path you've taken as something that is a necessity. It's just another paragraph in the story that is you.

Now piss off cowboy, and make sure the next time you look in the mirror you see yourself.

you don't scare me, user.

not in the slightest.

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I was about to write some mean comment, then I realized I haven't been told this in a long time. Thanks faggot, all my friends fear me; atleast I'm still respected.

as do mine, user. you can't be scared of others if you're already god.

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I'm afraid of everything user, I've lived such a long shell of false bravado I have no idea how I made it this far.

What I truly fear is women though, not in the sense that they make me scared, but when I have to talk to them I hesitate; every god damn time. I at least know the reason for it.

Tell me your story user, what are you?

i suppose i've just learned to not give a fuck, i recognise the inferiority of those below me and commend those who i deem to be acceptable. im a narcissistic tranny bitch and i don't think i've ever felt true fear in a while.

my feelings are not without empathy however, i care about those that respect me and i want to care for them and protect them dearly. those that betray me don't tend to last very long.

roasties don't scare me but they do disgust me. the way they flaunt their promiscuous nature and use their vagina as nothing more than a fuckhole is sickening, considering that it should be used for reproduction, and producing children and thus a family. i am trying to project myself as an image of traditional feminity long since passed, an aesthetic lost on the roasties and whores of our modern era. i'm pretty good at it too.

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I have a feeling you were raised in an upper middle class family, or an atleast average one. You honestly sound like you've got alot figured out and can carry your weight; I just don't believe it because of the sexual situation your posing.

Are you saying this because it's true? Are you saying this because it's nearly true? Or are you lying?

Different user
Yeah, it is sad that trannies are better woman as far as personality then real woman. But chromosomes still matter at the end of the day.

Also, have you even heard of the tyranny of the weak? Based on your post that seems to fit you.

i was not raised in a upper middle-class family, i was raised in a rather poor household. i wouldn't lie. i may manipulate people to my will but dishonestly is not my forte. i am always honest with my intentions, i just portray it in way that makes people agree with me.

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Well I'm glad to hear that user, I reckon you've got 5 strong years ahead of you. After that it's no mans land, for all I know you could stay head strong with the path you're taking right now.

It's still pleasing to say that from what I've been given; you've got a viable future. I've uh, gotta go now so thanks for the chat.

Good luck Friend

chromosomes don't matter, user, they're just meaningless genetic markers that are being used to degrade the superiority of trans girls (keep in mind whenever i talk about trans girls, i mean cute hsts early transitioners, not gross agp hons). at the end of the day, the only real difference is that they have a cock, and you'll need IVF to have kids. if that's a dealbreaker for you, then so be it.

if you knew me user, you would know i am not weak. i have met several tranny narcissists who fit this concept, and i have called them out for their fragility. those types are quite afraid of me.

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thank you user, you seem like a nice person, and not the typical sort of trash that attempts to degrade me. it was nice talking to you too, fren.

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Well it says in the bible not to mistreat homosexuals but to treat them as your fellow man; although they still won't make it into the kingdom of heaven.

but i'm already god, user

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Well i could argue on your stance on chromosomes but that seems like a waste of time as each of our stances are probably firm.

So educated me on this, what is a hsts early transitioner and what is a agp hon. Never heard those terms before.

a hsts (homosexual transsexual) trans girl is a biological male who seeks to transition due to being feminine in both behaviour and appearance, and tend to seek relationships with men and/or have traditionally androphilic desires. a hsts trans girl will usually transition early in life, from ages 14-23.

agp (autogynephilic) trans girls are biological men who are sexual aroused by the idea of being female. they are typically masculine in appearance and behaviour, and are attracted to cis women, and have gynephilic attractions. agp trans girls will usually transition later in life, and are typically 25+.

a 'hon' is a term used for a tranny who does not pass as a woman. this term is typically associated with agps due to the fact that most agps transition late and typically are not concerned with actually passing, they just want to appease their fetish.

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He finally went to the fjords with his mum :3

Rude. Aiste-chan is very fragile and must be protected.

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Hope he gets killed in his sleep. Fuck Aiste and his followers