All lubed up user?

>All lubed up user?

Attached: 2d427aa.jpg (540x960, 45K)

uhh no? who the fuck are you??

>Not a realskin Shane Diesel BBC dildo

Fucking amateur get out of my face

>literally nothing in the house
>not even curtains
They're either shit poor or they just moved into that house. Why is their first priority to play with a strap on?

give a woman a fake penis and she thinks she hard

or maybe it's a TRAP HOUSE!

Well clearly she's not flaccid.

Perhaps she's wondering why you would curtain a window that already has blinds.

The only kind of trap that should be acknowledged on this godforsaken board.

Attached: 63D88C0A-8373-43FF-B96C-B36D27FD3BD2.jpg (750x847, 922K)

Decoration user. You're probably one of those millennials that would only have the absolute essentials in their apartment and nothing else. Your living room is probably a couch, a table and a tv, nothing else.

What kind of car is this?

Guess again. I live with my hoarder mother, so our living room is full of useless shit.

>not having your living room filled with knicknacks
Never gonna make it, kiddo.

Attached: c76.png (395x347, 102K)

It's clearly a sportscar.

l want to fuck the wine aunt.

Obviously a murder room.

It's shiny as heck.

*boipucci starts to ovulate*
Yes mistress!
*suck strapon to lube it up for my anal pleasure*

>*boipucci starts to ovulate*
>Yes mistress!
>*suck strapon to lube it up for my anal pleasure*

Aaaaaaand I'm killing myself. This post did it.

Agreed. aye it's Big Gucci

It's a Ferrari but not sure the model

>getting a fake penis of a fake penis

Yeah, I already said it was a Sportscar.

>eating steak when you could eat spam
Your loss, bucko.

Attached: Chris-STephens-596561.jpg (590x350, 42K)

Get more specific my friend. Shalom allecheim

It's a Ferrari Sportscar.

>so terrified of the power of spam he deletes his post

Attached: stream_img.jpg (680x381, 43K)

damn this spam guy looks sinister as fuck

Ay you aite white boy. Looking real cute too

Here's a spam Chad to ease your mind.

Attached: East-African-Food-Sure-is-Weird%2C-Says-Man-Eating-third-helping-of-Spam.jpg (750x422, 39K)

I misread the post I was replying to. I thought he said "buying a fake penis OR a fake penis", implying that one fake penis was as good as the next.

I apologize for my error and hope we can move forward with the thread amicably.

Ok so since I don't know what that word means. I'm going to take it as a sign of disrespect so help me with the sale

women cant fuck properly with a strapon, i need real men to fuck sissies in my porn

It's a porn house