t-they got us
T-they got us
I am a true robot
most of this fits me
called us out HaRD
All I want to do is survive but they make it so hard
Just hand me down, give me a place to be
I dont drink alcohol because im too paranoid to go to the store myself and get it but the rest fits me
That typical room looks comfy
stop browsing r/starterpacks
what kind of robot uses music streaming services
You can get alcohol delivered to you place these days, like food.
for me, it is everything but the pills
i go to the drive through for my alcohol
i found the dumb tard nexkbeard
You mean like some fast food place?
no, it's a drive thru liquor store
>drive thru liquor store
didnt know this was a thing
>hwhite bois
>have an alcohol delivery service in town
>"delivery in under 2 hours!"
>place order (two handles of vodka and a fifth of rum)
>they come in 5 hours after 3 calls
>parents already back from work and just stare
they got me into massive shit and got my fucking order wrong too, wrong brand of rum and wrong bottle size. Never fucking again. At least grocery stores started selling beer and wine in my area, it was illegal before but now i can get it 10 mins away walking.
Yes apart from energy drinks and piss jugs.
These are the only ones that fit me or come close to it;
>Typical room
>On the computer 16 hours a day
I dont have the motivation to use the computer for that long. I spend maybe 6 hours a day on the computer.
>Rarely ever goes out
The piss jugs are fucking gross, but aside from that, yeah.
Too much of a germaphobe to have bodily waste just lying around like that.
You would have to frequent r9k a lot to even create this image lol.
The only things that apply to me here are drinking and being on r9k. I don't really get the Spotify part. I do listen to music, so I guess I'm half guilty on that one?
>considers sleep a hobby
>drinking excessively
>dirty room
>taking medication to get better
All things that I have seen normalfags partake in.
They are correct on two of those for me. Who the fuck considers sleeping a hobby? They should also add
>Sleeping through the day, waking up in the evening, minimizing the chance of having to deal with people.
This place is dead so how many people does this apply to
>No anime
>No gaki no tsukai
>No Hentai
>No imageboard
>No discord
>No piratebay or libgen
>No 'considers collecting doujin a hobby'
>Spotify instead of Soundcloud
>Piss jugs instead of sneaking out of room or house at night to piss and shit
This was definitely made by a normfaggot, but obviously it must off been anyway. It is a starter pack after all.
NEET =/= Hikki
There are NEETs that still manage to maintain a social life, living off of gibs and masking NEETdom. Only a Hikki would use piss jugs.
Also >deteriorating due to loneliness and not developing communication skills
My communication skills have always been terrible and always will be, people make me feel lonely, I feel less lonely away from people. This sharterpack didn't get anything.
OP is a leddit normfaggot. Sage
Imagine if any of them developed social skills 16 hours a day. It would be a new generation of real men.
fuck off nigger piss jugs are revolting
They forgot the no personal hygiene/occasional personal hygiene