Comfy cozy thread: rainy north east edition

>////x/Comfy Thead Theme//x///
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Post Comfy Media/Pictures/Links
Tell me what you're doing/drinking/eating/reading

COMFY GENERAL WHO THE FUCK IS UP GET COZY GET COMFY FUCKERS. Minimal politicking, racebaiting, and boipussi please. We try to encourage everybody to have good feels even if they're feeling bad.

Get settled get cozy and /COMFY/

comfy is a forlorn feeling of wanting to exist in the moments of absolute bliss you find from experience or in pictures you like. comfy is subjective but there's a few trends you can whittle it down to.
>urban japan
>warm colors
>tight spaces
>rural japan
>eastern Europe sometimes, (mostly russia and the like)
>pink skylines
>VHS filters over just about anything.
you have the right idea. composition is very important when it comes to creating an aesthetic picture (obviously).

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Other urls found in this thread:

I've been playing Octopath Traveler recently and that game is hella comfy. Especially this track:

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How's everyone's friday night going?

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I'm just chilling here watching Overwatch League and reading my book

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I was just thinking of doing the exact same things, nice
Do you follow a particular OWL team or player?
I mainly watch for the Hunters desu

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Thank you to user from a music thread earlier today for showing me this song:

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If I had to pick a favorite, I'd have to go with the Shock because I'm a Burger and I came from CS:GO, so it's nice watching a team with American players win for once. It's so much fun to watch the Hunters play their weird comps, especially with our lord and savior Ameng on Wrecking Ball

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I play tanks mostly so Shock are pretty fun to watch too, Super's massive brain and Choi's dva ults are pretty great
But Ameng is love yeah

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>I play tanks mostly

Thank you so much, holy fugg. I'm a support player (mostly Lucio and Ana) and the amount of 3-4 DPS comps I see drives me insane sometimes

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I used to play on console last year and then moved to PC when I started playing again last month. All the people I know on PC are support mains like you, so I step up and take the tank spot.
Hammond and Winston are the most fun heros to play anyway imo, but for a better comp I'm usually on Zarya.

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What's your favorite map to play? Mine's pic related because of all the boop potential

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im sad, maybe ill roam the streets later

forgot pic, orginalo ofc

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The Christmas Kings Row is comfy as fuck and my fav
Gibraltar and maybe Busan are pretty good though, lots of opportunities to be winston or ball
I like most of them as long as it's not one with huge open spaces where I'm stuck as the shield, like on Junkertown attack

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Kings Row is a close second for me. I especially love the winter version with the trains that run above at the last point. Also, the title screen music during the holiday event is top-tier comfy:

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yeah god bless, I listen to the ambience while reading or drawing sometimes

I don't really want to work at a game company but if I got to make seasonal versions of maps it'd be ok desu

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I love seasonal variants of maps as long as they don't change how the map plays like Eichenwalde's. (Third favorite map by the way)

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I hope they come out with some really cool shit for Blizzcon, at least a new map and hero, preferably a winter kind of one since Paris, Havana and Rialto have all been warm sunny ones.
I've not got much to look forward to in way of games till then since E3 has been and gone.

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A winter map would be nice considering Volskaya is the only map in the competitive rotation that's snowy. I just hope they stop making 2 CP maps, or if they do, don't make them suck like Paris

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Not gonna post a picture 'cause I don't want to dox myself, but I'm sitting in my room under my desk light, so everything's lit in a dim yellow color. There's a cool breeze blowing in that smells a bit like flowers. Crickets are chirping. The house is silent. It's /comfy/.

Nepal has some snowy bits but not enough I feel like, too much of it is indoors.
What do you think of JJonak getting a custom skin made and them taking his ideas and shit?

Oh, that's actually happening? I saw that on the competitive Overwatch subreddit (inb4 reee) and I thought that was a joke. It makes sense though. I would say JJonak is the best Overwatch player in the history of the game (so far)

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he definitely changed how people played zen
last year the whole team played around him and giving him the space he needed and everyone just fell apart against it
it's pretty cool to see people change stuff up like that, I'll be interested to see if more people start using Baptiste in OWL, think there's only one guy doing it regularly atm

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A contributing factor was that you would lose armor after shields and Rally armor took like a minute to dissipate, so Zenyatta would be at a constant 300 HP

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