I want an asian bf
is that possible to accomplish as an asian fembot?
I want an asian bf
is that possible to accomplish as an asian fembot?
how about a white bf with a nice peen?
its kind of hard to accomplish things if you dont exist
might be difficult if you are fat
but I want my kids to look like me
Most asian women aren't fat, remember? I'm quite thin
Yeah Asian guys would love to have an Asian girl who hasn't been fucking white guys. I'm not asian but honestly it's disgusting how asian qts ignore asian guys.
congrats you met all the requirements
Yeah of course I like asian men. After all, my father is asian. He always slapped my ass all the time when I was younger, I hope to date someone assertive and confident like him.
Can the use of these words be banned already
Not being fat is easy. I really don't understand how someone can be lazy enough to become fat.
Why are you being so rude? This is my favorite dating website.
Please stop being an attention whore.
Don't bother posting in my thread unless you're a handsome asian boy who wants to take me on a date, thanks!
I mean the odds of you being a female is so low that I shouldn't even entertain the idea, but in the off chance you are, is the place to solicit for asian men. Stop being an attentionwhore. Who am I kidding, any real woman on here is a BPD attentionwhore. Enjoy your stay.
Don't bother posting on my board if you won't realize that your attention whoring shitposts are unsubstantial, thread-sliding misdemeanors.
here are my requirements
>looks like my dad
>significantly older than me
>wants to be called daddy
>slaps my ass
>my board
Is your name moot or hiro?
I want a depressed r9k bf
/soc/ guys are too chad/normie, they just want a pump and dump
The fuck? Just like go outside and you will get a azn bf.
asian boy here
i'd probably try to see how much Jow Forums has corrupted you as a robot
Well good fucking luck. Any asian guy here is a ricecel that cries about you wanting white cock. I wouldn't count on any of those faggots actually starting a relationship with someone they deem to be in-existent
>Is your name hiro?
No I'm Satoshi Nakamoto
But I want one who is a robot or reminds me of my father
boys irl who would talk to me have self confidence and normie lifestyles i can't relate to
If I disparage white men in front of them will that make them happy?
Actually, no, I don't think even that would work. Then they would turn to how you're a money leech, or an ice queen. Maybe you shouldn't date men off r9k?
I'm Asian and I want an Asian gf but they all date white guys,
how do i make asian men or "ricecels" happy and repair the relationship between asian men and women
I'm a cute asian boy, post contact
How about a 1/4 polynesian guy who could maybe pass for filipino
Is it not getting through to you? YOU CAN'T REFORM THEM. I forgot about the 2nd type of asian guy on here. The fuccboi, thirsty, discord posting faggots that pose as robots. Please, leave for your own sake.
which state do you live in user?
good point
Quit larping. All the Asian girls that post here are whitewashed and self hating.
cuckfornia, where else?
t. self hating asian
funny how this isn't orig
But I'm a self-hating white guy user. I'm trying to save the fake femanon. Asian guys that don't use r9k are better for op
but I want to be abused by more bad boys
preferably korean or hapa
that applies to whites too
oh it's just you again
i'm neither of those but i've been told i look like those kpop guys
>korean or hapa
This larp just keeps getting better. Now how are you going to explain why you're not a fat, disgusting, acne ridden, slob? You should have said Cambodian, or Thai or Taiwanese.
Hello again
>i'm neither of those but i've been told i look like those kpop guys
Can you grow a nice beard?
I'm a robot but I already have a gf.
why are you so upset? you don't want to believe people love asian guys? Are you a jealous bitter white guy or something?
no definitely not sorry to disappoint
most asians can't
>be an asian female
>have obsession with tripfag from /a/ for many years who also happens to be asian
>message him after a dream compels me to try and befriend him
>he's smart, a little socially stunted, but has a very genuine and sweet personality
>start going out
>things are going surprisingly well
>tfw i have a qt asian bf now
its a dream come true, at least for me
No. There's a stereotype that follows women that specifically like Korean guys. And since I'm under the assumption this is a bored man that started the thread, I critiqued this specific detail of the larp. Don't most Asian people date asians anyways. What's the problem?
I already know you only date viet girls, I'm not viet
That's so cute, that story made me smile
i'm still cute tho and i meet most of your other criteria
Really? You fit these? They're pretty silly.
>looks like my dad
>significantly older than me
>wants to be called daddy
>slaps my ass
I'm 22 for reference. How much older are you?
He's probably assuming the thread is just another race bait thread. Which it is.
Why do you want my quarter incher
Your story is like mine except she was the tripfag. Been with her like 10 years now.
I just want want to be with a man who looks like my father
Shit, I have the same story too, but we connected on the early formative internet network of early 1970's. IBMchan if I remember correctly. We've been happily married for over 40 years
>trying to mock me for being a boomer by pretending to be an actual baby boomer
shit, I thought you would be younger. I'm 24 and don't know what your dad looks like but you can call me daddy when I'm spanking you?
Did you ever see his penis?
This is what it's like to be a normalfag isn't it? Saying shit like this? I'm never gonna make it in the real world.
just gotta fake it till you make it brah :^)
Fake and gay, no girl would ever fall for someone like me
I don't want to be with a guy who only has being asian going for him. You guys think liking asian guys means you only need to be asian.
owo! are you summonin me again
i can. fufufufu
no you'll never love me :'(
you like white girls more
>tfw asian
>tfw hate white roasties
>tfw hate asian gold diggers
wat do
pssh im just an old perv.
old asian perv that can grow a beard? stop being my type :(
you'll make me think about you all day
im a good perv.
Not possible.
nothing is possible for someone who doesn't exist.
Do hapas count? Asking for a friend.
I like hapa boys
Op you're a liar real asianbots are hikikomori neet losers who are definatley not assertive. You don't want us. You want assertive chads and you probably want to fuck white guys to.
>you probably want to fuck white guys to
can I exist for 2 seconds without an asian guy accusing me of this pls
What would he have to do to seal the deal?
all the hapa guys I met are 10/10 perfect cute boys
we've probably already talked before
sorry i didn't even answer the question
be romantic c:
What kind of things do you think are romantic?
mm, I want to be told I'm beautiful, and that he loves me. being told my body is sexy.
and I want someone to say they can't live without me or they're obsessed with me. something like that.
Sounds like you would already have to be in a relationship with someone to do that.
these are just things i fantasize about
it will never happen because i'm an introvert
its alright, you dont have to lie to yourself about wanting an asian bf. we all know you LOVE strong, assertive white men. asian men just cant compete.
I want to believe OP is just a LARPing attention whore. It would be too painful otherwise.
no! i have a crush on you and you know it :((
Being an introvert isn't such a bad thing, even if you are too shy to seek out others you can still let other people approach you
why would it be painful? explain
Because it hurts me to know that I will never be with you.
but I love you!
don't be hurt.
That only makes it worse for me
>white boi can't cope with the loss of the only thing he has to make him feel better about himself
you are cute
i'm sorry
i'd just end up hurting you like everyone else
At least give me a chance to try
Larping should be a bannable offense. original commento
i'd just end up using you for attention
are you okay with that?
Yes, I would be fine with that. Use me to your heart's content
i just hurt someone else really badly
do you want to end up like that?
>hasn't posted brown nips or slant eyes with time stamp yet.
>all these fags already wanking over a larper
Better to have loved and lost than to never love at all, you know
Asian and hapa girls belong to whites, that's a fact.
not at all. there are people still hung up on me after years and I never think of them anymore. I think it's putting yourself through torture. it's better to never feel love than losing someone.
That's not how I feel about you
>That's not how I feel about you
Do I know you, user?
No, we just met. It's like a destiny.
okay, do you really want to be my orbiter?
This is a terrible idea on your part, I will tell you right now that I will end up hurting you and I won't care about you, I'm just using you
were you on omegle too?