This is modern dating in 2019. This is who you are up against.
This is modern dating in 2019. This is who you are up against
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I made it 12 seconds.
Op kys originally
low attention span zoomer faggot
I might choke. My neck muscles are so tight its like im being strangled.
Sorry for doing that to you user, but the reality of our situation must be broadcast on a near daily basis.
also that book isnt a book. its a compiling of commercial ideals targeted at malfunction consumers. optimism. paths. choosing. forward. you. unique. colorful binding. quirky font. 24hrs. book. somebody now.
I'm going to keep watching. might die. wish me luck lads.
its a kike. cant look at that jewish face and her clickbait
>2 minutes and 20 seconds of unrelated intro
Jesus user you can't just tl:dr this bullshit?
The fucking jump cuts.
Learn how to say more than one fucking sentence consecutively,
just under 6 minutes in and I am being strangled so hard; I like it. Will be downloading for posterity as this is kino.
>video is over 8 mins long
TL;DR someone give me the jist so i can hurry up and get triggered, call her a whore then hide the thread.
Unfortunately, that kind of drip feed of hollow optimism is what serves as socially acceptable wisdom for today's millennials and zoomers. The girl in the video is relatively successful and will be one of the people more likely to dictate the course of society so I continue to expect more of that self help bullshit to continue. I can't wait for the cyberpunk future when bright neon billboards are put up to convince citizens not to commit suicide because there are work credits to be earned.
the swarthy foreigner has a lambo with his initials on it, so cultured. BITCH JUST SAY SAUDI ARAB PRINCE
couldn't make it past the ad desu
white guys are simply too weak to date anymore. it's all black guys and indians taking over.
I'm a zoomer if 1995 is the cutoff and yes, I agree with you. I remember all my classes in college were with girls like this. these can't be real people with souls. they just cant.
>christian girl looks for LTR on dating app
>becomes wet when she sees chad
>chad just messages "hi gib number"
>she does because he's chad
>chad rolls up in a lambo and turns out he's a pro athlete
>cant speak english
>obviously just looking for a pump and dump
>girl makes web series dedicated to looking for christian chad when only running into alpha fucks
This is the gist, couldn't sit through the whole thing
>rich men can take advantage of ~8/10 women who are not-as-rich but still upper class for free pump-and-dump
What's the point you're trying to make, user?
They are considered more real than you and I, at least based on society's standards. For example, girl in the video was a model, and is now in law school. She will probably live a happier and more financially successful life than the majority of us here. Single loser men are scum, and I intend to live the scum life until hopefully my career takes it off, which it prolly won't
Yepp. I've come to the same conclusion but scum isn't it. We are pollution.
It's almost comical to me how much I hate her. Made it to 1:21 mark
keep going. it gets better.
My point is that I think a lot of guys are completely unaware that they are in direct competition with literal pro athletes and millionaires in their 20s for a fuck. They just think they might be competing with the local Chad in their neighborhood, but not actual celebrities. Lots of guys jump in thinking "hey, I'm decent looking maybe I can score a 6 or 7" not realizing that girls who are 5 and above are for the revolving door of Chad cock. This info is now more relevant than ever because stats now show the trend of new couples meeting through online is trending upwards and not stopping while other traditional means for meeting girls (bars, clubs, public spaces) are trending downwards.
I'm not really against this new dynamic at this point. I've accepted it and now squeezing as much success I can get from modern hookup culture.
What kind of fathers do you think these women have?
Fucking suifuel Jesus fucking Christ I think it really is time to rope now.
>Tee hee I'm just pretending to be shallow
It's really over
Fathers like pic related
So do we start with the roasties or their fathers?
she talks too much about nothing. Fuck that bitch and fuck her video, ragequit at 1:25
Plenty of people will live happier and sadder lives than I. Or you. It's all fucking relative, so what are you trying to prove? I don't use thots to base my standard or goals and neither should anyone else.
>traditional methods: bars/clubs
the real blackpill
I hope she can find a worthy male, I honestly admire all the women out there who put themselves out to constant dissappointment after dissappointment
Maybe the 80/20 rule isn't true and the ratio of crap/worthy males is more like 90/10 these days
this has to be manufactured pysops to convince men to work harder just to secure some pussy.
its not working btw
no pussy is worth that much effort.. i would rather focus on myself to complete my bucket list and pick a woman that comes into my life either through work or travel.
Kill yourself, legit
maybe she will get it your camry one day user. because she was kicked out of the Lambo
they're making life difficult or damn near impossible for real human beings so; I don't believe its a stretch to say they need to have their rights taken away. Or just be culled from the gene pool outright.
>I honestly admire the cock carousel
You can't make this shit up
did she let him fuck?
>My point is that I think a lot of guys are completely unaware that they are in direct competition with literal pro athletes and millionaires in their 20s for a fuck.
I saw a news article the other day about Ashton Kutcher testifying in a serial killer trial because some 7 he was on his way to bone got killed by the serial killer before he got there.
The whole serial killer part of the story was much less interesting to me than the fact that Ashton Kutcher, who gets to fuck Mila Kunis, was trying to fuck some girl who was a 7 or possibly a 7.5, max. And this was in 2001, when he was already a TV star.
So...yeah. Chad - including TV star Chad and Pro Athlete Chad - is fucking ALL girls who are a 7 or up. All of them.
>caring about some random whore
>caring about whores at all
the only way you can live your life is to focus on yourself and what makes YOU happy. who gives a flying fuck what the average roastie is involving themselves these days. jesus christ dudes, stop obsessing over these random whores. sure they might have marginally more money, but guess what? theyre gonna spend it on on retarded shit like live love life posters and retardedly expensive cars they dont know how to maintain. they'll fuck the chads over and over and then get some beta fuck/rich chad to marry, then its the boring ole nuclear family from then on. boring shit. focus on yourself, even if youre just some useless neet, because men have inherently better lives than the cookie cutter ones that roasties do.
stay cool out there kings
I'm watching its most recent video. This creature is kino taken form.
i dunno user, a lot of men and women seem to be in steady long-term relationships, maybe you're losing out because you're playing the chad and stacey game instead of aiming for a normal relationship
No they only went on one date, her doorman told her he was a famous athlete and (she says) she quit pursuing him after finding out he had a gf
Liberty has extended a previous social class privileges and rights that seep indiscriminately and indistinguishably into our social structure and it is decaying. Women are basically oxidizing everything and all that's left is MGTOW.
Either that or import women, we need foreign women! Not the niggers though.
You're right, I'm working on my pushup count for when we finally have to kill the beta simps and manginas. Its coming and they're going to have boomers/gen-X faggots simping hard for these sluts.
she has multiple videos about 'hinge cringe'
thots are making content off her dates
>I don't use thots to base my standard or goals and neither should anyone else.
I agree, but I can't help but think the current dating environment is highly dysfunctional and ultimately unstable. Maybe my autism is showing and I'm concerned over nothing, but knowing what I know now, I don't think shit is gonna end up very good.
>Or you. It's all fucking relative, so what are you trying to prove?
Trying to make it clear that in current year, our dating culture + current technology will lead to a whole lot of societal dysfunction in the future. Our happiness may be all be relative to each other, but what's not say that the whole spectrum might shift downwards all together, resulting in an overall less happy populace
Women have had the right to vote now for little over a century. This didn't come out of nowhere. No, what we need is to get rid of the 19th amendment and realize that past generations failed and we must correct this mistake before were all poor and in the dirt.
no wonder she always does front on videos
>I'm working on my pushup count
>or when we finally have to kill the beta simps and manginas
literally oozing weak incel of this. go lift
i feel like an emotional tampon after listening to this drivel
that's an (((interesting))) phenotype now that you point it out
>>girl makes web series dedicated to looking for christian chad when only running into alpha fucks
I'm not really interested in the dating travails and relationships problems of chicks who would never in a million years date me.
I have no solutions for you. So I guess there's nothing to discuss.
lol did my part
>jared leto
you realize theres like, millions of us right? nevermind all the incels in China also but you simps are just going to have to learn the hard way it seems
>you simps
millions of genetic dead ends that hopefully die soon
>literally oozing weak incel of this. go lift
lifting is one of the most brainlet activities out there, and this is coming from someone who lifts to cope. Literally just pick up heavy thing and put it back down, rinse and repeat. Incels should chase money more than chasing gains. Maybe stock up on supplies ands guns if shit looks like it is going south
Honestly I think China would have no problem purging its incel population. They are researching designer babies and prolly just gonna replace some of the chattel with some highly competent genetic elite. Maybe keep some ugly retards to keep some machines running
I often wonder if I'm in Hell.
Well if Chad would like protected status in the beta/FA caliphate then he'd do well to pick the winning side
no u
Artificial wombs is more realistic an end goal. At that point women become obsolete.
I wonder if lonely incels feel like they are suffering. Because I don't think they are, they are just watching youtube videos
Nothing wrong with calisthenics
Incels are going to be purged soon. The US Air Force is officially involved.
yea they're all just weak little punks making excuses. nobody could ever have that much sadness and be so isolated in their lives
If they're lonely then that would count as mental/emotional suffering.
Oh no, the Air Force. I'd be insulted if they didn't send the Navy Seals or Green Berets. At least Force Recon Jesus.
most robots are just whiny bitches I agree with you there but you are just delusional if you don think there simply exist naturally ugly men with shit family life who are as a result just completely fucked today
>lifting is one of the most brainlet activities out there
>Literally just pick up heavy thing and put it back down
hello newfriend lifter
>Incels should chase money more than chasing gains
agreed. no where did i explicitly not state that he shouldnt. just that thinkin he would get buff from fucking pushups
Comon man don't remind me.
90% of these "storytime" videos are embellished or outright fake
holy fuck 5 minutes in NOTHING HAS FUCKING HAPPENED I skipped the 2 minutes of fucking ads at the start
then 3 minutes went by and it can be summarized as:
>a guy said hi
>blah blah blah blah nothing happened
>so we went on a date
she literally said like 3 thousand fucking words to explain NOTHING
did she write the great gatsby?
im going to downvote 20 of her videos for wasting my fucking time
Yoan Manuel Moncada
Don't know what the problem is. She was dazzled by the good looks and bling but turned him down because he had a gf, big deal
That'll teach these thots well done my incel comrade.
thought it was satire for a good few minutes
>This is who you are up against
???? i'm not against anyone
her voice and speed talking is so annoying
no wonder she's single can't make it through the video
go to church if you want a man since you're christian
>im going to downvote 20 of her videos for wasting my fucking time
Not him but I'm in my 30s and I fucking can't stand youtube videos where people ramble on for 20 minutes. I can spend hours reading stuff people have written but something about listening to somebody's slow boring-ass talking drives me nuts.
Born too late for real prosperity era
Born too early for utter despair century.
Born just in time for boring stagnant purgatory.
Not bad enough to struggle and find real meaning in that struggle, but not good enough to actually enjoy anything.
Maybe the worst kind of slow death one could think of.
Mental anguish has little to do with what you're doing. There's rich, famous people who have committed suicide.
My heart just sinked from watching this video.
Jesus This is typical woman that r9k describes
robots are always right
Listening to women tell stories is cringeworthy.
They portray themselves as either some damsel in distress with third party knowledge, or as some saint who did nothing wrong and had full, full control at every given moment.
Which is why they in hindsight gets retroactively raped.
Reminder Chads pump and dump these women for free while they're young and in their prime, then when they start to hit the wall near 30's the betas get to trade their bank accounts for some week old fish.
You didn't see that based on the lips and face?
>When I saw his profile he was like WOW
>He didn't had much in description.
>He started with "Conversation Breaker" Hi
>But I still replied TEEE HEEE
>I was expecting bit of conversation before we meet
>He Said lets meet Gib Number
>I don't know what was I thinking I gave him Number and my Address TEEE HEEE
>He came with Custom Lamborgini its not like that is important and that I care about money and status but it was just WOWWW TEEE HEEE
>We went to dinner there were people approaching him and taking pics with him
>I asked who was he.
>Pro athlete millionare
Skips part how the evening ended just went to point where she explains when she was back home how she searched for his instagram
Probably got dicked hard
>Found out he has GF but I won't tell her because maybe she knows he is cheater TEEE HEEE
i fucking hate normies. im gonna try to watch this
what an annoying cunt
>incels seething at a girl telling a dating story
Lol pathetic, stop being bitter and go live life
>cunt lives in a building with a doorman
>olive skin, hair her color
>6 ft 2 "minimum height requirement"
>dude pulls up in a custom lamborghini with the guys initials
>"ethnically ambigious with light colored eyes"
>guy doesn't speak english that well
>someone comes up to take a photo with her date when they get to the restaurant
>she doesn't want anyone to know who he is but hes a professional athlete
>but somehow he's "charismatic"
>she wants to help him teach english
>creeps on his instagram
>"you go to their tagged photos"
>finds out he has a girlfriend
>she has friends who have dated athletes and don't care if they cheat
her parents are most likely wealthy and they pay for her to have a downtown apartment in Chicago
she probably doesn't have a real job either
>he thinks i'm gonna watch 20 minutes of some whore rambling about nothing
>Dumb thot talks to someone based on appearance
>He only says "Hi"
>Dude literally has a blank profile
>"He, like, was beautiful and 6'2, so like, he meets the minimum requirements..."
>He turns out to be a bad date
Jesus fucking christ, I hate women so much.
She finds a chad on a dating app (and notes she was only looking for chads): 24 years old, 6'2", handsome, muscular, wealthy, and a professional athlete.
He's Spanish and can't speak English well at all, but that doesn't matter that much to her.
She looks through his Instagram and finds he has a girlfriend already, and then she speculates to the viewer about how many men do this and how often they do it.
OP's point is that women have high standards and will rather want Chad other girls are having than their own not-Chad.
She says she was turned off by this non-exclusivity though.
the fact that she wouldn't fuck a professional athlete because he had a girlfriend shows how fucked up western whores are. she thinks another 6'2 professional athlete with no girlfriend will be coming down the pipeline shortly. the other alarming thing is the nonchalance in which she says "6'2 meets the minimum height requirement"
1997 is about when zoomer starts
> He Thinks she didn't fuck him later that Night
Sweet summer child
You seriously can't be this naive to think that if she hasn't mentioned it? Do you?
Did you notice she rambles about him 18 minutes than she completely skips part how evening ended and jumps to how she is back home stalking him on Instagram...
What happened? they ate Crabs and went home?
Dont be dumb
Not really seething, but is a good video to watch because it literally hits every single point that robots make about women and dating in general. Also, she is a basic template of every cosmopolitan white girl ever.