I took hormones to make Robots love me but they don't. Originally deus.
I took hormones to make Robots love me but they don't. Originally deus
you'll never be a reaI woman!
Yea I fucking hate you, whore.
I don't care about that, I took hormones to be cute. All i ever wanted to do was to make all of you feel good!
Nooo (originally oh yes)
well you only brought me shame and misery
It's okay, cuteboy, I love you.
Honestly same, I hope I can make a cute autist robot very happy someday. I wanna be the best girlfriend for him I possibly can.
I never meant to hurt you're feelings but I need to be myself and feminine man on hormones is what I am. Sorry, dad!
Kill yourself, robots love people who do that, even if it is only for a few years or months. But if you do it then you have achieved your goal/dream!
I pray God will make both of our dreams come true.
you could probably make me pretty happy for a month before I ghost you because you sent nudes or something
I bet you two are qt 3.14s
I'm a robot, and I love you cutie
i love every bussy
Post contact and you can make your dream come true.
Pls be my gf im drunk and lonely
I'm in cali but I'm not looking for a bf right now because I have to make myself a better person first
cute. gl to both of you :)
I'M in cali. be my fren at least please, I should honestly be doing the same thing and we can encourage each other.
You fell for a meme pushed by 28+yo nonpassing trannies
traps have never taken hormones
that shit is literally only meant for people who want to cut their dicks off
stop before you get permanent ED and chemically castrate yourself
What's the point of "the dick makes it better" if your dick doesn't work
who cares if I get castrated
I don't
I'm not having children and I don't care that my dick doesn't work. I can always raise my bf's children and I don't need my pp to get off when I have my butt
ok sure what's your discord I'll add you later..
it's 8176#8176