Fembots, are you retarded? you have a good chance to find a shy cute boy who is 18-22...

fembots, are you retarded? you have a good chance to find a shy cute boy who is 18-22. why would you go after a edgy narcissistic male in 2019? especially off of r9k. why would you date an older man when most older men here are full blown assholes? why not a younger boy whos shy and in r9k? christ.

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>tfw 22
Thanks for calling me cute and young, user. I appreciate your efforts to help me out.

Women just find older men more attractive, that's all.

im a 24 year old fembot, and younger men are much more nicer and kind to me. i want to be a motherly gf to them and take care of them. why dont fembots just find a cute young bf and be their mommy gfs?

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because there is no fembots. They are all literal whores who flood over from their normfag sites such as reddit or twitter. They just come here because they're sick of having to abort chad's child for the 100th time. And wanna try a loser for once. "Hey! Who cares if he's a garbage human being as long as he has a big dick I'll let him reorganize my organs from banging me so much!" is all they think about us user. And that's the truth all women are evil manipulative whores that only want sex and attention.

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Us younger guys don't have as much money saved up to support the fembot lifestyle.

Ive always wanted a nice gf that I could be equally nice to and just give her all my love. I dont really know what exactly a mommy gf would do, but Ive wanted to be felt cared about. Thanks for this post, user. Maybe one day we can all find someone to care about us

its not that i hate fembots, but ive been browsing this site since 2015 and ive fairly seen a lot complain about "blah blah blah no bf", then when i ask how old they are theyre always older.. literally the most nicest people i met on r9k were 18-22. anyone older usually just make fun of others and harasses people.

that's because like I said the most people that come here that are "fembots" are just attention whores looking for a quick fuck and don't feel up to getting sore in the legs form chad again.

i hope you can find a nice gf one day! i want a younger boy whod let me care for him and be fine with me being clingy. id like him to be shy and be married to him.

What about having some actual children of your own?
I can take care of you.

I hope you do too! I have the same issue being clingy, which always drives people away. Im probably getting on the older side of to be taken cared being 22 and all.

well, i want to wait until marriage to lose my virginity. i dont mind being a housewife, though im currently getting a degree for law school. im not sure about children, but having a boyfriend whod be gentle and kind and would be super shy is ideal. i like the idea of taking care of someone and tendering them, because im a motherly person.

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to me, clingy is adorable! mommy gfs are rare, but youll find them if you look hard enough!

well, thats why you just both be neets together!

Where does one even look though

Fembots, did your mom buy you a gigolo to take your virginty? If so, how did you feel about it.

Fembots are my property

Can you sell me one?

No, because Im looking for a fembot gf. You can have the rest if they like you, user. I just need the one

>Literally like the perfect body for "cute shy boy in need of a mommy tee hee"
>Blonde somewhat long hair
>Blue eyes

>But rough sexual fantasies where I'm the dom one
I'm honestly not sure what I'm supposed to do. I guess the idea of a mommy gf isn't that bad, I need that kind of support in my life and I'd probably enjoy it normally, but I can't get off to anything unless it's aggressive. I feel like they'd be turned off when they realize I'm not a sub

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Where are you from and would you date a slightly older guy if he fit your ideals?

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>I'm honestly not sure what I'm supposed to do.
I am a large man.
I will savagely rape you until your spirit is broken so you can get a mommy gf.

it depends. are you young looking and small?

Literally just date a normal girl. There's no reason to come and take one of the few dom girls when the demand so severely outweighs the supply.

No because I'm also a burger and like to hide behind my guns. I have no reason to fear anyone except another person with a gun

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No because normal girls are annoying. They try to be "dom" and "sub" in the relationship outside of bed at the same time. It gets on my nerves

I mean hey im 21 and don't have too many problems other than posting on Jow Forums, but would you read me bedtime stories

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I just want a girl to love and give all my spare attention to. One that won't mind me being cutesy with her, one that wants me to shower her with my affection and admiration. I wanna go on cute dates with her, and just be supportive with each other so we both end up in much better places. If only

One friend told me some days ago that I still look like I did in high school. I'm barely 5'5" tall

Look dude, you've got a whole world of options, why do you have to ruin things for the poor saps who aren't into sub girls?

cute! give discord

Sorry bro but when I get my shot I'm taking it

Can you give more your rough location first? I don't have the means to travel far.

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Looks like you got ghosted, fren. Hopefully this bump helps

>shy cute boy who is 18-22
God dammit I missed my chance by a year, may as well be a wizard now

oh shit sorry was cleaning, but big island

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THE big island?

yes, big island (one of the hawaiian islands)

A mommy gf from Hawaii, this guy is livin the dream

Shit. Come to Oahu please.

well, im visiting big island currently for the summer but im coming back to oahu after june. i live in kaimuki, wby?