Can't live in this world

can't live in this world

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Why did he merge with her back

i don't actually know for sure, but i assume this is a representation of the way angler fish reproduce. the male clamps onto the female and digests his face and most of his organs apart from his gonads. and then he dispenses sperm whenever's necessary.

It's from some Animal Planet show. I'm guessing this one had something to do with angler fish.

i dont know what i want like a teeen girl
and i am ot alone which is worse.

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What is this,.where is it from, why does it exist?
I need an explanation

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Try reading the thread, you fucking idiot.

>he dispenses sperm whenever's necessary.
god i wish that was me

I dont know but I think it is explaining how fucked an animal is by explaining it with humans.
Read animal planet.
I bet its about a squid.

You could have been born any species at any point in time, and yet you weren't born a blanket octopus.

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>angler fish reproduce
This user is canon.
shut the fuck up

Imagine we are swimming underwater wearing mask (their lenses make everything bigger than it is) and we are only used to fish the size of our hand and fishes the size of our arm make us shit our pants and then we see the female blanket octopus that is our size..............
If one of use survives this encounter they would never shut up about it.

>tfw no 40,000x more massive gf

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wtf? is this supposed to be angler fish sex with humans instead of fish?

Bro there's lots of big things in the ocean. One time I saw a lobster with claws the size of a football (an American football). And that's just when it comes to diving, I went whale watching in a boat smaller than the whales once.

the ocean scares the shit out of me, i am a big strong brave man with a hard dick but just the thought of coming across a blue whale or this fucker turns me into a titty baby

>encountering a lobster with huge claws
Octopuses are vile hostile creatures.
One day I was spearfishing with a guy and he shot a fish in a cave and a little octopus stole it from the spear and retrated to the cave, the guy got mad went up to the surface to refill his lungs and cursed alot and went down grabbed the octopus and took him up and the guy bit his head to kill him.
Imagine what a big octopus do to a man.

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fuck octopi they need groupers to deal with them.

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Wait, the octopus killed him or the guy chimped out and bit the octopus?

that looks more like the dude was getting cupped during a massage

Yeah I don't think the pic is quite related.

the guy dommed the octopus and retook his fish.
we the apex.

Very based. Octopi are still cool though.

I am laughing right now. my bad.

I posted this at the beginning of the thread, I didn't see the posts before mine

what do you find attractive about that

It must have been old. Lobsters don't age, they just get bigger and hornier as they get older. The limiting factor that usually kills them is when the strain of molting the huge shell becomes too much, but some don't die like that.
I've heard of one that got to the size of a car, it was born before the American civil war.
Lobsters are technically immortal and we eat them with a side of butter.

What do you find NOT attractive about it, that's the question you meant to ask

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>Lobsters don't age, they just get bigger and hornier as they get older.
Imagine if humans were like that, there'd be 12 foot tall rapemonsters running around.

its just wierd, you can't talk with her, can't fuck her, and can't kiss her. you can't do anything.

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You can do all of those things though.

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