I like aqua
I like aqua
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Me too. I think with the right treatment she could be a really good GF, she's got the instincts for it and Kazuma just fucks it all up. Given the whole Axis Cult attitude she'd probably be a lot of fun and down to do lewd things too.
Also I have a raging nopan fetish.
*ahem* TRASH
Aqua is best.
She's the best, I would be her friend or her boyfriend if she was real. She's literally perfect.
bad opinions
t. brainlet isekaifag
Konosuba is comedic fantasy with light isekai setup and elements, not a full-on isekai like Re:Zero or Smartphone or whatever where the isekai stuff is the main driver of the plot. It's more in the vein of Slayers or Rune Soldier Louie and that's why it's good when the others are shit.
Sex with aqua!
dabs on you OP, you've a really good taste
For me it's best girl Renge.
Aqua is a whore WHORE
>muted for 2 secs
aqua is not a whore!
>ywn impregnate Aqua since she can purify your semen
Are you implying this is a problem? It's a massive benefit in my mind.
Aqua is a nice girl, but she just isnt best girl.
That's not best girl either, but to be fair you have to read the LNs to realize who the real best girl is.
YunYun niggas rise up!
megumin is better
Aqua is love. Aqua is life.
Aqua a cute, dumb and helpless. Easy to bully and control.
2nd best, thicc body, rich, desperate, submissve
absolutely wrong and cringe
So not only does it butcher the concept completely but also has unfunny comedy in it as well, great.
Aqua would suck HIV infested dicks in an alley just for a sip of beer
love love love my girlfriend aqua
Your girlfriend is a slut
No you are wrong she is pure and cute
aqua is very cute
why did aqua receive so much hate?
Yunyun's revival from the Isekai Quartet made her relevant again.
Why? She is literally designed to be deplorable, but sexy. Think for a second and realize it's just your dick talking. There are far better waifus out there.
Are the LNs fully translated?
>pure and cute
That's a funny to spell shit and garbage
wrong. she was designed to have a bit of attitude and not be some submissive cock munching whore. aqua knows how to stand her ground.
Hmm I smell someone with a bad opinion
Umaru and Miku best girls
Would you rather rim Aqua or be rimmed OP?
Whichever she prefers
Lift your legs up and enjoy the warm tongue then, boy.
god I'd really like that
I want her to purify my sweaty bum with her tongue, it sounds like pure heaven
If only...
Not sure, I actually need to catch up on them. Last time I checked they were up to like book 9 and had also done a few of the side novels. I wouldn't be surprised if the official translations are just about caught up too, they seem to be churning those out really fast.