A man with a below average sized penis?
If dick size is so crucial why do 99 percent of women want to fuck Tom Hardy?
Dick size is a meme. I can hit the cervix with just my finger. I know because I've done pelvic exams on women before.
He absolutely has an average sized penis. Also
>what is status
The real question you should be asking yourself is why they want to fuck a "short" guy (below 6' tall), which again... status.
You realize they get longer/deeper when they're aroused right?
dicklet detected
>he isn't capable of arousing a woman
come on m8, you could've consulted with your mom before exposing yourself like this...
Sounds like something an incel would say
Bruh, were your parents super religious and got you out of sex ed. or something?
So you're telling me that status>all ?
And yet day after day after day on r9k, /b/, lookism, incels.co, there are multiple posts with hundreds of replies all saying it's over if you have an average sized cock, 7.5 inches is average now, you need 8 plus with girth, etc.
And yet pretty well every woman on the planet selects Tom Hardy as the ideal man for a one off fuck or a one night stand. The one man they would cheat on hubby with? Hardy. These women have all seen his penis and yet still choose him as the ideal everything. Why are they not choosing Mandingo or a Blacked.com actor? or even some generic Chad insta fitness model packing 9 inches? All of those have status too, btw
my dick is 7 inches erect and my dick probably looks smaller than his
Because looks dont matter. Its whats on the inside that counts. Most guys are pussies
Status, then height, then face, then body, and then dick as long as they think it's average. Porn is fucking with your head. Stop.
>if women are so shallow why do they want to fuck this multimillionaire actor
You have to be brain dead to ask this question, literally be a drooling retard who could count their IQ with their fingers and thumbs (if they could count in the first place).
Your logic doesn't stand up because there are plenty of actors with even more cash and status than him that have much bigger cocks (Will Smith for one) So why aren't they all lining up to fuck Will Smith?
That wasnt the question. Where did you learn to read, retart?
Lol let's chill guys. This hyperbolic reaction is only outing you guys for the insecure man-children that you are.
Will Smith could get pussy easily because again, he is a famous actor.
The question was about why women want to fuck Tom Hardy when he allegedly doesn't have a big penis, as though the fact that he is famous and worth 30 million dollars is completely incidental.
not an argument
I'm not arguing, I'm just telling it like it is.
How do you know his penis size, what the fuck?
>why do 99 percent of women want to fuck Tom Hardy?
They dont.
>I have a massive vag that only takes BBC
Because he his hot and charismatic
Wait so you think social status and confidence is more important than penis size or looks? Interesting
Because there are constant threads talking about how over it is unless you are packing 8 inches or more. These threads and assertions never posit that status or looks has anything to do with anything. They are claiming that all women want fun and "good times" with men that have massive penises such as the ugly as fuck blacked.com actors. They say these are the facts and even Chads that are average dicked will be cucked by Chad with a larger cock. Again, Hardy has the looks but DOESN'T have anything special in the penis department. Women know this because they all drool over him and post the nude shots of him 30 times a year on Insta. There are literally hundreds of Tom Hardy fan pages with thousands and thousands of women calling him their dream man. The fact he has a below average sized penis doesn't even come into their frame of thoughts.
So given that Tom Hardy is their ideal man for every scenario from hook ups to marriage, we can deduce from this that a large cock is far from being all that matters. Tom Hardy is not going to get cucked by a man on r9k with a larger penis than him. That's the point. Since Hardy has other qualities they look for such as good looks and the status you mention, they don't even care about his dick size. Yet some people on here and on incel forums will have you believe that women want to fuck Jax Slayher over Hardy simply because Slayher has a larger penis.
>you have to be a famous actor multimillionaire to compensate for having a below average penis
Lmao. It's over man holy shit
How do you know what size his dick is? Are there pics?
>7.5 inches is average now, you need 8 plus with girth
Lies. 8" is average and you need 6.5" in girth.
Fucking dicklet nice cope we all know that 10.5" and 8" girth is the TRUE average, kys
Nah, that's a decent size.
But not quite into "big" territory.
>If dick size is so crucial why do 99 percent of women want to fuck Tom Hardy?
What is money, status and good looks?
They can always get big dick behind his back.
face goes before height
no one cares about an ugly faced lanklet
bronson, the film
No, 10.5"x8" is a little on the small side. 12"x10" is average.
>being this Bluepilled
Cringed hard
Yeah, and you don't see that many women lusting after Willum Dafoe. It's a meme.
>bronson, the film
I've watched that movie some 4 or 5 times, if I recall correctly, he doesn't exactly appear with an erection, does he?
How do you know his dick size then?
>using bluepilled unironically.
tell me more about cringe
I know a guy with a 15" x 12" that was laughed at by some roastie.
Incels can't have a break in their bad luck.
But seriously, women will always look for something bigger and cheat on you unless you are 8" x 6.5" or bigger.
Money, looks, charisma, good sense of fashion, most women haven't even seen his nudes since they're from less popular movies and or/television or they were from early on in his career so you could probably show them the nudes and they would change their minds
because no woman on Earth has seen the film Bronson so they don't know how to small his penis is