NEET and Hikikomori general Thread

How have you NEETs and Hikis been feeling today?


>The acronym for (Not In Employment Education Or Training)

>The acronym NEET refers to people who are unemployed not in school and not in vocational training


>Hikikomori is a Japanese term when translated into English it means pulling inward being confined (acute social withdrawal) hikkomori is a distinct psychological condition that refers to a shut-in who stays home in their parents house and lives in isolation in their bedroom for 6 months or more

>Most hikikomori are neets and are supported by their parents or get money from the government however if you work or take classes online at home while still not going outside and having very little or no social interaction you are still a hikikomori but not a neet

>Contrary to popular belief most hikikomori go outdoors but are just isolated socially and still spend most of the day and nearly every single day confined at home in their rooms

>The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents house, and isolate themselves away from society and their family in a single room for a period exceeding six months

>The Hikikomori Criteria and Diagnosis

>1. Subject spends most of the day confined at home, nearly every single day.

>2. Subject purposefully avoids social situations and social relationships

>3. Subject shows clear significant functional impairment,

>4. Subject shows social withdrawal symptoms for .a duration of 6 months or more

>5. Subject has no physical condition nor other psychological problem that is the cause of the social withdrawal

>While hikikomori is mostly a Japanese phenomenon cases of the condition have been found in other countries

People who go to work school or have a social life are not hikikomori.

You are not Neet if you work or are in school.

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I wanted to motivate myself into getting a job so I trashed my PC and PC accessories but it's been 5 years since I did this and I'm still unemployed.

>I wanted to motivate myself into getting a job so I trashed my PC and PC accessories but it's been 5 years since I did this and I'm still unemployed.

Damn user.

I miss my days going to school user, I had two girlfriends and now after spending years inside not going out I have become an incel. I always remember wanting my own computer back when I was at school and I was like this would be better than having friends. Boy was I wrong, I wish I could go back to those school days.......

These days I feel tried and depressed just thinking about how great the past was and how shit the present is. I never thought 12 years ago that today would suck so bad.

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>These days I feel tried and depressed just thinking about how great the past was and how shit the present is

Same here.

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i have a very nice hiki girlfriend now but i still cant relax. please help. how can i make anxiety kill :((

If you can leave the house at all I recommend running to burn it off

i thought this would work but it gives me the spins and makes me puke. my lungs suck

>today it's my 26th birthday
>no one to "celebrate" with
>I only got a message from my ex gf
>"happy bd, you're amazing and you deserve everything"
>now I'm depressed and anxious
I was fine watching a Korean movie but that little event ruined me



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>I wanted to motivate myself into getting a job so I trashed my PC and PC accessories but it's been 5 years since I did this and I'm still unemployed.

That doesn't work user.

fuck you gunjy nigger

Where can I purchase a NEET girl?

>fuck you gunjy nigger

Im not that ugly pedophile i heard he vanished.

>Where can I purchase a NEET girl?

The streets?

hoyl shit are you me? except it was like 2-3 years ago. I just use my fathers old laptop now instead. Really fucking bad decision

hey hikkifag
Real hikikomori here, hope you get kicked out and kill yourself
T. gunjy

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am i a neet if i'm a deserter?

I wish I had cancer. Maybe that way I would actually try to seize the day and do something.

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>Real hikikomori here

Haaaaaaaaa we all know you're full of bullshit and just have agoraphobia anyhow i am not gonna argue with you you're not worth my time i am so happy you have lost all your friends and that everybody hates you now that is what Red told me.

army deserter?
a soldier from a shitty country here, used to be a hikki before i was forced into the army
i still want to go back to the hikki dream
please share user, im willing to listen and help

>am i a neet if i'm a deserter?

What do you mean?

>the hikki dream

Cringe hikikomori is not a lifestyle choice its a psychological disorder caused by social factors.

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no you're a quintessential normie. No robot would ever make decisions on his own.

>used to be a hikki before i was forced into the army
same here bro.
i've been awol for a month now, but i'm gonna turn myself in next week.

thats my room rn

do you need a friend to talk to?
drop your discod if you need help or anything, i will do my best as a soldier to a soldier


Go fuck yourself.

i didnt know offering a helping hand to someone on a software youy dont like is a sin user

being a normie is the greatest sin

4 years here. People say that you're supposed to get bored of the NEET life but I fucking love it. The only thing that fucks me up psychologically is the guilt of leeching from my parents but if I could take autismbux or schizobux I'd fucking take it.

Im incapable of getting a hangover. jealous?

Recommendation for all neets: Neeko wa tsurai yo is the most real manga about being a beet out there

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Where is her keyboard user?
How did she get to that website without one?

Same. Between diet changes, regular exercise, weightlifting, and creative writing, I've had my happiest and most positive year since childhood and I've done it in near-absolute solitude. Now I have to get a job to stay on my state health plan and the stress is ruining me; I spent a few hours the other day looking for work-from-home jobs and they're all miserable garbage.
If schizoids could collect bux I'd be a made fucking man.

If you're enjoying solitude and are happy about it you're not hikikomori you're just a lazy piece of shit shut in Neet.

>Where is her keyboard user?

On the side.

Damn user, that's rough.

>very attractive
>bleached hair
>model tier figure
I mean I understand why it's done like this, it's to keep you reading despite the topic, because a cute girl negates the negative feelings you get from associating yourself with MC's failures, and hell, maybe someone will actually delude himself into thinking there are great looking female NEETs like that, but I just can't bear reading it. It's too off. If at least the girl was unkempt, it'd be plausible enough for a fantasy to me, but the way it is, no way.

This is a description of hikikomori by the cabinet office of Japan these threads always bring out retards who dont read the OP so here is this description to better understand it.

Mostly Male aged 15 to 39 years old 40 to 64 years old (Middle aged to Elderly)
The following situation of isolation occurs for more than half a year (6 Months)
I usually stay at home, but I go outside sometimes to a nearby convenience store or for groceries at night
I get out of my bedroom sometimes such as to eat and use the bathroom but not from home
I hardly get out of my bedroom in my parents house or single room apartment
Neet (Not In Education Employment Or Vocational Training)

Those who stay home but still go outside for work/school hobbies/interest and have a social life or are withdrawn as a result of a current condition" such as schizophrenia or a physical illness, or those who stay at home but still do household chores / childcare with "what they usually do when they are at home" and those who are retired or work from home and still leave the house for meetings and interviews are excluded and are not regarded as hikikomori.

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>thats my room rn


new, sizeable server for hikkis and neets
>no trannies, no gays, no woman

only niggers use discord