wake up tomorrow as a female
wat do?
Wake up tomorrow as a female
change panties 6 times throughout the day
jack off
original post
Continue being a worthless, autistic sack of shit.
cry of happiness
probably go back to sleep because I usually wake up too early
same old, buy crazy fashion perhaps
Panic my ass off because I know nothing about feminine hygiene and can barely fucking shower/eat properly as is, so trying to manage a women's body would mean I'd end up as hellspawn within a week
Wreck my body sexually with anything I am able to insert into my holes
Finger myself, wear my sisters clothes, finger myself, make a thread about it on Jow Forums, finger myself
the exact same things except attention whore on r9k probably
Rake in the Twitch bucks.
Am I a pretty girl?
Get a gym membership because I'm probably as fat as I am now and there's nothing worse than being a fat girl. Once I've done gotten into shape I'll probably start doing webcam solo porn while dressed as an anime slut and creep on cute lesbian girls on the side.
Depends, am I a hot woman?
>would immediately become sluts and whores if they were magically turned into a cute girl
>shames women that do the exact same thing then acts like they're better
why do men do this?
I don't know. My whole life has revolved around the idea of serving women. I don't know if I could handle being one.
I don't, and the guys here who replied that way probably don't either. Jow Forums isn't a hivemind.
Jealousy. Duh.
>become this
I'd revel in the gentle hugs and physical affection!
I wouldn't be a slut! I would consensually hug the people I'm close with, that's a good thing!
yes because of your digits
no more gender dysphoria
that sounds really nice
if only
I would hook up with somebody on the SPOT before I potentially change back
>no more gender dysphoria
Nah, eventually you'd want to be a man again. The tranny train never ends.
Go about my day as usually
Unless I'm a titcow now, in that case immediately kill myself.
Furiously masturbate then establish dominance over other females then start a female yakuZa for slaughtering betas
I'd take that gamble
Get a fucking desk job/temp job because I'm going to fucking die without male hormones giving me a natural strength buff at work. I'm already weak for male standards I'd be fucked as a girl lifting 40 pound boxes all day.
I'm flatchested female and I really enjoy gender bender manga imagine myself turning into a hot big boobed girl and getting all the male attention I suppose the same fantasy as male gender bender fans?
>wanting to be a cow
i mostly like genderbending so i can imagine a cute straight boy being transformed into a girl and getting mindbroken by big dicks
>I'm flatchested female
be my gf
Hit up some hot lesbian pussy
Unironicly bleed everywhere.
>Implying women wouldn't do the same
No but seriously, if I turned into a woman tomorrow I bet my sex drive would go down and I would be discussed with how I used to be.
Consider this, if one day you became Superman how would you handle your super powers?
Would you handle them responsibly with a lifetime of experience to keep you from abusing them or would you handle them with restraint?
I would just fly around until the government started shooting me
Interesting question. In most r63 scenarios I assume you keep your original mind but get a new body. Now how much of a guys sexuality is his mind and how much is hormones and glands? Would a girl with a male mind be noticeably hornier than other girls? I think so.
That's easy become a E-Girl
>quite job
> whore the shit out of twitch and get some orbiter loser wo donate me for my low quality shit content.
Life can be so easy if you a woman.
Probably continue with my life normally, but expnentially happier
I think a man in a woman's body would be conditioned to seek orgasms more often but would find his body unable to become sexually aroused.
It's like when you've masturbated to much and you just can't get an erection no matter how much you pull on it.
>would find his body unable to become sexually aroused.
Why would that happen?
I would go on Jow Forums, get some discords, organize an orgy, and use my mouthpussy on as many thick and sweaty robot cocks as I possibly could! I would become a dirty little whore slam pig and get tied down and fucked silly while NEETs wrote things on my body like "this hole for cock only"
ahh i was talking about this with my halffag friend. was talking about how much he wants to turn into a girl and i asked if could do a favor to us. even hugs would be enough for first stage :((
testosterone probably
Why would that make you unable to get aroused? Girls also have testosterone.
Get into legal, personal and professional trouble for morphing into a person that looks nothing like my male self aka the person on my papers and documents aka the person who's supposed to work the job I'm working at and eventually becoming a lab rat so that scientists study the cause of my overnight metamorphosis
Hang out with my best friend and fuck him of course