Is there a point going to college at 24?

is there a point going to college at 24?

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Obviously depends on your degree and your desired career, why would you ask this question without including these details?

Yer fucked m8
Sucks you didnt have life figured out at 18 but tough shit

Yeah, you've still got time for decent career advancement after college. I'm 33 and looking into going back to school, wish I'd done it younger.

I'm a neet with barely any life experiences and don't even have my grade 12 and my mother is pushing me to go to college once i get my grade 12 but im trying to reason with that it'd be too late by then to go to college as a means of "getting a late start in life" as they put it whatever

Not American so unfamiliar with grade 12, I assume it's the end of High School qualifications?

In your case it would be useless OP, good luck.

i know it would be useless but i don't know how to explain that to some retarded boomer parent

Obtain the shit from Youtube.. If you're a NEET and time doesn't matter, you can make a degree in front of a laptop.

Labs is somewhat an issue as they don't film that, just get some reading material instead. All kids at college just spend their time there, because it's what people do.

You also need that little piece of paper
You could be a savant at a given field but you lack the parchment so youre fucked

No, you should consider transitioning and becoming a youtube whore

Tell the truth about why college sucks? Or just find something else to do that you can tell her to keep her quiet, lie if you have to. I went to university solely because my Dad was going to kick me out of his house, and I deeply regret it.

transitioning at my age sounds like a bitch user

be gf instead user You've said in other threads you wanted to be a girl anyway and you've got nothing to lose

Natalie Mars did it later than you, you can do it user follow your dreams!

eh it's not that bad
you should do it soon though

really difficult to do user. Ive been neet for two years starting a software as a service business. All motivation dropped about 1.2 years in. imagine doing that for 4 years without outside feedback on milestones. fuck me dead that would be hell.

Have a goal in mind when you do go and even more importantly make sure you work diligently, I fucked up hard with my first year by not doing this.

As you get older you will realize that theres no point to anything unless you give it a point.

You will die one day, but until then... what do you do?

Find something to do.

One can shuffle through college courses though. People usually don't do that. They enroll, then turns out it's some weird shit.

i think they've posted pictures of themselves on discord once or twice they're actually fairly cute idk if they're trans though so i feel bad suggesting hrt but yeah

don't you remember her mental breakdown thread? that was borderline tranny shit

yes user it's way too late

take hrt and be my gf instead

i suppose so user

if you're a lazy piece of shit, asocial, don't have any work ethic, than i would genuinely advise against it. If you do go, major in computer science/engineering or STEM field. Get internships and work experience WHILE IN SCHOOL. (this is why being lazy is counterproductive)

have a relationship

if theres something pure you degenerates will corrupt it

I started university at 26. It was rewarding to study and get a good grade and get praised by the lecturer. I made friends for the first time in 10 years. I made dumb mistakes but one of those friends helped me get sober. The lustre does wear, though. Now, I'm just going through the motions. But it beats work. And definitely beats the neet days. You should go for it, op.

There are plenty of people in college that are in their 30's, 40's etc.
If you intend to go to college to find a social life and experience that exaggerated college lifestyle of partying and shit then I wouldn't even bother as it's a complete waste of time and money. If you intend to go to college to be able to find a decent job afterwards then I would think long and hard about it. You don't want to end up with a shitty degree with tons of debt to pay off like tons of retards do.
There are tons of ways to make money through self-teaching but not many put in the time and effort to do so.

whos this 'they've' youre talking of, the op of this thread? can i see her pics :333

College used to mean something back when boomers went. They have no understanding of this new world will trade skills reign supreme due to the saturated academic market.

Just another avatarfag you aren't missing anything

I know a guy that did nursing school in his fifties and is very happy with his decision, makes a lot more money. There is no shame in trying to better yourself.

community college is a safer investment
>only 2 years to get an associate's
>can transfer afterwards to a state college

do this. I fucked around in community college for like 6 years on and off and I don't owe a penny.
in state college now.
im 26 btw

I turn 24 this fall semester and I have 2 years left. I feel a similar way. it's never too late to improve your life. plenty of 30-somethings in my classes

what kind of advice is that user?

the kind you'd get on a random board instead of the designated advice board

Is there a point to trying anything, ever?

r9k has no designated topic retard

who else are we gonna leech off ?
get a job so we can continue not having to work

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couldn't help but read that in his voice