Why do (((people))) get mad at WMAF couples?

why do (((people))) get mad at WMAF couples?

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it's just not fair, whites play on easy mode with cheats and are worshipped by all nonwhite women while nonwhite men are seen as subhumans

why did god even put us on this earth

thats not true
I live in germany and most white women here date turks and niggs

It's okay mein negro. At least you'll get the occasional petty fuck from the white roastie trying to """go against racism and social norms""".

i'm not attracted to white women

For me it's AMWF. For an Asian man to get a white girl he must be physically, mentally, financially EXCELLENT. For a white man to get an Asian girl he just needs to exist.

Latinas are the only thing worth mixing with

how is that even statistically possible you fucking retard? don't make shit up.

>For an Asian man to get a white girl he must be physically, mentally, financially EXCELLENT.
I guess my mom never got the memo

(((They))) don't. You psyop kike.

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>yet another white bloodline ended

Asian women are the second best weapon in eliminating the white race lmao right after the BBC

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Every fucking latino Ive spoken to says this. Shut the fuck up already you fucking spics

rook at my whaytoo bee eff he ah beeg loser but I havu no standards. ehehe our children weel bee sooo fuckedu uppu

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Because white men aren't supposed to reproduce

god bless asian women. they are our greatest ally in the global decline. im a total fucking loser who lives at his parents house but when im in SEA i might as well be a rockstar. god bless em man

>For a white man to get an Asian girl he just needs to exist.
Lmao have you taken a step outside in at least three weeks or were you born an incel?

Because they probably either
A. fetishize the fuck out of Asian women and get mad as fuck when they get rejected bc their hairy is greasy as shit and they cant form a sentence while looking a woman in the eyes

B. Larpers who talk about preserving the white race but cant get a 3 of any race to fuck

C. Just racist

white women in 2019 and beyond YIKES

>i-if I post again white men will stop cucking me

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White women get angry because they know that white men are getting sick of their shit and turning to asian women who are naturally more subservient. This is a risk to white woman as their entire base is based around their pussy and who they deem worthy of entering it. If men simply decide to stop trying to get in there and just go to asian women they lose their power

Jews hate it for the same aforementioned reasons.

Asian men hate it for obvious reasons, their own women are betraying them and going after superior white men.

The simple fact is white women are pains in the ass ass who think the world revolves around them and that men HAVE to respect them and their needs before they get what they want where as asian women dont.

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White guy here who lives in an area with a lot of Asians. I don't know where this comes from, either azn qts won't give me the time of day or they just show interest in a way I can't recognize. I've had way more luck with white and latina girls.

black women don't, they are entirely into black men and the statistics back that up

asians are more reserved but they are all attracted to white men you just need to initiate.

asians are cuter latinos have the better body and black women are funnier and cooler

Irvine twinkie here. Every Asian girl here is WMAF. Asian guys have NO chance unless they are some bigshot making 6 figures a year. It has gotten so bad that a Korean lady actually started an Asian-Asian dating business...

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they're americanized. they probably think you're an evil white male just like everyone else in America. go to SEA and its like taking the WMAF redpill in the matrix

>you just need to initiate
Well fuck, I'm on Jow Forums so obviously that's not happening

Ah shit, you're not that far from me (LA).

Yeah, I've heard the stories about SEA. Always wanted to hit Taiwan myself, I know it's not SEA but I've heard the girls are like SEA girls but with the looks of East Asians. Only part of Asia I've spent time in is Japan and the era of LBH white guys becoming instachads is long over there.

You're living there and not making 6 figures a year?