Normie hate thread

>r9k is for OC
>Everyday have the same goddamn faggot thread

So mods explain this to me. If r9k is about OC why do the faggots,who arent welcome here get their own thread every fucking day?

Normies are hypocrite liars. They use the rules as a defence to remain here while they contribute nothing. They just want to board destroyed and subverted because its a threat.

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>They just want to board destroyed and subverted because its a threat.
Woke user sees the thread sliding fnord.

i don't want to destroy the board, i just have nowhere else to go. i lost all my friends and this is the best substitute. it has no barrier for participation and its anonymous. I can't just stare at the wall all day.

How about people calling you a faggot? That doesn't stop you from creating some useless shitpost thread with no substance?

>whines about OC
>spams the same shit every day multiple times
The hypocrite liar here is you.

i don't create shitpost threads. I created te 25+ Thread

Gotta fight fire with more fire friendo. No time for half measure now. This board has been corrupted and the only thin left to do is burn out the corruption.

You don't make the rules here, you don't get to decide who belongs here and who doesn't.

You don't own this board you fucking moron, maybe don't try to gatekeep it??

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You just made my point.

Of your so hostile then why are you here? Anyone who disagrees with me isnt a robot so why the fuck would you post on /robot9000/ when you are not one? Like seriously what OC and good content do you provide other then calling incels incels because your scared theyre gona shoot your kids at school one day.


Thats another buzzword you cunts are therowing around. If you hate this board then why are you here? If you love it then are arent you gatekeeping. I mean while we;re at it lets mate /tv/ a music discussion board or /mu/ then History discussion board. After all nothing in the rules says you cant.
>the rules matter

All generals (feels/charts/CYOA) belong in /soc/

frankly, if you're posting on this shithole website you deserve everything you get. i'll continue to post whatever i like, wherever i like, and if you don't like it that's your problem

keep reeeeeee'ing, i'm reloading

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>If you love it then are arent you gatekeeping

What the fuck are you even saying? Are you capable of writing legible sentences in English?

are cousins real life friends?

Yes. Are you retarded an unable to read? Obviously the word 'why' is missing
>This is hard to deduct
>i have no come back so Ill nit pick spelling and goal post move

I have the elusive ability to enjoy a board's content without getting pissy when people post shit I don't like - threads like these will change absolutely nothing

Not him but you're a complete faggot. Originally desu~

2008 Jow Forums: (advice dog) kill you're self, LOL
2019 Jow Forums: (angry pepe knifing wojack) People who post things I don't like on my board for radicalising future school shooters, should have laser pointers shined into their eyes. Also they post on Reddit and say things like 'stop triggering xir'. I'm normal, and have been banned from this website nineteen times and it's the janitors' fault because they're all crazy and I'm the normal one.

jesus fucking christ the autism in this thread
>Jow Forums is for oc
no, it never was, thats why moot deleted it in the first place
good luck gatekeeping against discord psyops
yall retarded, this board is a lost cause and has been for a while, too bad hiroshimoot won't follow in moot's footsteps and delete this shithole forever

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Those rules were almost fine until you specified only biological females, fucking tranny loving faggots.

>gf / unpaid sex
> IRL friend
oops looks like I'm a normie

>Biological female
Back to /lgbt/ tranny loving faggot

LMAOOO cry more. People who are so unbelievably imbecile as to not knowing how to adapt to society (Hint: It's really really fucking easy) should have no place.

Get out normie. I see you making the same thread every day. You dont belong here. Go get sex

I have sex every day or two with my gf
I have a lot of friends
I have a loving family
I have a good social life

I'm still a robot and will post here. Looking forward to more of your blogs and memes.

>Biological female
>Had one autistic boyfriend
>Used to have friend at school

fuck off retard op

>If r9k is about OC why do the faggots,who arent welcome here get their own thread every fucking day?
Because the mods are also faggots, that's why.