Fembots is this girl cuter than you?
Fembot Thread
99% of humanity is cuter than me.
So yes.
>cuter than me
no she looks like an ugly degenerate goblina
She isn't cute lol
are you prepared to post pictures of your cute faces fembots?
Guy here, just to clarify that men do in fact find this woman cute.
these, OP is a faggot! what a dumb idiot retarded gay queer!
If you really fancy her particular type of style then yes, I suppose so. Though if you're indifferent to her type of style than I belive I would be cuter.
the only fembot on this board
Post yourself with timestamp and prove it
>neon colored hair
>short hair
>actual star of david/alchemical table of sephirot as a tattoo
>graphic tee
>no tits
>fat waist
>nonexistent hips
Is this an actual joke?
Fembots dont exist.
Im now fully erect.
>stupid faggot dyke hair
Women shouldn't have short hair unless they're preparing to go under the headsman's axe.
>fucking seething tranny
>implying the "fembot" you think you're replying to isn't me, a dude.
The makeup, hair, and tattoos are cringe but she has a perfect face.
definitely not better looking at all
would date a girl like that or even weirder looking as long as she was okay with my pussy/asseating and foot fetishes
t. retired NEET/30yo boomer with career and condo
>Though if you're indifferent to her type of style than I belive I would be cuter.
What makes you cuter?
Do you dislike tattoos?
Why is her makeup cringe?
I know a grill from Jow Forums who looks a little bit like this, she's a tiny little pixie