Be me

>be me
>taking a dump
>realise shit looks like the Chinese food me and gf ate last night
>send picture to her expecting to have a good laugh about it
>"what the fuck is wrong with you, I told you last time never to send a picture of your shit again"
>she dumps me

God dammit, why the fuck am I so autistic...

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...there was a first time? Fucking idiot

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If a woman cant appreciate your creamy log pics then she dont deserve you.

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Taking an excessive interest in the appearance of your own shit is a sign of a deranged infantile personality. Even just LOOKING AT and COMTEMPLATING your shit to that degree would justify your gf dumping you, even if you hadn't gone the extra mile of weird and photographed it.

The first time was because it was pretty dark and I just wanted to ask if it looked normal to her....

I just thought this time it was funny enough that it would surpass the weirdness factor

My wife and I are friends with a couple that makes poop jokes and the guy likes to tell stories about ratemypoo. Its always awkward as shit

Shit relationship desu. Not close at all. I want to be so close to my gf/wife to be able to discuss into depth all these intimate issues and joke about them while everyone would think we're too close and sharing too much. I want my partner to be an extension of myself, just of the opposite gender. One mind, two bodies.
>tfw no gf

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Id be curious to know how long they'd been together for before they got to this level of comfort... maybe 6 weeks is too soon to send pictures of your shit?

I had a friend once who used to text me pictures of his turds. I don't talk to him anymore.

>Discusses Chinese food poop.
>Doesn't even post in on Jow Forums for the world to see.
Tsk tsk tsk.

I know its normie tier but that reminds me of Your Moms House and the relationship they have on that podcast

I don't feel comfortable posting pictures of my poop for strangers. Plus it was on Snapchat and the poop is long gone

>>realise shit looks like the Chinese food me and gf ate last night
>>send picture to her expecting to have a good laugh about it

We're reaching levels of autism that I didnt even think possible!

I don't see what the big deal is, couples shit in the same room while another is showering. She didn't even have to smell it, it was a picture!

>Being worried about doxxing your defecates anonymously on the internet.

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>dumps you because of a picture of your shit
Your better off without the bitch OP.

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It's not about doxxing it's just weird showing your bowel movements to strangers

Post the picture you sent at least you larping cuck

Find someone that appreciates you for who you are, go on Grindr and find a cute boiwife that you can joke with cum inside and play play vidya

It doesn't matter about the picture and it's not about me anyway, I just don't understand how women are scared off so easily over nothing

Post pic of shit

post shit or it never happened.

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The shit is complete irrelevant. I just want to know whose at fault here

she is

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>couples shit in the same room while another is showering.
I've been with my wife for ten years and we've never done this. We don't even go into the same wing of the house if one of us is taking a shit.

> I told you last time never to send a picture of your shit again"
Oh no no no no

Im sure couples do this, I could think of weirder things that've happened