only 6' or above allowed to post in here. manlets need not apply.
post your height and how it's affected your life here.
>6'3 i get a lot of female attention from what i assume must be my height. i'm not very attractive in the face but have had girls flirt with me openly and blatantly in the past.
wow, shallow whores flirt with you, you sure got a great life longman.
Charles Ortiz
>imperial units I have 182 cm. Can I join too?
Jayden Thomas
Honestly I'd probably kill myself if I was under 6'0" because this is about one of the only things going for me
Kevin Allen
I'm 1 meter 90. I have a gflet of 1m60, but it's kinda cute to me.
Christopher Cruz
i'd rather have shallow whores flirt with me than to not get flirted with at all.
John Davis
Fellow manlets, in case you feel bad about your height; >Go fuck girls >Go fuck tall people's girls
David Turner
>only 6' or above allowed to post in here Meh, I'm 6'0 and I don't feel tall desu. You're not noticeably tall unless you're 6'2 or above
Kayden Rodriguez
This thread is bullshit its shit to be tall and anti social. you will always stand out in a crowd, people will remember you more easily and in my experience manlets will envie you. what the fuck does some attention mean anyway? sooner or later they will find out who you really are. I dont mind being tall and I dont know how life is when you are shorter but besides some work or sprot advances its not so great.
Thomas Moore
What if I am 6'2"? I have huge shoulders, too.
Robert Myers
I'm autistic as fuck, I'm glad shallow whores ignore me and you would too if you weren't a failed normie piece of shit
Elijah Garcia
Is 1.85M tall?
Jaxon Gutierrez
>5'11 -_- >6' owo >179cm -_- >180cm = ~5'11 owo
girls only care about neat, round numbers
Ethan Foster
Why do you guys have to try and make manlets feel even worse? No doubt most of them have their fair share of confidence issues, no need to be a dick about it. t. Just over 6'0
>Why do you guys have to try and make manlets feel even worse?
why do you like being tall when your life is utterly shit?
Jason Hall
I actually felt bad about being taller than all my friends in school because I grew up in a country full of manlets so I felt like I didn't fit in. Always was that awkward lanklet, then I grew up and realized being tall is such a good quality to have. It's not the end-all be all though
Carter Adams
I mean, being tall isn't the reason my life is shit, so it's neutral at worst.
Dylan Wood
I'm 6 feet and skinny but nobody wants to date me. Height is a meme.
185 here. Feels amazing to be able to find people in crowds because you could see above it
Alexander Wood
6'4". was fat as a kid but lost weight during late teens. even when i was fat the tall girls always crushed on me because i was the only guy taller than them for years. its definitely been one of the major advantages of my life
Hunter Richardson
193cm / 6'3 here but im a skelly. only boomers say that im tall but im usually the tallest on public transport. i have been told that i look a bit like nick cave but im still a khv
181cm. Do fine with women. Probably because i'm mixed race with gorgeous caramel skin. Oh and I also lift/jog.
Funny thing is, i'm not even larping
Jonathan Lewis
can i get a gf if i am 5'10?
Asher Gonzalez
6'4" here. It has made me a khv. Sure girls will say "wow you're tall" but in a circus curiosity kind of way. No girl has ever shown interest in me and probably never will. Sucks having an ugly face and body.
Nicholas White
5'3" here
i will kill you all with my giga manlet rage
Lincoln Thomas
Been there done that multiple times, fellow 5'7" Chad. Fucked a married 5'10" girl once.
Kevin Long
I was 6" but then I shrank to 5'11 from two herniated discs and awful posture. Doesn't really matter, because my interactions with women haven't changed.
Jacob Ross
6'3" when I wipe my ass in public toilets I can make eye contact with people coming in the bathroom. It's a great feeling to have a finger up your ass while looking people in the eye.
Camden Gonzalez
Fucking this. I just want to be left alone and not draw attention to myself because of my poor social skills but being 6'3 makes that difficult.
Chase Russell
6'2 here I'm not that attractive nor am I good with women,so height doesn't really affect much
Lucas Garcia
iktf. that's why i started wiping my ass while sitting down.
Jose Lewis
I do it as a sign of dominance. What are you going to do?
Brayden Miller
I'm tall enough, why can't i get a GF?
Christian Hughes
>6'2 Nobody ever cared since everyone is around this height Hell, a manlet in my calculus class fucked like 10 chicks already and nobody even glances at me
I genuinely feel bad for manlets that are insecure about their height. Imagine living your entire life having everyone treat you like a lesser man and a child for something you were born with. Even if you try to improve yourself by going to the gym you're seen as insecure because you're just 'compensating'. If you try to stand up for yourself you're just laughed at because you're automatically seen as weaker than a taller guy. I'm glad I'm 6'3 and never had to experience any of that lmao.
I genuinely feel bad for lanklet virgins who are delusional enough to think they can get girls or success just because they are tall. You don't even want to admit every study has shown that you are far less attractive to women than shorter men. Even now you are thinking of all those times a 5'7" guy took your oneitis while you have never kissed a girl.
Camden Perez
182cm, broad shoulders and muscular legs. Anyone wants my body? I just want to be a cute small twink, but even that i can't achieve. Fuck this gay earth.
What a nice study. Are you consciously blocking memories of all those men shorter than you picking up girls while you have never kissed a girl?
Carter Reyes
>Are you consciously blocking memories of all those men shorter than you picking up girls while you have never kissed a girl? never happened lmao how much do you wish you were tall?
I can keep going if u really want to kill yourself.
Ryan Harris
>Joel, 6'4: "I never realised that basically the only reason I'd ever had sex was because I was tall until I was about 28 - but yeah, that's the only reason I've ever had sex. If I were a normal height I think I'd probably be a moderator on an incel forum." lmao
Jace Campbell
yeah but have you ever had sex? if not your ego is unwarranted
Levi Lee
literal manletoid here, I've had 6 gfs, fucked girls in 3 different countries.
cope harder lanklet, your height does nothing for you clearly.
William Watson
6'1" here, still a loser.
Asher Butler
I was among the shortest in middle school, and among the tallest and high school.
No effect on my life.
Ian Taylor
I think I got some girls only because I am white and tall. In Brazil you just need to be white.
Such incredible cope from virgin lanklets. Shouldn't you kind of start realizing that you are a kissless virgin because you are tall? You literally cherrypick examples of the few tall men who got lucky.
God i hate being short I legitimately want to kill myself, but im too much of a coward to kill myself
Christian Parker
>implying this study holds any ground whatsoever and people don't just right swipe based on what they see from pictures keep coping manlet
Austin Myers
>This is the most attractive height for men and women, new study reveals this isn't what the study says at all lmao what a cope
Josiah Foster
I am 6'6" Some people just ask how tall I am. Some japanese people took pictures of me, and it allows me to see over stuff and reach things but it is uncomfortable to sit in a car and I hit my head a lot. Never once has my height gotten me extra female attention irl.
>6"4 ugly to look at >No female attention >My brother chad 5"8 >whiter skin complexion >green eyes >blonde hair >gets all the attention He got a huge nose and a receding hairline but i live in one of those 3rd world shit ass countries that worship white beauty standards
Jose Bennett
be my beanpole bf
Michael Murphy
I am I forgot to mention my weight. I thought I was 145. I checked my weight the other day and it turns out that i'm actually 128 lbs. I might die soon.
Grayson Lopez
>eat like a fucking retard that will die in his 30's because he's overweight
Thomas Diaz
That is a normal weight reeeeee fucking normie. I'm 200 cm and 58 kg
Levi Young
My height is my ONLY good atribute. Looking younger too, thinking about how I'm almost 28yo now. I guess height is like nice hair or blue eyes. Or big tits on a girl. It's something that amps you up. And saves you from absolute averageness and invisibility. If I depended entirely on this socially awkward and talentless personality, I'd be completely fucked with women unless I somehow changed.
Lucas Ward
>189 71kg it feels nice knowing I'm above average and knowing I can be insecure about other things, also sometimes I hit my head when I exit the metro
Adam Bell
you remind me of someone. what's the first letter of your name?
Charles Phillips
It's F, as in "fuck it if I'm exposed, it'd be interesting to know an acquaintance browses this shithole".
Brayden Hall
nope, don't know you then. wouldn't be surprised if the guy i'm thinking of browses this shithole though.
Anthony Barnes
You know what the funny thing is about being tall. No matter how much money a manlet has, how much pussy he gets, or what job he does I will always look down on him and I can never feel jelous of a manlet. Manlets will always be less then men no matter how much they try to compensate. Look at Robert Downey Jr he has everything a man wants but he always wears 6in heels becasuse he is and will always be a manlet. Sooooo sad LOL XD
Kayden Fisher
>6' Thanks to my height, frame, and generally pissed off expression, people are scared to confront me. When I was a teenager, my grandfather stopped being such an asshole around me cause he knew I could take him now. Same with my dad. I've had a few girls ask me to come with them to their car or to a questionable part of town, they feel safer that way. Anybody that gets to know me describes me as a big teddy bear
Carson Morgan
>this level of cope Pathetic short man 195 here btw
I am exactly 6'0 and I am not tall. 6'0 is literally average now, white Americans and northern Euros in the 18-25 age range are 6'0 on average. In my opinion you aren't tall until you reach 6'3 or taller.
6'0 to 6'2 is still the best height though because you can get Jow Forums without using steroids while still being tall enough to tower over most girls.