Why are handlets so gross? I don't want to see your stubby fingers, hairy hands, chewed up nails, ugly watches. Hide those monsters
Why are handlets so gross? I don't want to see your stubby fingers, hairy hands, chewed up nails, ugly watches...
they usually make good traps tho
desu it's probably better to have stubby hands than gross bony skeleton fingers.
lmaoing @ ur sorry handlet ass
that sandwich has too much meat on it
I have said gross bony skeleton fingers though. Unless you're agreeing with me.
The woman had too many dicks in her.
low test detected
at least I'm not a virgin like you are
>too much meat
>not a virgin
Stop reminding me
>Be me
>Played piano since I was a kid
>Told it would get easier as my hands got bigger
>Hands stayed small
>Quit piano
I still play for myself a lot because I never sold my piano but it's still disheartening.
i love my ayylmao hands
Nice yaoi hands, homo
They look like they've never been used
The fuck is wrong your hand?
thanks i guess
i havent done much manual labor in my life, yea
its just a skelly hand
I've sent this picture of your hand to my wife before because she gets really grossed out by weird hands. It makes me lol
thanks for letting me know your wife is probably masturbating to pics of my hands
wow someone with skinner fingers than me, thanks for making me feel better bro
i'm not a virgin though
BTW: getting fucked in the ass doesn't count as losing your virginity, virgin
>h-hey honey, this guy's fingers are like twice as long as mine, w-weird, right? Hahaha...
>seen: 5 minutes ago
s-stop, im a very successful accountant
Am I a handlet if I have sausage fingers?