This will NEVER EVER be you

>This will NEVER EVER be you

How does that make you feel?

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Thank Jesus, I wouldn't wish negroidalism on my worst enemy - even niggers

>ywn be a cute snowbunny
life is unfair

I'll never be black? dodged a bullet there tbqh

Name one thing about being black

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Feel free to kill the niggers

i havent seen these exact pictures before, nope sir

>Name one thing about being black

You have more melanin in your skin

You do realize Melanin is good for you right?

I didnt even say it was good or bad, you asked me to name one thing about being black

Something that is good for your body/mind is not a disadvantage.

I didnt say it was a disadvantage you fucking retard

So there is no reason to say having too much of it as if it's bad

You know what just stop replying, your IQ appears to be miserably low

Seething already i se

>Name one thing about being black
>Name something characteristic of being black

having to post shit bait threads on r9k which is the most degenerate board on the most degenerate site on the internet to compensate for your lack of self-confidence?

That's a misconception. Most niggers have dry ashy skin that cracks easily. Don't feed the afrocentric insurgent trying to psyop this place. You should get prepared to kill them

What is the one in the middle looking at

your cuck ass

OP cant even bait correctly, this thread was a fucking embarrassment.

As long as you reply I've won. Jow Forums will always have racists that will reply.

only the right most dude gets a pass - other bros not schwangin

I'm not even "racist", you're bringing races together in alliance against your retardation

Yea the guy on the right actually looks cool

Your hatred only makes us stronger. Enjoy your mixed family members

You wuz kangs man



How's it feel to keep getting btfo, your low iq makes you such an easy target

why didn't you reply?---

Explain how I keep getting btfo

No matter the board we win



Is it just one user creating all these racebait threads?

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Ruggarel. He's ban-evading so he can't use his trip.

He must be quite bored and alone today.

Pretty comfy. I have accepted the black pill

Thank god I'll never be a black

>get discriminated against
>more likely to have been born into poverty

Imagine being so autistic you get fired from a job you do for free

thank god, being black is the worst.

I fucking hate chick-fil-a's marketing, it's so fucking stupid, what kind of retarded fucking mouth breather thought this shit would be funny or cute

If someone was compelled to get a chicken sandwich by a fucking writing cow they should be chemically sterilized.

Eat more chicken user!

Kek you diverted the subject. well memed friend!

>can't use his trip

I though that was because he has a micro dick.

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where did the idea start that white men are afraid of blacks being sexually superior

When white men started pretending like depression or parents is the reason they play fortnite instead of developing social skills and street smarts

>diverted the subject

It's front and center in OP you fucking mongoloid, what else should I comment about? Being such a faggot that I'm triggered by black people in public?

Go stuff more shitty brined chicken down your gullet you fucking retard

*cow shrugs*
Well at least he's telling him to eat chicken

Holy shit you're an actual autist. Sorry, I didn't know.

I completely forgot about that. How embarrassing

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You're bad at this

Get fucked, nerd, getting pissed at fuckawful marketing that I have to see every day is quantifiably less autistic than getting pissed at blacks getting their dick wet.

>You're bad at this

na I kek'd

Sorry. I'm just laughing at your funny observation regarding chick-fil-a.