There are femanons wearing a tshirt with no bra reading your posts right now and their titties are jiggling while they...

>there are femanons wearing a tshirt with no bra reading your posts right now and their titties are jiggling while they type a reply

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Jokes on them, my fat hairy cock is coiled bare on my chair

My gf always does this and it annoys the fuck out of me

these bitches know what theyre doing when they dont wear a bra
we're onto you femanons

Whenever I hang out with my friend she always makes sure to tell me she's not wearing a bra. Quit being a cocktease, blah.

I don't have very big boobs at all so if I'm just staying in I don't wear a bra sometimes. Why does it matter anyway?

It just turns us on is all

>My gf
Fuck off, normalfag.

Tits don't jiggle while typing
Also I don't think anyone wears a bra just sitting at home shitposting

Make me.


>Also I don't think anyone wears a bra just sitting at home shitposting
goddamn femanons are sluts

bitches just jelly they can't hang out with their wang out

>he wears a bra to avoid looking like a slut to nobody

who cares about the jiggling
the nipples poking through is what's good about no bra

i prefer the jiggle

No u

I agree

>there are femanons wearing a tshirt with no bra reading your posts right now and their titties are jiggling while they type a reply
>there are anons wearing a tshirt with no bra reading your posts right now and their titties are jiggling while they type a reply


I'd love to lick the sweat off of another anons man titty
His underboob to be specific

ok let me explain this. we know you aren't wearing a bra, that gives us a boner, therefore you are all sluts

There are probably male robots with bigger boobs than you lmao

Wearing bras causes the muscles that support your boobs to atrophy, making them sag in the long run. So this is a good thing.

Ugh. Just thinking about it makes me want to send them money

no bra club = eating the spit of the kitchen staff club

I don't know if I should be more or less insulted than the fat anons.

can i nibble on your small perky tits like a rabbit please

No that's too weird user.

i can put on a rabbit costume if that makes it less weird?

I actually have a rabbit onesy but no that might be more weird.

If i was a chad can i nibble on your nipple?

No. Nipple nibbling sounds painful.

Give it up user, she sounds like a painfully boring asexual.

>Not wanting your nipples chewed
Nipples are sensitive user. It sounds like it'd hurt and they'd be sore and stuff.

can i nibble on them while you wear the onesy? please jesus christ please

No user it'd hurt.

can i rub my stubble beard on your clit?

That sounds uncomfortable too. How about pizza and a movie?

>rabbit onesy
Hnnnng. isn't it too hot for that though?

how about hamburgers and i eat you out

>there are fat NEETs with manboobs
Are you bothered, femanons?

No one sould wear a bra when they're at home

aren't you ashamed of yourself? what if you had a ghost in your house and he saw your titties jiggling?

Kinda. I'm not wearing it right now but I just keep it zipped down if it's too hot. I have a fox one too.

would you rather get banged in the fox or rabbit onesy

If thats the case i just hope that he doesn't rape me

We're on Jow Forums. We know what you're into. you want that hot creamy ectoplasm all over those juicy tits. Admit it.

The rabbit one I guess. If stuff got on it it wouldn't be as visible.

if that ghost was a chad would you let him watch?

Only if he hugs me after that

brb gonna turn into a ghost

As long as i can't see him
But it's an interesting idea of a chad ghost idk sounds hot


>chad still wins even when he's haunting a house
jesus christ its over for all eternity

Tbh as long as i don't notice the ghosts presence i wouldn't care

now the ghosts know and theyll watch you when you masturbate, ya dun goofed

You're playing with my paranoia user

and they're playing with their ghost peepees
this is the dumbest conversation ive had in a while

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I hope they don't do gay stuff and put their peepees in their poopoos

i bet they just get annoyed of me watching the same videos of a fat person again and again and again and again .. pic related

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>there's a woman reading my post right now
>she's thinking about me, if even for a fleeting millisecond
>her eyes are touching the letters and words I've written
She's wrapping her retinas around these words and holding them in her head as little pixels of light
>there's a woman with my thoughts in her head now
This is the closest I'll ever get, isn't it

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>I hope they don't do gay stuff and put their peepees in their poopoos
im sure there are lesbian ghosts watching you too

Thats fucking sad but beautiful
i love your writing style


Only if they're hot

I feel personally attacked OP. But we aren't that cute. I haven't showered in a couple days and my tits are small.

>Only if they're hot
fucking stacey lesbian ghost

No fucking stop that don't confuse me and my sexuality

are you takig bf applications femnon

>tfw no qt onesie wearing gf

Wait no i mean no fucking ghosts no one should stalk me and my jiggling tittys

come on just let the stacy ghosts haunt you wtf

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Ghosts you're allowed to do what you want i don't care anymore but don't jizz over my plushies

pls let me cuddle you with you hold a plushie

Thanks. I don't think I'm that great of a writer but I've been working on it. What did you like about it?

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That would be sweet because i'm now fucking afraid of some ghosts who are maybe jerking off to me rn

They were gifts mostly but they're really comfy. You should get one user.

It's kinda like you're painting a picture just with words

dont yawn, thats when they stick it in you mouth

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I wear sweatshirts and no bra but my tits are small so no one cares.

well, we all have bad breath every morning. where you think it comes form?

Rabbit onesie
Sounds cute

Attached: F776445A-5EC9-487B-945D-72600CD7D53F.jpg (500x700, 138K) fuck no
It makes too much sense

I want to get my nipples removed

i love small titties i love you pls be gf

I like it a lot. It's really comfy too. It's like not leaving bed at all. It smells nice too.
Why's that user?

I'd hug you

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How vigorously are you typing to make your chest jiggle, OP? Do you move the whole of your arms when you type?

Nipples just disgust me. I am male, so I have no need for them anyway

Wow we got a dumb one here.

Care to explain what you mean by that, user?

Op isn't a girl, ya dunce

That doesn't really matter, though. If your chest or the muscles around them don't move, there's nearly no chance that a woman performing the same movement would experience any jiggling.

Women have bulbous jiggly sacks of milk and fat on their chests

First of all, they only contain milk when the woman is lactating, meaning after they have given birth to a baby. They are not always "sacks of milk".

Second, tremors from the hands and fingers do not transfer all the way to the chest. So again, unless you are moving your upper arms, shoulders, or chest while you are typing, no one's chest is going to be jiggling from that action alone, "bulbous jiggly sacks of milk and fat" or no.

femanons titties jiggle because they get really excited writing replies to us and they wiggle their bodies around
its a fact dont argue