Anyone here have a confirmed Mensa IQ of 120+?
What's it feel like to be that smart?
Does talking to the average joe feel like talking to a chimpanzee?
Anyone here have a confirmed Mensa IQ of 120+?
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>Anyone here have a confirmed Mensa IQ of 120+?
Mensa IQ level is 140.
120 ain't that special bud
it literally means nothing and the people bragging about joining mensa are insufferable, I only took the test because of free admission to college if above 130
Did an IQ test in my secondary school and got 126. 24 years old now, keep getting told i'm smart but don't really feel it (have a STEM degree that I half assed to get when I was 22, haven't done much since then).
I definitely do run into some special kinds of retards who maybe aren't even that retarded. Who knows dude
II wish my IQ was better. I still make good money, but everyday tasks at work are challenging beyond my comprehension, and I feel like I'm only getting worse at my job as time goes on.
Less than 6% of the population has an IQ of 120+
Saying its "not that special" is being pretty disingenuous considering the overwhelming majority of people have an average IQ between 80-90.
I think in the US alone the average IQ is like 94, which is alarming low for a first world, white majority nation.
i got tested at 8 years old as having a 135 composite iq, 147 verbal and 120 analytic or whatever the other one was (math skills and puzzle solving shit). most people who i think are retards are also thought by others to be retards. regardless, i can't stand most people and am probably a narcissist. le intelligence is the lynchpin holding my fragile ego together. i hate myself and can't hold a job because i can never get along with my coworkers. i weird them out because i'm either too quiet or say things in a fucked up insincere emotional tone. it's likely that none of this has to do with my IQ and i'm playing into le neurotic smart guy thing to validate my intelligence and avoid the discomfort of improving myself at the same time
There is absolutely a noticeable difference between someone with an IQ of 130 and 90. And the gap widens the higher you go up.
If you believe otherwise, then you are probably a member of the lower pecentile IQ yourself.
>first world
>white majority
138 iq here, yes
I've never had my IQ tested, because I'm not at risk for retardation.
I do make $130,000 a year after stocks and bonuses. I have many more impressive achievements than an IQ test score. If they are anything like the IQ tests online where it's timed and you get those multiple choice puzzles, those are literally just exercises in memorizing certain types of pattern problems. almost anybody with a decent ability to visualize can get a high score. i am willing to bet most people with high IQ's aren't any better at anything that's useful, they just have an affinity for puzzles.
What do you do for a living?
Do you think most people you talk to on a daily basis are dumb, or only sometimes?
is this verbal diarrhea the norm for simple questions?
I'm incredibly depressed and want to kill myself
A legitimate IQ test is nothing like the free ones available online that pad your score with easy questions like matching the shapes and what not.
They take a few hrs to complete and each questions becomes progressively more difficult.
but are they multiple choice picture puzzles and analogies? difficulty in those is literally measured by novelty, and to a tiny extent complexity in terms of how abstract they get.
No, I'm just as retarded as everyone else I know.
I study computer science. I had at least 95% result in over 15 exams. Probably autistic btw.
Most people don't use basic mathematical logic, and that's all.
1 in 20 isn't special, no.
i absorb information
literally nothing is hard (including women)
extremely sensitive
can't connect to anyone
spend 80% of my day studying and working on various projects, the other 20% watching old simpsons episodes (not a sneedposter)
ok retard
I indeed keep feeling like I'm talking to monkeys when I browse this board, does it mean I'm a genius?
>Mensa IQ
I don't know what that is
>He thinks IQ actually exists
Yep. You could probably do rocket surgery in 3 days of study.
>thinks anything is actually useful in the grand scheme of things
>muh salary
pretty low-IQ opinion tbdesu
It does not feel like anything to be smart in general. Take for instance basic math. If someone asks a person with 90 IQ what 2 + 2 is, even they will immediately understand the question, and that and why the answer is 4.
It is no different for smart people, only the questions and answers they immediately understand are way more and more complicated. When you are intelligent, you just immediately understand everything. In fact, you do not really think, you just instantly understand automagically. That is really all there is to it.
So when smart people talk to average people in terms of intelligence, I would guess that they are more in disbelief of why the average people also do not understand everything immediately.
If you have any talent whatsoever, it is probably the same. Your talent is natural to you, and if anything you do not understand why others do not have it as well, rather than think that you are good at it.
I took the Mensa test and got 138
Growing up I had many instances where I was surprised by people not understanding things. For example, when I was ~9, I was at a birthday party where everyone started putting napkins over their soda so it wouldn't go flat. I was really confused why they would think that would work, and why they resisted my explanation of why it wouldn't.
But no, talking to people in general is fine.
>all of these 130+ larpers
Absolutely cringe
that doesn't mean anything. try again lol
I'm legitimately very intelligent, won't brag about the precise number but it's above 135.
>What's it feel like to be that smart?
I don't know because it's just what I feel like, I have nothing to compare it to. I wouldn't say it's a great feeling though. I'm an overly sensitive loser with no friends. I overanalyze everything and am keenly aware of my own powerlessness. I coasted through high school, college, and my honors capstone and it's made me lazy as fuck. I would probably be a NEET if I didn't luck into a job that lets me fuck around 90% of the time. Everyone expects me to go to a PhD but I know I can't because it requires actual work, not just being smart. I will probably never accomplish anything of note.
Also, I was very smug and conceited about my intelligence when I was younger and it really fucked up my social life. No one wanted to be around me in middle school and my former friends bullied me for being such a useless asshole.
>Does talking to the average joe feel like talking to a chimpanzee?
Sometimes if I'm trying to talk about something very abstract. I'd say the main difference I have with other people is I'm able to grasp abstract concepts very easily. This doesn't mean much though, because other people understand things like "having functional human relationships" and "having goals and ambitions".
Overall, there's no fucking point in being intelligent unless you grow up in an environment that shapes you into a good person. If you're just going to be a lazy ass like me you may as well be a dumbass.
yeah the world is kind of full of people just mindlessly putting napkins over soda
shit you're right
there are millions of people with a 130+ iq, there's no real reason to disbelieve someone unless they're clearly claiming absurd shit like deriving general relativity at age 9.
>that smart
>Does talking to the average joe feel like talking to a chimpanzee
My fucking sides. No, it's not that big of a difference. In fact, mensa tests only certain intelligence types. If your emotional intelligence is low, you're going to have a significantly harder time in society than most 'chimpanzees'.
I have 133 mensa IQ and it only helps me at learning stuff quickly and doing it properly. I also have a high end job (programmer) and earn quite a lot, but that means shit if you're segregated from your peers. All in all, I feel like shit 80% of the time because I'm an emotional plank. My life experiences are a negative sum.
>overthinker with no friends
>legitimately very intelligent
in other words, a moron who focuses too much on things he doesn't even appreciate.
Are you saying I should appreciate being intelligent or appreciate friendship?
if you are legitimately very intelligent, the output of your intelligence would benefit you.
every engineer is a "lazy ass" but the ones who appreciate friends have lots of friends. the ones who appreciate travel, travel a lot. the first thing you say about yourself is that you're a loser who can't find motivation to do anything. what you actually mean by intelligence is just familiarity with schoolwork and a specific subset of problems.
It feels normal. You just notice that you pick up new things a lot faster than your peers, and that you might have peculiar interests. Apart from that, the only exceptional thing I can really say I ever noticed is how it triggers me immeasurably if people don't understand what I'm saying
I think I'd prefer talking to a chimp over the average person. I like animals, not idiots.
Jokes aside it's pretty painful to listen to stupid people be stupid but in normal conversation they're alright. Just don't work with them.
>intelligent = good decision maker who always acts in his best interest
not him but LOL
user answered the three questions honestly and thoroughly. No need to be insulting.
I'm mensa 140ish.
Yes, it's difficult to talk to people at first, growing up.
You're very alone until you find someone else intelligent.
It's like being white around a lot of mulatto kids, then seeing straight up niggers. The mulatto kids are alright, but you'll never truly relate to one another.
The niggers however, that's a different issue.
I used to be egalitarian and chalk my intelligence up to random chance, nothing to do with either my effort nor my genetics, out of cognitive dissonance because I wanted to fit in.
I've sadly realized though, through study after study, nature and nurture do define a person quite well, and abstraction is only significant in a very rare number of persons.
So ultimately, I understand the technocrats longing for nurture eugenics and stripping kids of their parents. I fundamentally disagree however. The common will never be at my level within my lifetime, and there's nothing we can do about it besides meritocracy and capitalism (not lobbyism).
That all being said, there's nothing wrong with idiots. A contrast is needed to see the forest for the trees. And that gradient is needed for the elite to not fall to the level of the common.
That's my thoughts as someone you describe, about what it feels like to be me.
Tested from 135 to 145 but never officially MENSA measured. IQ is kinda bullshit but itd be fun to take an actual one and (hopefully) join MENSA so i could meet some people, see what kind of person actually joins
This is uncomfortably self aware
Is this pedantricism common of the weak minded?
The answer to both our questions is yes.
Never tried the Mensa test but I always did very well on standardised tests: 1580/1600 SAT on first try, came #3 in my country in a high school mathematics competition, etc. Math and anything math-like (grammar, logic, business strategy, accounting, programming, etc.) have always come very easily to me.
Appearing "smart" in conversation is really more about knowledge and specific conversational skills than logical capacity. I've noticed that people who say actively stupid things are less likely to apply logic to a problem poorly than they are to approach it from gut instinct without reasoning or doing research at all.
tony soprano is 136 iq.
I don't think that's a fair assessment. I appreciate friends very much, but I struggle to make them because I was a friendless loser during my developmental years. That's not something intelligence alone can solve. And schoolwork isn't what I'm good at, like I said what I principally consider my strength is having an easy time thinking abstractly. I was a mediocre student until I got into higher level courses that emphasized abstraction.
>the output of your intelligence would benefit you.
it does benefit me, I'm able to maintain a decent standard of life despite being a juvenile manchild.
Yea, i'm sure they just happen to all be in this singular thread on this incel bait board that is comprised mainly off a bunch of under achievers who "t-t-totally would have been over achievers had they had different life paths!"
You guys are lucky to have 110 IQs, just a bunch of above average IQ losers who grossly overestimate how smart they really are.
>Does talking to the average joe feel like talking to a chimpanzee?
I imagine that those with a lofty IQ would avoid superciliousness, lest they become ostracized. They are a minority, after all.
>105 IQ having 20 something year olds saying that they have 130+ IQs
121 here. Nothing crazy but I fell under the "superior intellect" bracket so I was happy about that. Got tested at the Mayo clinic so it should be pretty accurate. Currently work as a medical technologist and do blood bank at a hospital. I'm 25 so I feel good about where I am compared to friends from high school who haven't done jack shit.
For the most part it means very little, except that whenever me and my buddies get a new game, I'm always the best at it for a while, until they learn and smoke me, because I got complacent always winning, while they got a fire lit under their ass.
Literally everything else is education, training, and being willing to do things. Unless you are like, sub 70, in which case even being educated is hard, and I apologize for your loss.
Also friendly reminder that IQ tests contain cultural biases towards certain populations, and shouldn't be taken seriously.
>I have double digit iq therefore people with 130 iq don't exist
>All smart people do well
>All smart people make sound decisions
This is like saying every chad-material person gets laid, every rich person is financially capable/lives well, and every idiot never lucks out or makes sound decisions.
Yeah. Sure.
>ug, stop using words talky man!
>t-t-totally would have been over achievers had they had different life paths!
but that's true
Took 2 IQ tests over my lifetime once at 11 (got 140) once two years ago (got 145), I am not sure which IQ test I took at 11 tho, altough I can not tell you for sure whats special about having an above average IQ as I never never experienced having a low IQ, something that happens to me that doesnt happen to my friends is getting tired of people fast, cant hang out with the same group of people for more than 4 weeks usually, so thats basically all I can tell you
Im in the honors program of one of the top unis in the nation, being on r9k doesnt make you an under achiever
why are so many people insistent that smart people just don't exist? is it envy? 130+ iq is NOT RARE, statistically. Is it because people think IQ is deterministic and so all high-IQ individuals should be successful in life? It's not, you've probably talked to a service worker with a genius-level IQ (and knowing you assholes, dismissed them as a brainlet for working a shitty job).
High IQs can be underachievers as much as anybody, though. There's more in life than intelligence. If you don't grow up in a nurturing environment, or meet the right people, no matter how smart you are, life will suck.
>Does talking to the average joe feel like talking to a chimpanzee?
It does. Unfortunately I'm 2 standard deviations above Mensa level, so talking to 99.999% of people feels almost exactly the same, whether they're Mensa members or plebs.
Man these threads confirm that the majority of Jow Forums is fucking underaged. 25+ threads are a blessing. Go wank yourself off on another board.
They do exist. But when you have this many geniuses on a singular area that just happens to be anonymous, you would ironically be a sub 100 IQ retard to take them at face value.
All I see are a bunch of slightly above average in intelligence people who genuinely believe that they have high IQs (probably through those bullshit online IQ tests) when the reality is, they're lucky to be over 110
>confirmed Mensa IQ
It doesn't feel like anything when you realise people like John von Neumann have existed. Intelligence in terms of how it serves my identity or ego is worthless. Its only worth comes from when it assists in things which I desire to do. I don't think about it other than that.
>He thinks just because he has a higher IQ, he is better and smarter than everybody else
No, you're not.
IQ is irrelevant, working and discipline towards a purpose is the only thing that matters, you're not inherently good at anything or better, at least compared to white people, no objections when it comes to asians, browns and niggers.
120 IQ here
I have an above average IQ (125) but it doesn't feel like I do. I should be reading interesting books, practicing my instruments and generally be interested in intellectual things but I sit on my ass drinking and watching shitty tv all day
150, tested by my psychologist.
Honestly I just feel like an asshole. I'll say something that seems obvious or simple to me and then they won't understand and I'll feel like they think I was patronizing them. Or I'll try and put something as simply as possible and it just comes out like I'm treating them like a child.
I think you'd have to be a total narcissist to think so lowly of other people.
127 confirmed
Its fine because i'm not an asocial loser
I have 130 IQ, verified since I did real IQ test, not that online shit. Feels good man, I got something right.
>What's it feel like to be that smart?
It's fine I guess.
>Does talking to the average joe feel like talking to a chimpanzee?
Yes, but it's not nearly as bad as being in a subordinate position to a literal fucking retard at work. Thank god btc is mooning right now.
average 100 here. kill me.
>no objections when it comes to asians
>he lumps in the bugmen with subhumans
chinks, gooks and nips objectively have the highest average iq in the world. stop coping.
I agree with the rest of your message though
My IQ is 131 but I'm also autistic so it's kind of having the best gun in the world but not having any ammunition so you still can't kill any fucking normies
Exactly the same, even down to the IQ results
Are there any legit iq tests online?
No, and if you take one and sincerely believe the results then you're probably retarded, case in point: most of this fucking thread.
>all these self-tested "130 IQ for realz guys" on Jow Forums even though they are 2% of the population
>no academic achievement
>no masterpiece creation in any field
>no accolades or accomplishments of any kind
>can't even find a good job
>don't even know how to be happy
All I gather from this is IQ is worthless.
Pretending they are a misunderstood genius is how they cope.
This thread is a larp thread, like those """"femanon""""" threads, racebating threads, etc. Just trash that's better of in /b/ or something.
>born with an IQ of 140
>also a schizoid so I don't care enough to actually use it
Feels pretty comfy desu
Admitedly I might have lost a few points from NEETing for the last few years, so maybe I should start practicing some math again.
135 iq here, confirmed with a real mensa test (not online)
i feel like a fucking retard desu and you know what
AI will replace me and all my kin anyways
i just want happy
Never bothered taking the MENSA/IQ test. Other cognitive tests suggest I'm around 140-150.
It doesn't feel like talking to a chimp, since chimps are less cognitively capable than humans and have even lower relative IQs. Plus, even when I do think faster than people, I just hold back and let people catch up. There's no need to be a prick just because your brain's in overdrive all the time.
Thanks for clarifying me on how chimps IQs relate to human ones Who would have said they are lower?
Online tests are bullshit anyways, I dont think anyone here is referring to online test scores (I hope atleast)
>guy who makes fundamentally retarded decisions, lives like a retard, smells like a retard, talks like a retard
>"i'm legitimately intelligent"
that's not how this works. if you're not a rich man successful in most things you do, and achieving the very things you value most, don't fucking talk about intelligence. its cope.
This guy apparently has an IQ of 220.
>2 kids
>good health
>lots of awards
checks out
>mathematical genius
I have a clinically-testing IQ of 154. I refused to join Mensa. I have certain mental abilities that most people don't have, but the end result is not all that different from a normal person. Sure, I have a six-figure income and beautiful wife, but it was more seeing the right opportunities that made those things possible. No, normal people do not seem deeply inferior to me. They just have a harder time putting things together and reading between the lines.
>board that is comprised mainly off a bunch of under achievers
>he thinks the majority of people here are reddit tier incels and not just normies letting off some steam
low iq post to be honest
i got either 167 or 162 (whatever the max was) on the mensa entrance exam about 8 years ago. I don't really think i'm much different to the average person desu. I seem to intuitively understand things much faster and more readily than most people and i'm better than average at coming up with creative solutions to problems. one thing that my mum seemed to think was a weird concept is that i never stop thinking, i'm just always rolling ideas, hypothetical and designs around in my head but i only have my mum's word on that not being normal.
Name 1 prolific individual in history who HASN'T had issues socializing with their peers and was High IQ.
All of them were oddballs, outcasts and general introverts. I think its safe to say that if you are a high IQ person you aren't going to get along well with the general populace.
People who have IQs over 130 are less than 2% of the population. Stupid people who lie to feel better about being stupid are over 50% of the population. Which is more likely to be posting ITT?
Benjamin Franklin. Legendary statesman, inventor, revolutionary, and diplomat. Renowned socialite and 18th century chad.
Benjamin Franklin was all of those things I mentioned, and on top of that he liked to crossdress.
Try again.