I miss her

>i miss her...
will she come back?

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maybe, maybe not. give it a couple months and you won't care either way.

>a couple months
i just want her back, i cant take the lonely days anymore

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why did i have to be such an idiot, i could have prevented this

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She won't. They never do.

She wont come back. Youre gonna be alone.

she was perfect, funny, cute, smart and pretty. she understood me. im nothing.

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How long has she been gone? Do you only talk to her online?

she broke up with me a few days ago. i said some fucked up shit i honestly regret. i was angry and hurt but i miss her so much, i just want things to go back to how they were

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How do I do this? It has already been years


no shes gonna contact me she has to. im sure of it, she probably just needs a break from me. everybody does.

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you have to come to realize that there are plenty of girls that you're ignoring RIGHT NOW because of your obsession with one of them. you must spend time thinking about where things went wrong, and make peace with yourself and your situation. if it was meant to be, it will be. i lost a girl i really liked a couple months ago, though she said she might be able to chill in July. at first, i spent all my time at first thinking about if she really meant that and if i'll actually see her come July, but recently, i've started to care less and am at peace with the lessons i've learned because of her and am thankful for the experiences i had with her. you must adopt that same mindset and look at it from a positive perspective, or else you'll drive yourself insane.


>will she come back?

probably not, best to focus on yourself sempai

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she said she wanted to cuddle with me. i messed up now she hates me. i should have kept my stupid fucking mouth shut. i cant think straight without her, she was the only person i could talk to, and she talked to me. i wont open up to anybody else, i refuse to. even if i have to wait 10 years ill stay shut. the world is mad and i dont want to live in it alone anymore

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im gonna go take a nap, im a mess. i just want her pretty face back

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yeah user, i get it. i made a similar mistake myself. i was chilling with a girl in the back of my car and she obviously wanted to do things, but i was too overwhelmed by everything that had already happened that night. i made out with the girl of my dreams and could have went further, but i didn't. now i regret not going further because i probably won't see her again and took for granted that i could just see her again later and go further. this fucking hurt me bad user, but again, i got over it after a couple of months. you must choose to learn from the experience instead of dwell on it. you learned to keep your "stupid fucking mouth shut" as now you know it isn't a good idea, and i'm sure you learned/could learn many other lessons from this experience as well.

If she left than you didn't deserve a queen like that.

>still haven't finished the anime we were watching together

it was a pretty good show too, bros..

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She aint coming back, i feel the same for you, i feel lonely most of the times, sometimes i wanted to keep my mouth shut and stay with her like that, i just want her back but then i realize that i cant, she was the only one i loved, she was my all, after i lost her i didnt wanted to open myself to anyone, i said that i will never meet a girl like her and all those things, i had no one but myself to cheer me up in those moments, im a piece of shit, i dont feel good with myself and also going back with her wont be the same again, just focus on yourself and try to be the best for you, you will me someone special soon, better than her and most importantly start taking care of yourself, be better, dont get into that shit hole cuz u will never comeback, trust me, i experienced that same shit you are going thru rightnow just dont give up. I really dont care about getting a girl rn just put urself goals and try to acomplish them.

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shes different than the fucking whores you guys went out with. shes understandeble we both just lost our cool. she has to come back i cant fucking do this anymore

You fucking dumbshit. You aren't depressed because some girl left you. You are depressed because you live in a fuckking clown world. You are depressed because you live in a discount dystopia. Honk Honk

shes currently on holiday with her friend, shes gonna be clear minded once she returns. shes bound to. i treated her like a queen but i fucked up. i shouldnt have said anything, why did i get so fucking greedy. why cant i do anything about it. i could have done somethign then i didnt do anything im retarded...i cant even think straight i just want to talk to her again. she always used to cheer me up, she was calming. im nothing without her.

i just wish i could take those things back. i said fucked up shit out of anger and out of fear. if i kept my mouth shut she might have taken me back if i just waited but why didnt i just fucking wait. i dont know what to do

if she comes back i promise ill be better. il change if thats what it needs i just cant take this fucking feeling i fucked up ill never forgive myself. we used to spend hours just chatting. i couldnt just not be a fucking paranoid loser. i cant tell her, she doesnt want to talk to me. i understand. im just tired of the lonely boring long days without her sweet morning texts...i was going to spend so much time with her once i moved out of this hell hole. im nothing but a lowlife wierdo and i should have known when to stop...i said shit i fucking regret and i dont know what to do anymore

i dont want to end up like my deadbeat druggie parents im sorry i put so much preassure on you...i should have left you anlone and not spam you with all that shit. i honestly dont know if i can even fix this. im a fucking idiot and im no better than her horrible ex. im close to just ending it all

if you see this im sorry. im sorry for everything i said and did. im sorry i didnt just move on. im sorry i made me seem like the victim. im sorry i couldnt just left you alone there and then and i dont deserve you

i remember the times we used to talk and how you would always cheer me up. you made me blush. im forever in your dept for helping me out through those dark times. remember the times we used to just talk and you would say the things you wanted to do with me...im nothing without you and i wish i could just take things back.

i remember how you would tell me to bring lots of hoodies so you could steal them...i remember how i used to just spam paragraphs about my deadbeat father and you would actually listen. ill never find anybody like you. i dont even deserve you. i understand why you did what you did. i just wish i could travel back in time and tell the present me to just calm my tits...i love you

Yea i miss her too

i remember how you would tell me about the wierdos who would dm you fucking gross dick pics and we would both laugh as his stupid fucking downie expression showed. you were so brutally honest and funny ive never been so happy when talking to somebody before. the way you would sneeze were just so fucking cute my heart would melt. whenever i was stressed or had an anxiety attack i would talk to you and just any respond from you would calm me down...im sorry for everything and ill live the rest of my life knowing i fucked up. but i dont care. its the price to pay for being stupid. i just want to hear your sweet voice...even for a second...i wish i could better myself before this happened. i would change everything about me to make you happy. i will. i will try. if that what it takes. ill learn to shut up when i start rambling about random bullshit. ill learn to not be so god damn needy and clingy. ill learn to stop making so many fucking excuses...im sorry vilde. i dont deserve you and ill forever be in your dept for the times we had...ill miss you til the day i die..and i know if you see this youll hate me and i understand. ive got nobody to talk to not even my own granparents. i dont expect sympaphy and i wish i could just make thins right again. no matter the price. ill always be grateful and i wish you the very best in the future...ilysm

Not if you're posting here

I was like you once, man. And then she came back. And then she left once again. Thank god. There wasn't a single interesting thing about her and I'm better off without her. Since she left me I've put ten times as much effort into myself, my goals and my hobbies. Men don't need women, user. Women need men. This is clear as day when you look at around you. They'll monkey branch endlessly. Fleeing obsessively from loneliness, solitude, self-reflection and self-improvement; all the things which makes a man great.

Take this moment to work on yourself and make peace with the fact that the deepest truth there is in this life is that you were always alone and always will be. If you can't find contentment on your own then you will never have it at all. Attempting to lean on others, to use them as tools for escaping the weight of reality, that's the hallmark of a coward.

.Does her name start with a C?

original comment

that's what you get for trying to have normie emotions, get fucked i hope you kill youself

Ho ho...? Kukuku...
Fresh meat on the market!
>*fixes tie*
I hope I met OP's ex-gf. Now it's my turn!

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I feel you user. I also lost someone who I thought was going to be my forever few months ago too. She was only and last best friend i ever had.

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well when are we going to upgrade to the full price dystopia??

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maybe shes thinking about me right now

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maybe in a week she'll contact me and explain why this happened. and maybe just maybe we can become together again...there might still be hope

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i dont think ill make it past this year without her boys.

thank you all for your support.


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She will move on... she did move on user. All girls after a week of breakup just move onto another guy and will never come back to you brother. Just move on...

I... fucking feel you... we were supposed to finish watching The Office together... we were on the last season.

I still have an anime that we were supposed to watch together almost 2 years ago, I haven't touched it.

I don't get why she can't just talk to me like we used to.

Trust me she's never coming back, it happened to me and it broke my heart. It's been a year and I still think about her every day, but I guess it'll get better eventually
>inb4 faggot

well boys, it's time.,.,.,.,..

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Holy shit this legit freaked me out its like i wrote all this. user same shit happened to me i still constantly blame my self its been 4 months she has contacted me a few times but i fucked it up by pushing the issue of trying again last time we talked she told me to move on its over i said my goodbyes and it's been a month since then i sincerely wish you the best i know what your going through and how bad it feels but knowing other fellow losers on this board went through the same thing is comforting we are here for you.

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i could have written every post in this thread

time to die

Contact her because women seek to be desired, or hire a private invest to hunt her down. Worth 100% loyal stalker bf.

Dude, I've been there, and I'm sorry to say, but you gotta take care of yourself. You dont need her anymore. The sooner you come to accept that right now you're just grieving over loss and that she isnt coming back and that you gotta take care of yourself the better.
I'm so sorry to hear that you had to go through this man.

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I relate so fucking hard

If I accept that, this is it for me. Really. The only time I was happy since 2001 was when she still talked to me.

I upset her bad but she resumed contact with me after 2.5 months. So it's possible.

Not true. I'm coming up on a year and I still don't want to live without her.

We had a movie list. Watched about 50, had about 60 left.
Now there's 60 great movies I will never be able to enjoy.

You know how when you repeat a word very often it suddenly loses all meaning? The same thing happened with memories of her. Did anyone else experience something like that?

Anyways. If that happens to you, you'll just notice that you think about her without attaching meaning which is weird at first but certainly better than beating yourself up over it.

No, it was still the best 6 months of my life in the past 15 years, and the more time passes, the more I think of her.

You gotta find a new of being happy. I know this shit really fucking sucks, but someone else can't be your happiness.

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Literally why not? If I was someone's happiness I would be the happiest person in the world. All I wanted was to give everything I have to someone who actually enjoyed it.

The reason you cant rely on someone else for happiness is when you do, if they leave you have nothing. I did that afew years ago, and it fucking sucked. I was hung up about the girl for a year and a half, but within that year and a half I had realized that I had to get my shit together because she wasn't coming back. I dont know your story of what's going on, but get help if you have to. I hope things get better for you.

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im afraid not user, you know what they say about good times, don't you?

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>be me
>pic related

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hope your balls drop soon, faggot

Listen up guys, here's what we're going to do.

To start, you're going to listen to this, and you're going to wallow: youtube.com/watch?v=Zg5tBerJEfM

But, this is the last time you'll feel that. For 4 minutes and 8 seconds, all you'll think about is how much you miss her, how much it hurts, and how much you want her back.


Once the song is over, your wallowing is done, the pain is over with. You're gonna close the tab, shut off your computer, and go to sleep. If it's daytime, you're gonna go for a walk. You will leave that part of yourself behind and move on with your life. You'll get a good night's sleep, or feel the ground beneath your feet and the fresh air in your lungs. And from that point on, you will be a new person. You will move on in life, unattached. You will take the lessons she represented and learn from them, but you will not go back to show her the new you.

And you'll get better. You'll put one foot in front of the other, and you will push forward. You'll make it. You're gonna be okay, user. We're all gonna be okay.

You just have to keep walking.

You're a fucking hero man. Thank you for takin time to write this out. I'm not OP but still it's helpful.

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What kind of help? I have no one.

I wrote this with OP in mind, but this is for all of us man

I hope it helps, take care of yourself user

Haha you fucking retard, yeah, one song will help me. Want a playlist that I've had on repeat since Christmas?

If you cant get help from friends or family seek out professional help.

you're not going to get anywhere with that mindset you moron

implying the normie therapist won't just trivialize our oneitis and tell us to move on and find someone else

regular advice does not apply to the kinds of people in this thread

I'm not saying the song will help you, I'm saying you'll listen to the song, use those four minutes to wallow, and move on afterwards

Pushing forward is what's going to help, because eventually the pain will fall behind; the song is just a preliminary outlet

for me, it's been 2 and almost a half. Even now, I can say that I really love him. I hope it gets better, user.

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If the people in this thread chose to stay hung up about a girl and refuse to get better then yeah you're right. Regular advice isnt going to do shit and things won't get better. "nOrMiE tHeRaPisT" you do realize that there are tons of other people going through this shit too right? We're not all special with our problems, some problems arent as common as others but there are a shit ton of people out there who have been through similar and have gotten better and some have gotten worse, but they made a choice to do either or. Just like the people in this thread can.

And they'd do what exactly? How will they help me get her back and live happily forever after? I'm really curious because only insane people go to the shrink in my country, so tell me, what kind of advice will they give me that reading everything from Jung to Kierkegaard didn't?

Look dude, I'm not perfect, nor am I attacking you. I'm just saying, there is a way of moving on here. Talking to a therapist can really help some people, for awhile I thought it wasnt for me but I got a chance to talk to a shrink, and not gonna lie i felt relived as fuck after. If you're not willing to move on the shrink aint gonna do shit, but if you are, they might be able to help.
All I'm saying is. You can take this time to work on yourself and better yourself instead of just hoping for a girl to come back, because if she doesn't what are you going to do then? If you dont take care of yourself, no one will.

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I'm sorry about everything user. I'm currently in the process of separating and leaving my wife. I've told her I dont really want it to work. I've seperated alot of our stuff and I'm spending more time alone. She cheated on me a few months ago. I cant get over it.

Every day gets a little easier, and it's still insanely hard. Makes me feel a little better about myself that I survived that awful time. You'll make it brother. It's just gonna suck.

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I didn't say you were attacking me? I just asked a question. That you haven't answered. Why don't you just tell me how will they help? I'm not paying hundreds of dollars to a foreign Jew before you explain it, I'm not that easy to swindle.

My bad, I misunderstood your tone, and they can help you break down and maybe even better understand why is it the way you feel and possible ways you can overcome this situation. I was once talking to a shrink about how I was afraid of getting into another romantic relationship because of the shitty breakup I had last time where I was hung up on my ex for a year and a half. We talked about it for a bit, he asked me some questions, and I tried my best to answer them if I could, and thought deeply about it if I didnt have an answer, and he helped me find comfort in embracing relationships in the future. Sometimes shit sucks and we get hurt from relationships, but taking a chance with a relationship and running the risk of getting hurt is honestly the only way I have a chance at finding the relationship I'm looking for. He helped me realize that I had a choice of
>choosing to isolate myself from romantic relationships and not getting hurt, but also not finding a relationship like I'd like to
>choosing to take a chance again, possibly get hurt, or have to hurt someone else and find a relationship.

This is very specific to my situation, but I cant say they will help you get her back, but just because you can't get her back doesn't mean you can't be happy.
Also regarding happily forever afters, there's always the days after the happy ending, and that's just called life. It has ups and downs but just gotta keep pushing through with it. Hopefully I answered your question now, but I hope that things get better for you soon, but just realize that they can get better. It's a process.

No offense dude but you could've just thought for like 5 minutes and come up with those "choices" by yourself. I know what I want, and unless they're going to help me with that, I don't need convincing that I must learn to want something else, that's a dumb coping tactic for losers like Buddhism.

well then honestly if the only way you're going to be happy is with a girl who left, then you might shit out of luck, cause it's only chance that she might come back. Hoping the best for you.

i think OP just needs thicker skin

>tfw she's never coming back
i think about her daily but i doubt that she thinks about me at all
on a year and a half with a few girls in between and i still miss her

>i think about her daily but i doubt that she thinks about me at all

She wont and good. Understand she is the enemy and see that you are now free to focus on yourself, to improve your life, make the best of yourself.

She will, I waited 3 years and she apologized to me. Keep going strong user

even if she does come back one day, it wont be worth it brah

>on a year and a half with a few girls in between
a cheating bastard such as yourself deserves the worst !!

Really? Full story please.
How exactly can I do that when I don't have the one single thing that made me even a little bit happy in the past god knows how many years, which is her talking to me? I really don't care about anything else in the world.

Lost her in 2016, she dated a guy for 2 years, she broke up with him because he gaslit her, and now shes hanging out with me.

Did you talk at all during that time though?

No, other than 1 or 2 sentence convos every 7-8 months

Are you just making this up to get my hopes up? How did you reconnect?

No dude lmao. Discord

The pain, It never goes away, even if u get with other women wont matter. Looking back I wasn't actually happy, it was high pressure relationship bad communication and forced me to be a mega wagecuck while being a secret hard drug addict....

At least I have more money for drugs and cars/bikes.

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But how? Did you just start talking to her one day or the other way around and how did it go?

No, I had her in my dm history on discord because she had drunk messaged me a few months back, so I decided to add her and she accepted and then we started talking. Every situation is different. If you randomly try to talk to her right now and its so fresh, shes just gonna tell u to fuck off. Give it time. She will come back

Wojak poster lol kys
She will never come back

Is rape redpilled