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I'd have gotten up and left, that's just plain rude

its a balance. you dont want to count your single friend out everytime you go out with your gf and other couples but you also dont want to invite them to everything and have them 5/7th wheel. gotta just talk to your bro and see if theyre cool with it and set up bro nights

I never had any friends in the first place, nor did I go anywhere without my mother.

this is why you make friends with other robots and nerd types without gfs.

Normalfag here, those other guys are assholes. This isn't something that is normally done, it's just rude.

I would never do any PDA in this situation with my gf. That's just rude af to your friend. Handholding is the absolute max I'd go. But maybe that's why I'm a khv because I'm not agressive.

>nerd types without gfs.

even most 'nerds' got gfs before the end of HS, really only the real outcasts remained without.

i agree but it looks like they are teens and likely not aware enough

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I don't think I've ever been out with my friends and their gfs
Like I'm always hanging with them and their gfs at their house and shit as friends but that's it.
Then again I never go out with my friends because we all have conflicting schedules and other things.

A friend of mine acted completely different in the presence of his gf, like he was more alpha and talked less or none of geeky stuff.

common, he didn't want to scare her away with how nerdy he was. My only friend outright told me to just shut up when I kept trying to talk about world of warcraft when he was with his girl. (this was back in 2007 so playing wow was more of neckbeard thing)

He should bring more gelato while they're at it, what an useless friend

If you absolutely, positively have to make out with your gf right now and can't wait. Take her somewhere private, even if you don't have a third wheel/additional friend hanging around. It's awkward for everyone around you.

Fucking hate it when this happens. I feel awkward. if I divert my gaze I look like an awkward and a bitter loser. If I don't divert my gaze then I look like a perv who stares at couples making out

>that kid who has a "gaze"
gaze on these nuts, little creep

word up my nigga

I know thier young and idk if they know thier being rude or not, but this is why i hate people humans are evil to the core just for being human.

just go who gives a shit

that kind of shit always used to happen to me. it was like they went out of their way to shove it in my face that i'm alone and they weren't. they got some type of disgusting satisfaction out of my misery. they knew what they were doing, i have absolutely no doubt about it. normies are all scum.

WoW is still very much a neckbeard thing

learn to type properly or noone will take your points seriously

>be at friend's friend's place for a new years eve party
>3 couples and me
>one of the guys even says "what a poor guy" when all the girls sat on their bf's lap and I was just sitting there
>later, at 1am maybe, the same situation again, for some reason I didn't immediately leave but decide to select songs on spotify
>soon after, decide to leave, only 2 persons (obviously male) even get up to say goodbye to me
>go home

honestly it was shit and I don't plan on ever going to this kind of party again, and hugging girls and wishing them a good new year isn't even that great desu

This, normies and redditors prefer LoL

im sorry for myself that ive read that
fuckin cuck

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feels sad fren

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sorry the 2 friends i ever had have never been such pieces of shit to me thankfully

>invite a friend to a renaissance fair months in advance
>he says hes bringing a friend
>okay whatever can still have fun
>wake up early so I can be there on time despite working nightshift the night before
>they're 4 hours late, not cause of traffic, they were just lazy and also stopped for food
>get there, we meet up, turns out his friend is a girl and they're in a relationship
>I am now the third wheel of a hangout I planned
>paid $60 for this
>leave after 30 minutes of just following them around

I'm still mad. I havent talked to him since.

i just wanted to play m:tg at his house but then we had to go out and eat with her. And then she started inching close towards him and they held hands and laughed at something she showed him on her phone. And I felt tense and anxious and I clenched and unclenched my fist and made an excuse for why I had to leave. Then I walked home.

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Never gotten PDA cucked like that but I still slowly isolated myself from them because i'm a sad bitter cunt.

>his friends start making out with their girlfriends in a public place in front of him

he should get better friends, that's fucking weird

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Never happened.
Bros only.
I barely have friends though so it helps

Nah but I was invited t a party, where a girl and her boyfriend started getting closer, so I left, since she was the only person I personally knew who was still there.

Ok I will
So they started making out and then after 15 seconds I whipped out my insane BWC and all the girls that were within 50m threw the other guys out then came over and we had marvelous sex for hours

A friend bringing their gf to hang is okay as long as they don't do shit like that in the pic, and they usually don't. But nothing is worse than hanging with an orbiter and his oneitis. It's just cringe.

I was hanging out with my boy and he loaded me up in his car and I was told we were going to pick up his girlfriend, bout an hour ride later this skinny asian bitch hop in the car and he goes "hey babe" but they didn't greet with a kiss or anything. And that was that he showed her off to his family all weekend long. Her hanging off his arm beaming like she was proud to be seen with him. She seemed nice and apparently he loves her, cause any mention of trading up women is met with contempt. They are fucking joined at the hip to this day (5 years later) they got an apartment together.

But that boy don't talk to me no more.. somehow I managed to make him hate me.

>hear about a one night only promotion at a local restaurant
>text friend to see if hes down to go
>he is
>start getting hype for that night on the way home
>he texts me saying he invited his oneitis
>okay that's cool, shes generally cool so I dont mind I guess
>a while later he says she said yes (not to a date just to hanging out)
>tells me that he decided they're going alone now cause he wants to spend time with her alone
>mfw I got kicked out of my own dinner plans

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Should have went with them anyway to fuck with them. You invited them, they can't kick you out.

>tfw your friends girls start clinging to you
Why do femoids like rude men?

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>friend picks me up
>ride out to some girls house
>we literally take her from some other guy that was hugging her when we pull up
>go to a park
>he says they're gonna go for a walk
>locks me out of the car
>they both walk off together
>sit next to the car for 2 hours
>they finally comes back
>drop her off
>he tells me he fucked her on the trail
what was the point in bringing me?

We hadnt decided on a time or I would have