Is there anything worse than being bipolar? You're physically unable to feel happiness, no matter what you do

Is there anything worse than being bipolar? You're physically unable to feel happiness, no matter what you do.
Yes of course there are much worse things in this fucking existence than being bipolar, such as being "adopted" from orphanage, then sold to child prostitution, cause haha I'm THE fucking normie who virtue signals to niggers in africa 24/7, but remain ignorant to the problems at home cause it's waaay to ugly.

I just want to get a a shotty and blow my brains out. Dumb fuck. But hey, that's illegal. That's destroying government property. No tall accessible buildings OR guns for you, pal.

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You can prolly still get a gun as long as you weren't involuntarily committed

Don't blast yourself tho just take lithium

I'm bipolar type 2. My psych says that there is around a 25% suicide rate in Europe for bipolar people.

I take 100mg of Sertraline and 300mg of Lamotrigine daily. It took me about 8 years to find a combination of meds that worked for me but now i'm pretty much normal when it comes to emotions. You'll get there.

well, being poor in a third world shithole where imaginary mental disorders don't exist comes to mind

bipolar disorder is not a real thing. It's just an excuse for weak faggots to evade their responsibilites.

So that means you have to take meds for the rest of your life? How often do you have to take them?

I take the Lamotrigine in the morning as it has a slow release throughout the day, it'll last about 16 hours so i gotta take it when i wake up.
The Sertraline i take with lunch, as you get fucked up if you don't take it around the same time every day. You get dizzy and shit.

I have to take them every day, for the rest of my life if i want a normal life. It's not that bad though, it beats committing sudoku.

Every day 2 pills, huh? Well if it does work... I guess it's worth it. But why did it take 8 years to find the right meds? That's an awful lot of time.

Mental illness isn't really that well understood. They can scan your brain and see that it's not working properly but something that might work for one person might make another person suicidal.

I've tried a tonne of meds, i've denied taking meds, i've seen several shrinks, psychs and i've been committed a couple of times. At first they thought i was just having seasonal depressions but then i went full on hallucinations thinking i was gods gift to humanity and stuff.

You ever been fed through a tube they forced down your throat? It fucking hurts. It's agonizing being strapped down to a bed with nothing to do. You can't move, you can't scratch an itch and you're bored out of your mind. They don't care though.

Anywho, it takes a while to find the right meds.

>tfw misdiagnosed as bipolar when I just wanted help with my depression

>You're physically unable to feel happiness
False. I love my manic episodes, they make me feel great!

I end up thinking that once every few years. "I feel normal, why am i taking meds every day?"
Then i go off meds and the world is crushing down on me. It might be because the meds are helping with my depression and i'm not bipolar at all and when i stop taking the meds it all comes back. Who knows.

I feel better though, that's what's important imo.

That sounds horrible, except the "i was gods gift to humanity" part, that was funny as hell (not what happened to you, but just a man thinking that, sorry).

Well, I guess I'll try to make it. Thanks.

I self medicate with dudeweed nowadays
Always been quite depressed but don't think it's bipolar. Didn't help that they decided to put me on fucking depakote and olanzapine

I have bipolar 2. everybody is different so I don't have any amazing advice but I have this picture of a dog

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That's some heavy shit. I can see why you'd think that it didn't help. Pretty insane to go straight for anti-psychotic medicine.

>that was funny as hell
Manic episodes are fucking great. It's better than drugs, sex and anything i can imagine. It's so fucking great i wish i could be manic all the time.

Did you ever try the classic alcoholism route? I mean that works for me

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Yeah I haven't been the same since, still see sparks in my vision randomly over a year later
Such is the price to pay for trying to get help

It only makes things worse for me. I just end up in the bed rolling around, holding my head in a cold sweat, waiting for my body to get rid of that little alcohol that I've consumed.

I did the nodding out route for 3 years. really fucked my life up though.
I quit my drugs many times with around 10 full withdrawals. the problem was that I would take all my benzos, opiates, and GABA stuff with weed and get good sleep but then I would get addicted by taking them again when I woke up in the morning.

alcohol is nasty stuff.
>I just end up in the bed rolling around
that sounds like what happens when I feel great during a hypomanic episode and decide to quit my benzos and then lose all sleep for a week