No one wants to be my friend

No one wants to be my friend

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omg stay true to yourelsf gurl, ignor the haterz!

ill be your friend user. post a throwaway discord and ill chat with you while i am at work. idc about age sex or gender friend.

That is because you are a disgusting tranny, with nice trips


lol this ignore the people you be a real nigga

>tfw not even trannies are into me



Why would they? you're boring. You have nothing going on your way. You're so painfully mediocre

its cause you're a dude larping as a girl on a lebanese goat hair braiding website

Not a tranny. Im an actual lonely girl. We exist

No you fucking don't fuck off roastie whore

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Can I see your frontbutt?

Try not being mentally ill

stop posting b8 threads and engage in actual conversation, maybe then someone will like you

No you don't exist.
But you can post discord if you want.

You wouldn't exist if you didn't ghost people who wanted to be your friends.

I wonder how its like to know that the only reason men talk to you or are friendly towards you is because they want to fuck you

Men dont talk to me tho

They do, until you start ghosting them.

I can be your friend if you want to anonette

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More like post tits

Ive never ghosted anyone. They all ghost me

I want to be your friend but post something beyond a oneliner, what you do, what you want to do, how you spend your free time, what you want from a friend, what you like to eat, what you dreamt about last night, something like that, but something.

I want to facefuck wojak(female)

I play video games and watch anime all day. I want to have a bf who will let me move in and take care of me. My favorite food is pasta.

maybe you suck *shrug*

And I'm a basement dwelling NEET and I want a golden spaceship.

This is my dream, but I always get too depressed and realize it will never happen so I end up stuck in my shitty job.

Sure, I'll do it as long as you're not a camwhore, prostitute, ERP whore, orbiter collector, etc. A/S/L?

why do you deserve to be taken care of? what do you have to offer?

23, F, Iowa

threadly reminder that lonely females don't exist

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Why don't you make a throwaway discord? guarantee that will keep you entertained at least for the night

This image never gets any less depressing......

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eggy is handsome wtf