The future is trans.
Trans is beautiful.
The future is beautiful. You're going to make it, user.
The future is trans.
Trans is beautiful.
The future is beautiful. You're going to make it, user.
The future is now faggot
fuck off trany jinzo destroys all traps
retard life is not photoshopped pictures
unironically suicide
>tons of makeup and plastic surgery
Yeah, sure.
Am attracted to men, please you not erase them all from the existence... I mean as trans women, we can more than coexist in 2 binaries of gender, and was like the point in trying to transition here anyway.
I hope you know this reddit profile is a troll account, right?
He's not actually trans, quite the opposite since his goal is to make transphobic posts
Yes, beautiful! SLAY, QUEEN!
Them's some ugly bitches.
Ooooooh I get it
>the future is trans
Have sex, transcel
Have sex without dilating or kysing
quick everyone post the ugly ones; ready the suicide rates; prepare the dilation images. To the barricades brothers
Welp at least one seems shilled because body mass or ethnik reasons...
So 2 sides of the same coin, if you blame the media for global homo (but male or female, click bait seems the only agenda, indifferent to the good looks)
Then I trans post some models who do not get enough positive attention... even in 2D things our image is not all it could be.
the future can't reproduce
the future is faggot now
good. we need to stop overpopulating
As if 'in vitro' were not a thing ?
Also it seems better than breaking down after yet another 20some years...
Or can be gradual like when Savic and Pejic sent Andreja overseas, I mean she transitioned while andro into trans and successful.
Well, seeing as men don't have wombs I'd say uh
the future is /mutt/
Mutt time is the best time
mutts > asians > whites > literally everything but trannies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The future is /mare/, apegirl
Ill accept it over a tranny. At least it has a womb
Go back to tumblr and consider again killing yourself
Lol I fucking give up. Maybe getting a trans gf wouldnt be to bad if they actually look like that and we dont fuck...
Better than being alone. No one would have to know
You'll be alot sadder when you inevitably break up with them, user. Don't compromise who you are just for artificial ""pussy""
I agree with the mutt philosophy but asians are pretty damn ugly about 70% of the time. Shouldn't be so high on the list.
No its not. Fuck off you kike.