Why arent you living in a van exploring all your country has to see?
Why arent you living in a van exploring all your country has to see?
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Why don't you have money user you can travel around and do what ever you want?
because i didn't get daddy inheritance and have to work to make money to support the life i currently have fucking faggot
>thinks you need inheritance to live in a van
thats about the stupidest thing ive read
Just how hard is this interior to make if I have no construction experience whatsoever?
because traveling is for teenage whores who are completely lost in this world and searching for some sort of compensation.
Do you know how expensive a tricked out super van like that is? Very expensive.
rather than vans I want to buy a short bus... they seem quite cheap when schools retire them. Much cheaper than premium sprinter vans too it seems.
Are you fucking dumb?
How are you meant too pay for repairs how are you meant to pay for gas food another shit you need like i don't know water and paper to wipe your fat ass get a brain brainlet fucking mongrel
They're probably hard to drive and you have to avoid low bridges
gas is too expensive, and i dont have much money
I would, if you tell me how to:
- Cover the repairs that will inevitably happen
- Provide an income for gas
- Provide an income for food
- Provide an income for medical bills
- Pay off a whole van + materials made to LAST
You need to know basic craftsmanship and electronic appliance installations. Water and sewage is easy, but its also easy to fuck up.
Probably terrible gas mileage, might be more economical to get a bus tier van.
Main issue is that its hard to convert those in to a sleeper van if you want to avoid issues with the law, and top speed might be limited compared to a regular sized van. Otherwise a great possibility since they have the ideal space for living conditions.
Why the fuck would I want that? I don't even like leaving my room, much less my city.
>be smug idiot who thinks you can easily escape the status quo
>live in van
>van gets towed due to any number of local ordinances
>get put in jail
>whine, cry
>released from jail, vas is gone
>$500 to retrieve van
Because I'm not a fucking gypsy
Based Terry lived in a van
Fuck off you are just a mobile neet
Because I can barely look after myself, let alone a van
i never enjoyed traveling so i can't imagine that it would be better
>mobile neet
that's the dream
Implying this is somehow a bad thing? I'm planning to do this once I save enough.
Mostly because a certain degree of hygiene is never secured when youre traveling and its alot of stress
But user, living in a van is the true robot way. Now you can travel, but stay in your room while you do it
I've been thinking about living in a van for a while now, but mostly to get away from the thought of paying rent but also having freedom from my family... Stealth van living with a gym membership seems like the ultimate way to save money and improve yourself, especially if you're single like 99% of Jow Forums. Then you can use the money you save for the future instead of giving it to some landlord
I really do feel sorry for all robots who don't live with their parents. How does it feel to be cucked out of your own money just to have a roof over your head and working 90% of the day just to pay it?
I do this, kind of in part because I don't want to pay rent in my expensive area. A lot of the other people who do it are dirty fucking slobs, mostly Mexicans but I do this out of an outback. People are shocked when we're riding around and I tell them I live in the car. My advice is buy things as you need them don't go in with a shitload of stuff. I did that I got rid of it. Cooking for me wasn't really do able so I just got rid of my stuff for that
Ok, since I see these threads all the time I'm going to try and explain why this is a bad idea as simply as possible.
Land is owned by people. By private owners and the government. You just can't park anywhere you want. It doesn't work that way. Either farmer Brown with his shotgun or a cop with a baton is going to be knocking at 3 am. Yes, there are free campgrounds but they few and far between.
You have no rights. You know how homeless people are harrassed and abused all the time? That's you. Criminals are opportunists, and what's a bigger opportunity than some weird faggot with a bunch of electronics in his van? Have fun worrying about having every earthly possession stolen while you go for hike.
Most robots are kind of gross. Now imagine a robot who has to crap in bucket next to his bed everyday. You going to stink like food and shit and unwashed clothes and mold.
Bugs, humidity, airflow, space, privacy etc.
Youre right, people dont park like this across the country every day.
I make enough money that I will be buying a house within a couple years probably. I'm at this point just waiting for the price bubble to burst.
You see those stickers on the windows of the cars? That's called a parking permit, they typically only distribute them to residents within a neighborhood. Anybody who doesn't have a permit will be towed.
Yes they do, but some obviously occupied van with an exhuast fan and solar panels on the top is going to draw attention.
Your a harmless robot. I get it. But you know who isn't? Criminals and crazy/drug people. People who are not welcome in most neighborhoods and chased out of.
People park along my road all the time, I do too sometimes, nobody gets ticketed or towed.
>Thinking people are going to call the police on you if you pull up at 10pm and leave by the morning
Nah, they probably wont even notice you. Maybe if you park and dont move for a week.
thats a tax disk mate
Because I know itll be disappointing and have nothing like what I expect
>be NEET
>pissbottles and pop cans accumulate in my room because too lazy to clean up
>be NEET in a van
>just piss outside and throw cans out the window
>drive away
Parking permits for parking next to your house? Lmao, I have never heard of that before. I'm pretty sure the sidewalks are up for grabs as long as you follow the signs around the spot.
>Yes they do, but some obviously occupied van with an exhuast fan and solar panels on the top is going to draw attention.
Solar panels and exhaust fans do attract a lot of attention, but if the van you pick is tall, only people from two story houses will be able to see them. You can even buy a ladder and put it on top to mask it as a work truck.