Well, this is goodbye robots...

well, this is goodbye robots. it's been fun but i've come to the conclusion that this site is hurting me more than it is helping me. when my active threads die, i won't be here again. shoutout to all the anons who are real and can actually have a conversation, opposed to those who shill their jew shit all day. this place is too contaminated for me and i can't deal with it anymore. goodbye robots, i'm on the way to normalcy.

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Hey man, good luck in the future! Im proud you escaped this shit. Have a nice life.

Ok, see you in 30 minutes

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Good job OP.
You'll here forever, but if you're determinated:

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see you next week user
We'll have the usual shitty threads up by then

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I wish you luck user, but I'm not optimistic you'll get out. The mental compulsion is excruciatingly strong

first time 'quitting', huh?

thank you anons for the encouragement :)

i agree with you, but this shit is taking too much of a toll on my perception of the world and destroying me mentally. it's either i get out of here now, or i stay a warped, insecure, dysfunctional piece of shit for the rest of my life.

yes, hopefully it's the last time too.

Good get the fuck out

Yeah I give up too, I will retire formally on 2 days
It's a shame really, I think there are quite a few cool people here but this place is a bad joke now.

'it used to be better here' is a sentiment that gets shit on a lot, but it's unironically true. There didn't use to be 'fembots', trannies, so many teenagers or insipid no-gf threads. There was a lot more interesting and creative threads

Good idea, i really only started coming here like 2 months ago because i spent my teens on tumblr and I enjoyed the unfiltered talk around here/lack of stupid "cancellation" shit and general drama here. Enjoyed it for a while and liked helping people out with their self esteem issues but I'm starting to realize all the self defeatism and negativity is dragging me down with it. I'm def starting to just act differently and the site has become a massive time sink. You're making a good decision and i should probably follow your path.

the fact you're still posting shows you want to stay.

My advice is to gain some discipline and fill your life with stuff other than Jow Forums, but not leave the site entirely. Best of both worlds.

read my post here People only start to hate wasting their life on Jow Forums because they spend every waking hour on here, just don't do that.

user, did you made it?
Are we all gonna make it?

(Sorry to say so, but I think you will come back after a couple of days/weeks)

>Sorry to say so, but I think you will come back after a couple of days/weeks
i'm trying to replace it so i don't think i'll be back. i'm just going to start using reddit, at least there the filth is quarantined and i won't be surrounded by race/political propaganda 24/7.

You will be back I know, every old robot knows this, you will come back
>i'm just going to start using reddit
But you shouldn't come back, stay there normalfaggot redditor

>inb4 op said he was gonna use reddit just to make us encourage him to never return

well plaued nigger, you will be back the next day, it will happen automatically

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>this site is hurting me more than it is helping me
I know this and yet everytime I feel down I come running back.

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Glad for you user. I wish I could leave this depressive shithole just like you.

Bump. You are stuck here forever user.

youll be back in a few minutes, but if your not i with you luck

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I don't even care about the spam now even if I keep reporting once in a while, but now no matter what you want to discuss all you receive are bland meme answers. I don't know with what website could I compare it (bottom of the barrel subreddits maybe), but anyway it gets very boring.

I just came back. Have fun out there. I fucking hate it.

You are still here user, leave soon.

I with you luck too user

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I'm glad you're leaving, user. This is actually good for you. I admire you, OPie.

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