Does hrt make you smell like a girl? Or are trannies making stuff up again?

Does hrt make you smell like a girl? Or are trannies making stuff up again?

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hey tranny, yes you, go away

are you thinking of doing it? it wont change anything, dont listen to the shill trannies, they will never say anything bad about hrt

I think hrt makes you smell like 40% suicide and 60% meaningless life, although I m not sure, havent tried.

female perfume, shampoo and soap makes you smell like a girl
that is assuming the tranny has a normal male odor
not the foul stench of a 300lb neckbeard or nigger smell

Is it really surprising this place is so infested with them when this is how you "fight"?
No, I'd rather join the 40%. I was just wondering. Maybe it would be nice to smell a bit less like a boy naturally, I don't know.
>40% suicide and 60% meaningless life
Already do.
But are those really "girl smells" or just smells associated with femininity? I mean that they're not what girls naturally smell like.

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HRT changes how your sweat smells but you shouldn't smell like sweat as a general principle

>girls naturally smell like
there are smelly girls too
back when I still cared, I tried to fuck one girl from my uni
her natural body smell was disgusting. maybe it was a psychological thing but I couldn't stand being near her

i mean, if you're 100% you're gonna kys then you could probably try it, but not unless you're 100% sure because thats a road with no return

Trannies are a plague user. There is nothing good about them.
Not is there anything good about threads getting depressed and weak Anons to become one.
The irony in all of this though are the Anons who hate Trannies yet are the first ones to ERP with one or sissies and shit.
One day, this cycle will end.

It's not like you need to chop your dick off to take hormones. You'd need to continually take them for years to get to the point of "no return", where you develop breasts. But even then you can still go back to your natural hormones, and be a male with gyno.

No, multiple failures don't add credibility to that. And anyway, it's not what being a girl is about, so it's rather pointless.
I see. Thanks.

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Are you so fucking retarded you think hrt will make you smell like a girl? Do you think we naturally smell like sugar and spice? You don't even understand how women work and yet you want to be one. Use perfume you fucking degen.

He doesn't know what a man is. How do you really expect him to understand what a woman is.

this, if you want to smell like a woman you need to groom yourself better, take more showers and use more perfumes and deodorant

have you even been in a boy's room before? they smell nothing like your room or your girlfriend's room. guys have a natural odor which is different from a girl's natural odor. This is the smell OP is referring to.

>Do you think we naturally smell like sugar and spice?
No. I don't think that. But men and women still smell differently. I was just wondering. I'm not doing anything to myself. Like I said, I'll kill myself before any of that nonsense. It's not about fooling people with outward "girlyness" for me or anything. I don't claim to be a woman and I never will be and I don't want anything from them or any sort of acceptance.

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it changes your hormones and your brain, maybe it will help i dunno, what happens when your stop taking your meds, does whatever mental illness you have gets even worse?

Just stop using Old Spice and use shit like Dove, there you go homie, girl smell

Those filenames really annoy me Idk why.

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one day we will have our revenge, our numbers are growing, we will find you fucks and avange him

It's not that bad now. It can get worse if I'm not keeping up with my routine. Even then, it's not that bad now. But I tend to be more sad and aloof.
Are you French? I can switch to another language. One that no one speaks, so they won't get annoyed.

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I'll pay 6 months worth of pink pills upfront if you talk to me daily OP.

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The answer to your question is yes, feminizing hormone therapy will alter your natural body odor to be more feminine. This is due in part to changes in sweat odor, as one user above has mentioned. At the very least, the masculine smell sometimes referred to as "musk" would go away or reduce drastically. So no, they are not making it up.

damn, how many languages do you know, are you high iq? you should go to school and try to have a normal life.

>he doesn't know that OP is actually a bunch of people and not a single guy

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Yeah I'm French. And no don't change filenames because of that.
I'm just cringing every time I see French written because I imagine the person speaking it just butchering the pronunciation.
Straighten your life really. That's the priority here.

hrt removes typical male body odour but you aren't going to get some strong female smell, using girls shampoo and soap works better to smell like a girl. hrt also makes your skin nice and soft. You were saying you were gonna join the 40% why not just get on hrt and see if life gets better? You're constantly posting about how you 100% will never get hrt and you hate trannies or w.e but idk why you don't just get on it and see if your change your mind. It's worth a shot if you're contemplating suicide right?

I've known/studied Lithuanian, English, German, Russian, Norwegian, French and Arabic. Can't say I'm good at any of them haha. I'm not high iq. I dropped out of uni twice.
I try. I unironically think my pronounciation is rather okay. I have a lot of practice listening and am pretty familiar with the rules.
I'd be betraying the reason I want to be a girl. It's not really about looks and smells.

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>it's another tranny making shitty avatars of girls episode

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fuck off tranny
don't listen to their lies
you don't become feminine
you don't become soft
you don't look or sound or act like a female
you will suffer all the way to the dick snip surgery, and, even if you go past that, the sheer number of medical complications that arise will keep you in and out of the hospital for the rest of your life

>ITT: avatarfagging tranny pretends to be a normal person

>Does hrt make you smell like a girl?
Yes it does. It's actually quite shocking.

Therapist says it's important to feel like a normal person so you know you're not being singled for persecution haha.

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where you bullied at school?

but we are literally doing that, what does it matter if you feel it or no, you will always be persecuted for what you've done you sick bastards

what a shitty therapist, instead of solving a problem he's just making it worse.

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too answer your question i've been on hrt for nearly a year and i do smell like a girl now,, it's pretty crazy. i hope you're doing ok user, you seem like a sweet person

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>tfw you will never pin down kappu and fuck them like the bitch they are


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I'm a Lithuaniafag, I bet you wanted to die while studying Lithuanian

>wanting to fuck THAT
you know what I mean

please don't lewd me user... that's not wholesome...

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what did you mean by this? kikes?

i think it is very simple. what is the thing that causes female odor? estrogen. isnt hrt estrogen? if you take long term estrogen and suppress testosterone with other medicine yes you should be smelling like grill

>tfw no trapfriend to smell and lick

Trannies will never, ever, be woman, no matter the newest pathetic fad they come up with. Be a mature human being and get to terms with what you are in reality, it's part of the human condition.

Everyone has their quirks. Part of transitioning is learning to accept yourself and your desires. We have male bodies, but we're female. We have to work with what we got, and get creative to workaround our restrictions.
It isn't nice that we're not like the average cis girl, but even cis girls wish they were more like Stacy.

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long story short the original aiste was a based schizoposter that made funny oc and dabbed on trannies, after a while a bunch of guys doxed and killed him to assume his online persona in order to gain orbiters, however after a while they fucked up the impersonation and some anons started to take notice that something was amiss and the whole thing was exposed, now they simply play pretend but don't actually try very hard, do you seriously think he can actually speak 6 languages? or that he changed the avatar after so much time just by chance? its all a psyop, and a bunch of fuckers that we commonly refer to as the discord conglomerate(since its a bunch of known discord trannies) are the ones behind it

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fucking avatarfags
pic related

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>we have male bodies, but we're females
you're not only lying to yourself, but also complaining when people tell you the truth.
you're a walking contradiction and will never be accepted, be sure to remember this

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holy this sounds like the part in psycho pass

How can one man be so wrong in a single post. It's almost as if this guy never even fucking set foot on Jow Forums.
You see bitch Anons leaking anytime a sissy or tranny comes to ERP.
You won't get rid of them this way lemme tell you.

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well its literally brains taking turns using a body so in a way its a bit like psycho pass, we never thought of that

Trannies have been documented as early as Rome. We weren't liked back then either, but we existed.
You tell me to stop lying to myself, but you're the one trying to deny reality.
Can't you do better than that user?

w-wanna be my friend user

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>tfw as i got it right sissy gang is trying to take over

back to IRC you monstrosity, I banish thee

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Not him but you are.
Cut your dick off, put make up whatever you want.
XY. You can't change that, you were born like that and you'll die like that.

You're not wholesome. You're an attentionwhoring slut that needs to be dicked down hard.

>we were absolute faggots in the past so its okay to be one right now
>you're denying reality
>proceeds to deform own body

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Did you miss the post where I said I had a male body? Every tranner knows their body doesn't match who they are, that's why we're trans.

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Death never really came for me, user. Sorry to disappoint.

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you wouldn't like to get on my bad side, user.
im not a slut, aanon! i have a gf im a good girl

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Like clockwork.
Boy it hurts to be right

last warning hellspawn, either you go back to your IRC channel, discord, /qa/ spinoff or whatever shithole you came from or things get ugly, user

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girls naturally smell like rotten fish and BO, thats why they hide it with perfume you big fucking retard

people who try to fuck with me don't last very long, user.

stop while you still can, you don't want this.

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>people who try to fuck me don't last very long, user.
yeah i am sure of it
and checked

everyone's room smells different depending on a lot of factors. girls tend to have better hygiene, clean their rooms, and CARE about how their room smells enough to make it smell nice. every house smells different

You have a gf and are on hrt? What are you trans and a lesbian?