It's saturday night get in here and spill out your feelings

it's saturday night get in here and spill out your feelings

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>done working out and doing chores around the apartment and now there's nothing to do but stare at the ceiling in perpetual loneliness

>tried meeting up with two different girls i used to know and they want nothing to do with me

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i woke up at 9:52pm. I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule. my sleeping schedule has been 9-5pm for the past 2 weeks. I'm gonna go to the gym and that waste time laying in bed on the internet. I haven't had a social life for years and i think its probably gonna stay that way forever.

Was supposed to meet friends out for a drinks tonight, but I totally bailed. I am an asshole.

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No friends
No gf
It's fucking saturday and i'm browsing Jow Forums

>Haven't had a conversation with another human in years.
>Finished up a day of work where I made $17 despite being in my 30s with a STEM degree
>Live with parents

On the plus side, I haven't had a drink in 10 days and I've been eating relatively healthy and working out a little.

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Keep it up user. I'm a full-blown recluse with no hope of ever leading a normal life, but healthy diet and exercise have had me in a good way this past year.

I'm applying for an apprenticeship to a handful of trades unions after a long stretch of neetdom but I'm hesitant because I realize even with union wages and union benefits these jobs are still insufferable and I'm going to hate it and I'm better off being a neet and cashing disability bux anyway

I should be out hitting on girls but I am afraid of girls and don't know how to talk to them. I think it because I was brought up too "proper". Anyway I'm trying to fix myself before I'm forced to go on medication. My shyness and lack of social skills is fucking with my career too. I can't get promoted or get bonuses cuz I can't speak to people freely. I can do it in speeches but I can't chit chat.

I suggest a job in government. They will pay a low but competitive wage to those in stem.

My dog died today. The last bit of happiness has gone out my life. She was a good girl and young too, perfect in every way. Half chihuahua half shibe. Fucking hell. I know time will heal my sadness but right now it's agony and for all my current life problems this one is unbearable. Rest in peace dog. I love you.

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I've given up on any delusion that I'll ever have a normal life

no thanks... doing nothing is super draining. I have to have a job where I stay busy

Stem areas of government are very busy. They can't keep people employed because old-timers want a slow job and the young people get lured away by higher pay

tell me more user

i actually have a stem degree but it's from a low tier state university and I've been a neet for four years

trying nofap again. I kept relapsing last time but now I have better strategies. Here's hoping

I'm 30 years old.
I spent about 12-14 hours a day on the computer catfishing people.
I've done this for the past 10 years.
I don't do this for any monetary reasons. I do this because I have highly specific sexual fantasies and getting people to talk about them with me is how I masturbate.
When I first started doing this I felt a voice in my head warning me not to. I told myself I would just do it until I resolved my sexual issues.
Now countless hours in chat rooms and literally hundreds and hundreds of contacts later there is still no end in sight.

>proper guys don't talk to girls
you were raised to be gay? most people learn social skills from being in social environments.

Usajobs if you are American. Plenty of stem jobs available and if they aren't they will make one available. They are that desperate. They don't care where you got your education. The only problem is that you will have a long hiring process and will have to compete with Veterans and women and minority for jobs and you will be ruled out by things you can't control.

Yes sort of I was. I was discouraged to have gf when I was in school. I was beaten badly by my mother because I said I only like girls because they have boobs when I was 8.
I can talk to them but I sound like a robot or I do cringy outdated gestures. I used say shit like maddam or miss and compliment there wear and offer my arm when walking. Basically raised like some 50 yr old aristocrat.

>get so fed up with being alone I finally put myself out there and join an r9k discord
>have fun playing with them
>discord starts to die off
>start getting fed up with being alone again
>looking for the next thing to consume my life so I don't hurt myself from depression
>thinking about joining one of the group sessions, at the place where I used to see a therapist, to talk to people
I'm too afraid to make a Tinder or anything else. I want to talk to fellow losers so I don't feel like garbage compared to them. (Which I am garbage, I'm 28 with no girlfriend or job EVER)

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what kind of jobs are available? what do I searched for? all i can find in my immediate area are advertisements for the post office or posting with the department of state over seas

you're not going to find actual losers in group therapy user. just narcissistic normies. I've tried.

I hate how I don't have anything to show for in my life. No college degree, no great job, I cant ask anyone out because I feel inferior. I hate everything so much.

Alot of military is hiring for civilian position. You can search via job series, location, or agency and pay as well. Be sure you are on usajobs .gov.

I'm pretty sure I can not work for the military, not even as civilian, due to mental illness

Got a third job wageslaving. Wanted to be a cashier to make life more interesting, maybe run into some crazy customers I can tell stories about.

But no, every single person is incredibly kind and polite. My supervisor is literally Chad and is the best super I've ever seen.

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Spent the day drinking and playing video games. I've been considering trying to restart my PhD because I'm not a fan of the corporate world, but I have no idea if I'll follow through, like so many other things in my life.

This is how you end up as a middle aged borderline alcoholic browsing Jow Forums at 1 in the morning.

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That's like every day for me man. I haven't found any work yet. I'm applying everywhere.

this girl keeps leading me on and its fucking impossible for me to get over her.

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Gunjy, no!!!

saturday nights are the worst

I used to just roam around the city drunk but I stopped doing that and now I just sit here

why did it have to be this way?

yo hope things work out for you robots things are good for me

I just turned 24 today, how can I avoid being here in a year?

same. I spent 6 years in college getting a worthless degree, graduated, never tried to get a job, and have been in the same position for 5 years now. some alarms should've gone off and they didn't

23 turning 24 soon, not here to crash your thread, just looking for advice. Do you guys have any advice for someone that doesnt want to be like this forever?

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whew lad have a (you)

start getting Jow Forums now

i was in a kik chat and it died off after almost 3 years. i kind of hate how everyone somehow needs to move on and im just stuck

There are a million self improvement threads. Sitting in your room playing games will only lead to long term sadness.

I work in a shit job where all my coworkers are young college kids. I feel like a pathetic loser because they're all so attractive and smart. I tried college, but failed numerous times and ended up dropping out. I feel like I will be stuck in this shit job forever. I also feel like I'm just too ugly to find a nice gf. People say that when you get older, looks won't matter. I feel like that's 100% BS.
I feel like I'm just too ugly to be loved. I don't even think my family loves me. I feel like they're just pretending sometimes. The loneliness is killing me and so is my job. Iff shit doesn't get better by the time I'm 30, I'm just gonna end my life.

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these are valuable posts. why does a getting a PhD insulate you from the corporate world?

join the military, get a real degree (and get work exp/internships while you're in school). its really important to get the ball rolling while you're young and have energy. im 28 and on my last gasps of giving a fuck before i throw in the towel and lazily let life shape me instead of me shaping it myself. I know some people aren't fans of Jordan Peterson but he said "you either pick a sacrafice [committing to a particular career path] or one is chosen for you and its much worse.

I'm okay. I know someone is going to hate me for this post but that's okay too. I make six figures writing software, and it's not intolerable. I have a wife who has only ever loved me physically and emotionally, and I find her incredibly attractive, but we never get enough time together. I have a circle of friends who see me as their leader, and I wish I had more time with them, too. I've been on Jow Forums since the beginning and I don't fit in here anymore, but I'm okay with that. It's just sad that my circumstances are unique. In theory, I should be able to share my feels with everyone. Instead I'm too normie or too robot for everywhere I try and go. I guess I have to be okay with that, too.

< this right here. oregon trail because double post

if you are so dumb you thought this thread was a good place for these questions it's too late for you

nah its all good. thanks for your contribution. sometimes i wonder if marinating my brain in the redpill is ultimately a bad idea. clearly there's people who do i get married and it works out, but I'm very mentally steeped in mgtow bullshit. doesn't help that my life experience up to this point (28) has validated it

>got some dinner with a few friends
>drove them to a edm show, picked them up. I didnt go because I'm trying to save money atm
>watched black mirror
>drank a little bit but not excessive, tripped on very small dose of mushrooms last night and it made me want to stop drinking
>exgf who cut contact with me a few months ago, unblocked my phone and Instagram
>8 year relationship
>idk what her unblocking me means, I try to message her but she never responds or picks up my calls
>slowly losing hope
>all I do now is take stimulants to focus, program all week long, come home to an empty apartment each night, trying to shut out thoughts of my gf and my dog she took
>trying to get enough energy to start running
>difficult to see an end where I'm happy, at this point just focused on staying healthy enough for my job, all I have left in my party life which is still more than most people have
>no motivation to even talk to another girl, if it's not her I'd rather be alone

I don't see a way out. I'm not going to get over her. It feels like my best friend has passed away. But also that they hate me.

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Thank you.
I've posted about it before but usually no one ever replies (because this place is normie central and when a legit robot post gets dropped the NPCs here can't parse it)

>sometimes i wonder if marinating my brain in the redpill is ultimately a bad idea

It is a bad idea. It fundamentally erodes your primary reason for existing, unless you're one of that small fraction of people who can just ignore love and sex altogether.

>doesn't help that my life experience up to this point (28) has validated it

I'm only 2 years older than you buddy and my life has gone completely the other way. Women have screwed me over, but only because of my mistakes, either in not seeing earlier that they were nuts or in being so selfish I drove them to take extreme action. I never got all the hate for women because they've never done anything evil to me. If anything, most of them just want to love me and be loved by me, and it was down to me to really understand that.

im 28. is there any tangible change in your psychological plane since you were my age? are the things you passively think about/contemplate any different?

I'm only 2 years older than you.

You guys should make a discord for 25+ robots

that very mature of you *gently hands a (you) to you*

oh sorry i meant this guy

nah discord is always fickle. some faggot nukes the server for no reason just when it starts to get good. i think preserving the novelty of these threads keeps the good classic streams of consciousness coming

discord is for faggots

there's nothing wrong with using discord. What are you afraid of?

im not afraid of anything. I'm just saying i've been in several discords that were getting good and then i get kicked for no reason (seriously) or the server gets nuked.

im not afraid of anything, its just shit and attracts the worst people like you
go kys

age 39

right about the time people start praying for lung cancer and paradoxically trying to live life to the fullest

for me, its lung cancer

>make $25/hour. just enough to live.
>the physical wear strain my job puts on my body is having an effect on me
>30 more years of this shit
>hate all the people i work with
>just want to be alone
>wish had had 10 mil so I can live a simple life and never work again
>recently diagnosed with bipolar because weird shit happened after i solved major problems in cryptocurrency, the sort of which were so profound that even the company making a renowned cryptocurrency messaged me privately thanking me for my ideas and asking me about my personal life.
>dealing with an annoying bitch at work right now that constantly seeks my validation after I explicitly told her that I have nothing to offer her and I'm not interested.
>live for the game i play, without it, im nothing

Are you really going to avoid an opportunity because of a few past poor experiences? It's the people that make a discord good. Do you not think there are good people here?

fascinating to see such elders on this board. can YOU, sir, tell me what you regularly think about?

I avoid discord because I keep getting sexually entangled with people there and it never works out well for anyone.

you're right. if someone makes a discord, drop it in this or the next inevitable 25+ thread

Or maybe people are just not interested in your bullshit

Two things:

1) I think I would be around more of my own kind in academia. To be blunt, I work with a lot of middle aged bimbos. I don't dislike them, but I have absolutely nothing in common. This is actually an improvement from my last job, where I was surrounded by 40 year old former fratboys trying to relive their glory days.

2) I don't have any passion for my job. I perform my task because it gives me a paycheck that prevents me form becoming homeless. That's all my job is to me. I'm good at it. I;ll always do my best while I'm there. I just don't care.

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i have a toxic mindset that working in academia isn't a real job and is bullshit. maybe you're a stem guy, but if you're not, whats your take on that? you know the "those who can't do, teach" trope.

I got rights to post on this thread while I was asleep.

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why did you bail tho
that's fuckin awful man, when my last pet died I was catatonic for a week. haven't gotten a new one since because I don't wanna deal with that shit again
man that's some serious dedication to your fap routine, what are you larping as?

sounds less like you're proper and more like you got badly single mommed

My real job is bullshit. I might as well spend my time talking about things that I'm interested in and have a more flexible schedule (not wake up at 6am 5 days a week if I can get paid for it.

Post pics I want to kek

I'm turning 26 this year and i'm scared. I've never been steady with a job and it's been 2 years since I've actively looked for one. I'm going to try doing something with my life again, but I remember that horrible heart wrenching feeling I got when working whatever job, and I don't know how things will be different this time around, especially since i'm less energized about my prospects. I just wish I could be content and secure.

happy bday bro
nah if it's for old people it's gotta be irc or at least slack also discord is for underage b&s and the pedos that chase them
set goals for financial and personal development, have a plan to meet them, identify ways that your plans could go wrong, and develop mitigations. if one of your goals seems too massive, break it down into smaller ones and milestones that will make you feel good about making progress.

also, try and find things you enjoy that are both social and constructive. it can open up a lot of new avenues for making friends, advancing your career, and having fun. that kind of reminds me that I'd like to get back into theatre in some way.

Went to bed at 7 pm and woke up at 3:30 am. I'm officially a boomer now.

And on disabilitybux. I'm thankful I don't have to work, I just couldn't bare it, I really do hate people.

>finally go out with the girl of my dreams
>all is going well, happiest I've ever been
>start improving myself and my life because I want to make her proud of me
I truly loved her. My heart beat solely for her, you all know what that conviction is like.

>her friends start to corrupt her
>find out she went to a drug house with her friends
>I ask her about it, she said she left and I believed her
>hear about more of her activity
>I confront her again and she lies to me
You could only imagine the rush that's flowing through me. I went completely insane, I'm sure I had a stroke because I felt pain in my chest passed out then woke up 5 hours later.
Nearing the end of the relationship I went numb. She would still tell me how much she loved me and all the shit to make me happy, but I knew.
One day i just walked away, after that we broke up over the phone. I shut down for a few months.

Then I got news from my friend, after we broke up she turned into a druggie and an escort. It didnt last long though, she overdosed the same week and died. She was a beautiful girl with a big loving heart.

I would type more but I think I've said enough.
4:00 AM, in 2 weeks Mark's the day that she died... I think I'm gonna take a drive and never stop...

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Mate I go a week and a few days without sleep then sleep for 2 days straight.
Probably isnt good for me but you know

>girl does drugs and fucks random guy/s at party
>"she was a beautiful girl with a big loving heart"

yeah you're pretty hopeless

I wish I was a neet again.
Wagecucking on a job fast food that you hate is soulcrushing.

at least wage cucks get to deal with cute girls, because we all know cute girls are generally nowhere near any real jobs

>drugs and alcohol problems
>8 months since the last time i wet the wienner
>friends dont give a fuck and i dont give a fuck about them so
fuck my life man

>two meme degrees
>have night shift job at a store
>alone for most of my shift, which is a godsend
>asocial or scizoid, yet still feel like i want friends
>spend my free time playing on my switch
>still live at home

Being a virgin is the least of my worries

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>been alone whole life
>always wanted love but couldn't find it due to the kind of people are just shit, they fuck around, collect stds and whore-out/slut-out and never loyal
>will just eat,sleep, work and be alone for the rest of my life

I wish there was androids to buy.

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>35, schizophrenic
>finally find a gf at 34. she makes more money than me and puts up with my eccentricities and dysfunction. she's great
>still want to die
>get a checkup
>liver is wrecked and diseased from years of psych medications
>memory and attention span getting worse
>haven't enjoyed anything in years
i never thought getting a GF would save me, but i thought it might at least make a dent. i couldn't ask for a better partner but still want to take the long sleep. maybe it just doesn't get better for some people.

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I've done the same thing every day for several years now, it feels less and less like I actually exist, sometimes when I wake up and look at my hands it feels like I'm looking through someone else's eyes.
Nothing feels real anymore and I'm in debt now :)

I did the whole college and got an engineering job and making good money. but I'm still an ugly manlet who spends all of my free time alone in my room. Money really changed nothing.

It's been this way for almost 20 years. I cycle between neuroticism and suicidal ideation. I don't really see a point in doing anything anymore. Only thing that has stopped me from suicide is being a huge pussy

Yeah she was a whore and you've let your feelings overwhelm you like a little bitch.

You did good leaving her. She received what she deserved. And you, you deserve better than drug addict whores.

As someone that's very Jow Forums and utterly moggs 99.99% of men (including Chads), I can categorically tell you that lifting won't change anything

>start falling for coworker
>as soon as i make a move
>find out she already has a boyfriend

shes the only one that interests me bros..

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Nearly every girl I talked to in highschool had a boyfriend. Shit got annoying when they'd drop the "my boyfriend" mid sentence. Interest lost, goodbye. The rest gave me fake numbers after saying "yes" when i'd ask them out.

> 32
> another weekend morning spent alone reading in coffee shop
> no friends, haven't socialised in years
> no car
> have nokia dumb phone, never use it
> basically teetotal
> work for 20k per year, about 10K below average
> rent a room
> no mental issues
> grew out of my edgy doomer period
> accepted my flaws, and that I am to blame if life doesn't turn out the way I want

But life is exactly how I planned. No stress, no responsibilities outside of menial work, hardly any expenditure. Looking forward to cooking a roast tonight, camping next week, and getting through some new reading material. Simple pleasures, lads.

sorry about your dog,,,,, lost mine Sat am still bummed.....

and just think .... as you are typing your misery ......she is fucking someone like never before and enjoying it

I went on a date last week with a woman, she was really nice, but she has mental illness.

She has severe OCD and depression. She quit two jobs in a week because her "OCD flared" and couldn't decide between the two, so she quit both. She texted me saying that she's gonna "take a break from texting" because her depression set in, but went downtown to the bars with her friends. Asked her to hangout and she said what every girl has told me "I'll let you know." which means no.

What's the point of this anymore? I can't even get past one date.

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32KV here. Things are getting heated: The other day a girl hugged me. She was pretty drunk, she went around in the pub and hugged everyone.