Changing yourself is impossible, I'm giving up. I fucking quit

Changing yourself is impossible, I'm giving up. I fucking quit.

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you can change a lot about yourself, but you can never change your personality

You can change your personality at anytime.

People I've met throughout my life have never changed despite "trying" to become better people and get over their faults, so why should you and I be exceptions? We're all "someone else" to someone else. I'm a useless shithead, I always will be. I'm indifferent to it.

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You can change a lot about yourself. But it might be very hard. So you have to stay committed about changing yourself.

Temporarily you can, but you'll go back to your old personality soon enough. If you want to permanently change it then you'll have to repeat this back and forth for years.

not btw.

no, you cant. that is called acting, and actors don't transform into the character they are playing (other than nutcases like DDL), they are just using acting techniques.

no, you can kind of fake it, but if you were born with a loser mentality you will die with a loser mentality

Completely wrong. One isn't born with a loser mentality. Somewhere along the line you chose that personality. That means you can simply choose a new one. Most people don't do this because they're familiar with the personality they've chosen. It may be wrenched and warped, but they know and understand how it works. If they had the courage to change they could pull it off and make it stick if they wanted to.

that is vapid airhead nonsense. if you can choose personalities so easily that means you can choose to become someone like jimi hendrix, lol. if you think thats possible you're absolutely braindead

You can choose to be like him, but you likely wouldn't have his talent. Practice and dedication might bring you close to his skill level.

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yea you just dont know what you're talking about at all. if you knew anything about guitar you'd know he doesn't have a high skill level, he's just has a unique way of playing, you don't even need to play guitar to recognize his playing. no one can play exactly like him because he's too unique. everyone sounds like a shitty imitator when they cover his stuff, even guitarists that completely surpass him technically.

So then don't try to play like him and do something unique to you? I'm not sure where you were going with this, in particular since we were talking about personality, not guitar playing "talent" or "ability".

The reason people often revert back to their old undesirable ways is because they try to improve themselves for other people.

The key is to improve yourself, for yourself. Setting goals without regard of where other people are in life is how you improve OP. Set reasonable goals for yourself and don't worry bout what other people think

how close are you to kys?
id say in about 2 weeks when i come back from my trip im gonna eat a 12g shell for a midnight snack

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you just don't get it do you? you can pick and choose whatever personality you want, you can practice it as much as you want, the truth is you'll always come off as a shitty imitator because it's not you. if there is a loser personality that means there is a winning personality, lets call chad the winning personality. good luck turning into chad buddy, it's never going to happen

Good. If you don't want it to get better, it won't. Better for you to give up now honestly. If you see things like that, then you'll just give up eventually. Accept the inevitable or strive to change it. But bitching about it is a waste of breathe, no matter which path you choose user

let me guess you go to the gym and post on Jow Forums

Yeah, if you believe that, you're right. If you do believe that you can change yourself, than you will.

To quote Yoda, "Do or do not, there is no try"

You fucking faggot.

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I'm not that guy, but you're dead wrong because I've done it. It's not hard. You just have to work on yourself over the course of four years without thinking about why you're doing what you're doing, just that you need to do it.

>gets called out for his unproductive whining
>resorts to projection

like clockwork, kys cuck

awww did i hit a nerve gymbro? you types are always so obvious with your try hard tough guy shitty down talk, it's pathetic, go jerk off to some gym thot that probably laughs at you lmao

all that improvement and yet you still come here. inspirational

Nope... Used to pound 10-20 beers everyday and was heavily addicted to opoids. Only thing that got me out of it was myself and my mindset (don't get me wrong i had to taper down first, but I only had myself to rely on throughout the process). Call me a faggot retard nigger if you want m8. But when I say that shit, I'm speaking from experience.

lol you must be a fucking retard or something

You can't change your personality you fucking braindead mong, outlook on life? Sure that's determined by how much success you're experiencing but personality is something that doesn't simply change.

I'm afraid you don't get it. But keep doing what you're doing. It seems to be what works for you.

And you're still a worthless fucking loser who will never amount to anything, good job. Time well fucking wasted, braindead retard.

Just accept yourself fags, stop trying to change your personality, it's not possible. If you hate yourself that much then find a way to cope.

I completely disagree. Everything you've mentioned is entirely subjective. The neat thing about subjectivity is you can frame it in any way you'd like to suit your purposes.

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you can become a better version of yourself. but most people think that self improvement will turn them into someone else completely.

actually you know what, i do get it, i am going to transform myself into a cock gobling faggot like you, its all just a choice right? lmao

That's not what I am, but if that's what you'd like to be than go fir it.

wow someone with half a brain, yes, that's all you can do. when you polish shit, it's still just shit though.

We still go to zoos, that doesn't make us the same as the animals in the zoo.

I think it's interesting. And I haven't been here in like two years.

Well I hope that somehow, in some way, being "right" on a mesopotamian bukkake board made you happier as a person.

But we both know it didn't :)

>We still go to zoos, that doesn't make us the same as the animals in the zoo
i haven't been to the zoo since i was like 5 years old. so you have the mentality of a child?

I guess, I don't know. Sometimes I post self help threads because I know damn well there's 16 year old fatasses who roam the board like I used to do waiting for something to inspire them to stop being such a fatass. I hope that maybe I can stop someone from becoming ANOTHER suicide or Elliot roger type, because god knows I was close at one point.

Also sometimes it's funny. But I find it harder and harder to relate to this board nowadays.

Not one thing I said there is subjective. Of course you have to lie when someone presents you with undeniable facts.

How you interpret those facts is up to you. For example, let's say you want to be like Chad and have all the sex you could ever need. The problem is you've never talked to a woman before without the conversation ending badly. The fact is you haven't had a successful conversation with a woman. You can interpret that to mean you're a horrible person not worthy of love or you could say you lack experience and try again. Most people here have chosen the former.

you obviously haven't spent much time here. you can't be like chad because you don't look like chad. chad has spent a lifetime being treated by others a certain way and his personality was formed around that, you can't just choose to become exactly like him because you have nothing to support it, it will come off as fake, and everyone will pick up on that.

>not wanting another Elliot Rodger
Get out.

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If you're a trained pro grandmaster in taikwondoo how do you counter such a noob thing?

why dont women ever need to improve themselves? even above average men fuck cumpigs.

apparently women are always perfect? i dont know. for some reason men get constantly shit on to improve literally every single thing about their life, but for women almost everything people tell them is based entirely on their appearance, like lose weight or get better at applying makeup, maybe get a nose job, etc. no one ever tells a woman that they need to completely change their personality, because they know it really doesn't matter all that much because she has a pussy.

or get a better job, or be interesting, or a good conversationalist

Women can become more interesting just by getting a boob job. ez pz

just find something productive that you enjoy. i like distance running, and its my new persona. im not ripped, but my holocaust muscles lets me enjoy what I do, and got me a job at my local running shop. I love running, and its what keeps me going everyday. embrace that growth mindset user.

>better job
men dont care about your job, we dont care about how much money you make at all
>be interesting
you think becky or stacy is interesting? theyre both airheads that make fucking youtube videos about makeup
>good conversationalist
yea, that does matter.

want a bf? don't be an uptight bitch, don't be fat, have a sense of humor, be more laid back. you're all so far up your own ass now, its fucking sickening